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Posts posted by NMCruzzin

  1. Happy Monday everyone!!

    I could barely pry my eyes open this morning at 6:30 --- but Oh...Saturday or Sunday when I could have had an extra hour or so.... 6:00 am and I'm up!! Whatsupwiththat!?:mad::p

    The SFF site is so great...and I have some of her cook books too!!..They are very helpful!

    Carla....can't imagine all of the carb cooking you had to do this week!!... Wow.... And then to stay strong.. Great Job!!!

    I need someone to invite my hubby to their house for the weekends.(JK!) ... he is so good during the week......but weekend comes and he's a carb addict!!

    We leave Thursday for our 12 day vacation to Yellowstone... I cannot wait!! We've worked so hard in our yard and around the house that we are both ready for some kick back time and some great scenery!! ... should snow up there next week...so that's going to be interesting!! ha!

    Have a great day everyone!

  2. Happy Friday Everyone!!

    Yippee!!............I saw a number on the scales that I haven't seen in awhile.....!! 219.8

    Ya......it's the under 220 number that I've been watching - seriously- for a good month!! :D Hubby is right at 200...for him...he looks so good! He doesn't struggle with the reflux on Low Carb and so he's a pretty happy guy these days! ...and as he says... His Big Boy pants, really are loose!! haha!

    It's shoveling rock I tell ya!! haha.......... :D

    No Cruise this year..........but next week we head to Yellowstone!! Our Med Cruise last Sept was terrfic....but we are ready for a road trip! I've never been to YNP...so I'm very excited!!

    With a road trip...I'm packing friendly snacks................ BBQ pork rinds, apples, almonds and some jerky...I'll throw that to the bears if they decide we are where we shouldn't be!! LOOOL!!! JK!!

    Cement comes tomorrow!!! can't wait!! Want to see what we built??!! Huh!!?? Remember...we live in the southwest... water is liquid gold and so this is for me and my container gardening!!

    Plus a fun place for family time!


  3. Happy Wednesday Everyone!

    So good to see everyone encouraging each other - and sharing their ups & downs. If no one has them.... they're lying!! :p ha!

    Seago2 - Nice to see you back!... Only I wasn't on the first few pages....but I keep hanging onto this thread as the Low Carb lifestyle is for me! I go up and I come down.

    I'm sure being in court all day has to be taxing on your energy levels...and it sounds like there are times that you get a break for a snack...and it's grab & go!

    I found that having a snack size baggie of Almonds did help me during times that I needed something to 'stabelize' me! - And even though it doesn't sound like your much of a meat person - there are snack packs of tuna that are for on the go - and a few bites of beef jerky can help!

    Lisa...Hey Girl... I hope that you finish strong on your race this weekend!! You Go Girl!

    So we continue with our yard project!

    Yesterday we did the staining - and ended up getting a spray gun....my arms are sore!! But I'd be there for another week if I was using a brush! LOL!

    Cement comes on Saturday! - So I think that the next 2 days of Sifting...sand out of rock is equal to working out at the gym!! ;) I have not had any trouble dropping in bed and sleeping like a rock. So, if anyone is having problem sleeping through the night...start a big yard project....it will help!

    My jeans came on very nicely today.... I think.... My legs are so sore from climbing up and down a ladder that they would think anything felt nice as long as I'm not on a ladder!! LOL!!

    Not done an egg fast.... haven't heard of it.

    Yes...I try and find some kind of exercise everyday. Right now...I'm working on building up my muscles the hard way... a shovel, rocks & sand.

    I do not worry about fat content. But... I don't just sit and eat fat either. - I love fish and chicken!

    Have a great day!

  4. What a wonderful report Melody!! And have a Terrific time at Disney!! Getting in those rides 30 lbs lighter...will feel amazing!!

    We are almost loaded up and ready to head to the mountains! Have our Steaks, Salad and veggies ready for tonights cook out!

    We are going to a favorite place that has a great 3 mile hike through the trees...I'll be tired by Sunday! haha!:p

    Happy Mother's Day!!:D

  5. Hey Everyone!

    Yes...Yes...the Yard project is still in the works, I'm finding that with our wind blowing...yuck...that dirt is everywhere! spit, spit!!! :p

    I found that I was more sore from my holding my DGD (that is almost 11mo) - then the yard work!!... It will be great to see her walking soon - she's heavy! LOOL!!


    chaching - This thread has gone on for a long time...I don't even know what happened to the original poster! Many have come and gone, and come and gone....and lurked....and popped in...well, you get the idea! However, there is a LOT of good information, discussion, tips etc... in past pages that can be of a help to those that may need to do some reading to see how a low carb journey has been for many. Please feel free to start a new low carb thread if that would be a help to you!!


    Hope you all are having a great week!

  6. Andrea & Lisa.............YOU GO GIRLS!!!!! With all four of my kids (2 inlaws) they all run to an extent. My SIL & DIL are training for Marathons this fall, my DS runs...but his thing is body building, and my DD runs/walks to keep strong during her pregnancy, all of that to say I have great encouragement - but I'm 54...and it takes me a LOT longer to recover then they think it does!!!... :eek::p I used to love to be a part of the Parks & Rec Walks/Runs....but I think I'll just keep at it until the races pick up this fall...and then I'm shooting to do a walk/run 5K or 8K - We'll see how it goes!


    LostShaker....your just picking up some baby weight....! After delivery, your going to feel so great!!


    We are starting a Big yard project and I'll be moving dirt, pavers and pots for plants.... I think I'm a little sore just thinking about it! But, Meals on the Grill....and veggies.... and we'll see how I do this weekend! It's going to be warm - so I'm putting a Big water jug out there just to keep reminding me to stay hydrated!!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Lost Shaker.... You've done so well...of course your scale may nudge up a bit these last couple of weeks... that's how those babies get chubby rolls! :)

    My DD seems to be hungry all the time! It'll calm down here in a few weeks.

    So, in the past we've talked about the Atkins / Low Carb whoosh!.. I had a whoosh of the scales this morning, so did my Hubby!... So my scales say that I was making good choices during my Galveston Girls weekend!! Yippee!!! :D:D

    It works...but you have to stay with it!

    Wind is really bad today...:mad: I think tredmill will be the exercise of the day!

  8. Hey Everyone! Here we are on a Tuesday and my week is so messed up with the days...it could be Friday and I just might not realize it!

    I spent 5 days down in Galveston with some Girl friends and I have to say.... I like Galveston...we were actually more over by Crystal Beach, so we got to ride the Ferry a Lot! I didn't mind....it was fun for me!

    Lots of walks on the beach, stairs at the house and Walking everywhere else! Yay! I did not... weigh myself, yet. I'm hoping to let all of the saltyness kinda settle down for a day. We'll see! I actually... tried to make good choices! and hope it balanced some of the bad choices of some crazy temptations!! Those TX gals can cook!!

    Hang in there everyone...we're almost in shorts weather!:p


    Oh...and great breakfast tip!!!

  9. Hope your feeling better Melody!!....Sounds like me last month...ugh!!!

    Here comes the weekend!! Are you ready?

    I had nothing scheduled to do for the weekend, and kinda liked that.

    Well, by noon today...not only are the darling Grand-daughters coming over...but my daughter is coming across town and will be here in the morning too!

    You all have a great weekend!!

  10. LostShaker.... Your last few weeks are going to fly by! Is this your first? Your doing great....and even just walking....it will help keep your legs strong for your delivery!

    Pineview...The salty foods of Easter played around on me too! yuck!.... back to the basics and trying to flush out the salt!

    I had a heck of a time getting up this morning! I think I'm just tired! ... Will walk here at work today, some stairs and then walk tonight with my dog! Some days.... it just takes a lot to get through the day!

    I'm going on a little vacation to TX next weekend with some girlfriends....I know we'll be doing a lot of walking so I want to keep on going!

  11. Good snowy morning to Everyone!! Yes, My Lilacs has blooms..my pear tree is in bloom...and we are having quiet a spring snow storm! Which we need - a LOT - it's been a very warm & dry winter...and it will be gone by this afternoon... but waaa!... I've been watching for weeks to see my Lilacs bushes all full of purple & white...and now...it doesn't look so good!:(

    So... as we continue to discuss excersizing.... and I have been really working out on my treadmil - My DS & DIL who are very dedicated to working out - we were discussing cardio, weights etc... And I started reading some links they sent me about the importance of muscle. Our bodies need muscles...to do our daily activities. If we don't have muscles...well...we don't work so well. And we need muscles to help burn our fat! As I've been reading their links... It talks about how you can see women work out with cardio....for hours... and they still struggle with the weight they are carrying. But when you introduce some weights..... to build up muscle.... how quicker the results are... and Even though, I've only used them last week and this week ... I have to say... I feel & see a difference! Now your thinking... big Ol Bar bells... UMM no. I have a set of 5 lb weights & a set of 8 lb weights. I warm up with a few sets of the 5 and then do more sets with the 8's. So I mostly do 3 sets of a movement with the 5lb & then when I'm done with all of my muscle groups, I swap to the 8's and do 3 more sets. And since I felt like I was starting from square one with this part of training...I am very watch full of my movements... keep my abs ( I have to think about this) tight and I'm done in about 15 min. - Now this is just what I've been doing...and in about 2 weeks, I'm feeling a difference! I'm 54, no thyroid ... and not is such good shape.!.

    Didn't mean to post so much.... but I just thought I'd encourage you that if your not using any weights...to maybe bring them into your excersize routine and see what they might do for you!:)

  12. Happy Monday!!

    Here we are at the beginning of the week....start of a new month ... so how are ya doing? Did you get groceries this weekend?... What did you buy!?

    How many of you saw where that Dr is talking about sugar being toxic? He's been on the news......... so... hmm ... clean eating of meats, fruits, veggies..... no sugary drinks....... Gosh!! Could you be eating any better??!! :) Oh I know.... don't make fun, it's not nice! :p I couldn't tell ya the last time I went down the chip aisle at a store.... or the bread..... or the baking - oh wait, yes... I did do baking aisle, I needed some coconut - WELL... you get the idea!! The fruits/veggie and meat aisle's and some frozen food (veggies that are out of season)...that's where you'll find me! :D

    I've been on this walking/jogging challenge for a week now..... eeeek.... it makes my left knee hurt!! I know this is why my pool excersise time was so great... the water made it easier on my knee!! I need to check back into that!:o

    Have a great day!!

  13. Happy Monday Everyone!!

    SO..... Remember when we were fighting all of that flu that was going around - after I started that Zumba class? Well... I realized...last week...Hmm...no, I'm not sick anymore. I don't like doing Zumba on a carpet...my left knee really yelled at that one -- so I was looking on my phone and I remembered that I had the Couch Potato - 5K program on there!.. So this morning - 6:00 am --- I'm on day one, with my tredmil for right now -- and I did the first day! There is a journal, you can use your own music...etc. I remember that I got to week 3 last year when I got this, and ...jeesh...can't remember why I stopped!! Anyway!.. I started that...and it worked up a pretty good sweat!!

    How is everyone!?

    This is a BIG Egg season, you can get them pretty cheap because of all of the egg hunts and Easter!! -- I love Pinterest and saw a really cool deviled egg post! - After you cook, crack, peel, split and take the yolks out... then with a spoon... dye the egg!!

    THEN fill it with the yellow delish filling...and put these on your table for dinner!! They are sooo pretty!! Anyway...that's all I have for today!!

    Have a great day...and think about what your putting in your mouth! :p:D:)

  14. Happy Monday.....well....it would be if we weren't still trying to breath after those 70 mi/hr winds threw sooo much dirt in the air! UGH! Spring is here...sort of...beautiful days and then crazy weather! I'll take some more beautiful days...thankyouverymuch!

    LostShaker... The upcoming weeks will be baby weight gain, mostly! It sounds like you have been great about watching what your eating and excersizing too...so your on the right track! :) If your not eating much when your at meals....then that is why you might feel like your grazing, but remember to stay hydrated! - Sometimes we think we are hungry...and we are really thirsty! (My DD is at 9 weeks...she has just started her baby journey! :))

    Brought my soft poached eggs to work for breakfast, and have a great salad all ready for lunch. Steaks are on the menu tonight...salad....and probably a veggie too! Big water glass on my desk....and it's time to hit the stairs and get the work mail! ;)

    Have a great day Everyone! :D

  15. Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

    So.. yes we had that stomach flu....ugh ...:mad: and really...it took me like 2 weeks to get things settled...and I really had to watch what I ate!

    But over the weekend...yup... so much better ! :)

    Monday back to low carbing it...and I think my energy is starting to find it's way back into my life!

    So how is everyone!? It's finally really nice around here for a few more days...maybe winter again by Sunday!:( But! I'm taking advantage and getting out while we can!

    What about you?... What did you do for Exercise today?

    Low Carb... that's what works for me!

  16. Happy Thursday Folks!!

    UGG...I am just getting over a crazy tummy flu..... back at work today...but not moving fast! :(

    Hey Little Miss....are you still in 4's? That was some pretty dramatic dieting you had going on there! Are you still low carbing?

    Swansonia... welcome back! Great to hear that you have a cruise to look forward too! Re-read the book...you have a big journey ahead of you... be informed! You can so do this!... What is your exercise routine?

    I missed my Zumba classes this week....really....they wouldn't have wanted me in there!:p

  17. Wow!! It's been over a week since I've dropped in here!!

    HOW are you doing? What have you been doing?

    I ventured out on my WOEX....and took a couple of Zumba classes this last week.

    I think that they are a lot of fun, it's through our Parks & Rec and so it's in a room that has carpet :eek: I don't know how many of these I'll take...it kinda kills my left knee! However... a new dance studio has opened up in our city - and I saw that they offer these classes too...so maybe I'll check that out!

    We are starting to have signs of spring!! No sillies...not flowers or showers!! ;)Allergies...and the Wind!!!! :p I have to have a way to keep moving and it doesn't mean outdoors...unless the wind is calm!

    This will be a quiet weekend for us....but after having 3 busy weekends....whew... I'm ready for it!!

    For the Cruisers that all went and are back.......................are you on track?

  18. Happy Thursday!.... Middle end of the week.... How are ya doing?

    I went for a long walk last night...it started getting pretty chilly out! As I was headed home, I looked up and saw one of those light air things flying around...one seater kind. It was cool!

    It's been a crazy...different...kind of week for me! I'm busier then usuall at work, which is good...but also feeling like there are life changes in the works for me. I'm one of those that find the fun side of a lot of things...and then I find myself doing so many things, that I'm really not enjoying or doing a good job of them! Time to cut back on some things!! I already eliminated about 1/3 of my closet 2 weeks ago! If it didn't fit and look good, out of style, not my color ...etc... out it went!! I have to say that when I get ready for work and take something from my closet...It fits, I like it...and it looks good... HOW WONDERFUL IS THAT!! :D HAHA!

    Scott...welcome back... I hope your daughter is being the task master on getting you back on track and your seeing results!

    Lisa... FRANCE!!?? We were in Marsielle... last year... so much fun!!

    Andrea...got those shoes close by?

    Have a great day everyone!!

  19. Good Monday Morning to Everyone!! I had a busy weekend with my 3 year old GD's birthday...so just now getting back on the forum!

    Welcome Mr Bungle & jhnsnfamily!!

    Be sure to check out past posts....and http://sugarfreesheila.com/ for some extra low carb helps!!

    We have heard from a lot of folks that went low carb at one time in their lives ...and did very well.... We hope you have that same success this time!

    Andrea... Me too........mostly because of the party.... But it's Monday and I'm on track! GS cookie time :eek:........NOOOOO!!! haha...! :p

  20. Saw this on MSN this morning..... Remember our discussion on how much salt we are taking in ...how much....is it making me retain water?.... so...


    The other nine foods that round out the top 10 (in order from 2 to 10) are: cold cuts and cured meats, pizza, poultry, soups, sandwiches, cheese, pasta dishes, meat dishes (such as meatloaf), and snacks like chips, pretzels, and popcorn. While high levels of sodium in snack food isn't a new discovery, some of the other foods on the list, like pasta and poultry, may surprise some people.

    The CDC report states that the average American consumes 3,300 milligrams of sodium per day before adding any extra salt from the salt shaker. U.S. Dietary Guidelines suggest a maximum of 2,300 mg a day for the average person and even less for groups with high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.

  21. Bon Voyage, Melody!!

    Have a wonderful trip....come back and see us!

    Happy Wednesday!... A few bites of Salad....and I was off with our now 3 year old using up our quarters and having a ball! I took my dog out on a new walking path before we went to the party! Whew... I was tired! LOL... but it's all good...ya know?


    Have a great day! Stay Strong... and hydrated!!

  22. Gooooood JOB Melody!!

    12 lb... 12 days... Your off to a Great Start!!... And you were very wise to pack your food and come back at a LOSS!!! YESSSSS!!!:D

    Today... my DGD turns 3! Yay!....but... she called and asked us to come to Chuck E Cheese for pizza!! - I looked...and they offer salads here! I'm going to be goood!! :D


    Have a good day!!

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