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Posts posted by lor74

  1. I'll start by saying Thank Goodness we went to the CG last week on Italian night!!! As a fat kid who was a very picky eater, an Italian buffet or Garfield's bottomless lasagna was the dream! Flash forward to last night, oh god, there was nothing left for anyone else to eat! Salad...I don't think so...I need as much room on my plates as possible for: lasagna, tortellini, sausage, aranccini, calzones, macaroni, cannelloni, chicken, and potatoes. Besides the 2 rows of Italian food, there was also a section of British items as well. After 2 heaping plates, I was stuffed beyond belief....I still managed to cram some dessert down my throat! With the resulting food coma 🤕, the rest of the night is a blur...I do remember having a bad night in the casino. What comes after a night of eating like this...really strange dreams! They are fading now, but there was that involved some sort of end of the world type scenario, and the other was sexy...hey now! I guess it makes sense with these 2 extremes after what I consumed [emoji12]


    We woke up today (clocks forward 1hour) to windy conditions, with partly cloudy skies and a chance of showers 🌦 Being the gluten for punishment that I am, I went to the gym to weigh myself. 245lbs [emoji50]. No worries, it is normal for me to have a +-5lbs range. It will "pass" 🤔


    Being a sea day, everyone is reserving their chairs, but it is super windy 🌬 and everything is blowing around. The pool was colder than ever and was swaying [emoji305]but I put the goggles on and did my 50. When I was done, I still had not warmed up [emoji301]️


    I think it is time to eat again...[emoji241]

  2. It is a perfect beach day. I jumped on a tender and after a very smooth ride, hit the sand. I dropped my stuff off on the first available chair that I found (remember where we parked kids...) and into the water I went. The ocean is calm and clear. Armed with my goggles, I went looking for life. I saw many fish of different sizes and colours, and one crab. After I finished my browsing, it was time for more swimming. From the right side of the tender dock (if facing the ship), I swam from one end of the swimming area to the other and back. I would love to know how the distance compares to the laps in the pool. I was quite happy with the exercise, especially considering I did the round trip in continuous motion (stoping at each end for a minute to clean the goggles). After I was done I went on the hunt for my stuff, which I eventually found. After another smooth ride, I was back on the ship....and I was Famished!!! Lunch was a plate of salad, short ribs, noodles, dumplings, and a few slices of lamb. Still hungry after that I had a slice of pepperoni, and still not satisfied, finished with an ice cream cone. Ok, I need to stop eating, it is Italian there tonight, and I need to make room for those carbs. How about a few more laps....

  3. Dinner: big salad, piece of chicken, potatoes, 2 spring rolls. Not a big plate, but I made up for it with 2 different pieces of cake and some nuts. We walked around, spent some time in the piazza and I ended the night spending a lot of time in the casino. After almost losing all my chips, I walked away even.


    Back to the normal routine today. I have already done my 50 laps. Healthy breakfast is next.


    * we are back in Princess Cays. It is a nice day. I may go for an ocean swim a little later

    * The average age of the ship has plummeted from last week. There is a much younger crowd now and the vibe feels quite different. Thee is a VTG over 40 singles group on board.

  4. We both got burgers and fries....Ro's being a vegi burger. I followed that not too long after with a slice of pepperoni pizza and shortly after that a brownie. We stayed by the pool until half time of the football game, then surprisingly we both went to exercise...nothing surprising about her going to the gym, but I was not expecting to run after what I had eaten. I did 4km under cold & windy conditions. It is almost time to eat again...Wohoo! 🍽

  5. Since I have not done any exercise first thing in the morning, I have declared this my CHEAT DAY!!! For breakfast I had an omelet, few strips of bacon, one sausage link, potatoes, 2 hash browns, English muffin, and half a slice of French toast with a touch of syrup. I will have a burger and fries for lunch....going all in [emoji13]


    We went to the theatre at 10am. There are 700+ b2b passengers. At 10:30 we were still waiting for one woman who had fallen asleep. We started at 10:40, and from the middle of the pack, cleared customs at 11am. Back in the cabin, I changed our elite mini bar to 2 coffee cards. I also made a CG reservation for Thursday.


    We are now reading by the pool. James Taylor is on MUTS. Thankfully it is a sunny day, but the Arctic wind is bloody cold. I had to go back to the cabin for my sweater.

  6. Lunch today was a 3 bean salad, turkey dumpling, meat lasagna, meat crock pot and crispy chicken....I skipped the lamb for the first time. After eating I played a few hands of cards with no luck. We then relaxed in an area of the sun deck where the temperature is tolerable....it was too cold and windy by the pool. With the weather not cooperating, we both went back to the room for a nap. I watched Furious 7. Dinner: salad, turkey burger, potatoes, baked mac n cheese, chicken. Dessert was a piece of mud pie, followed by a marshmallow tart in the IC and some nuts. We listening to Tatiana sing at the piano for a little while. This was followed by more cards. I walked away with a small profit. We are calling it an early night. Ro just got our laundry (elite perk)ready for tomorrow. I'll probably watch another movie. It has not been a great week weather wise, and the coming week is not looking much better [emoji17]....but I'd rather be here than home!


    My stats for the week:


    360 laps


    1 gym session

    A lot of stairs

    No bacon/sausage/syrup at breakfast, and no donuts in the IC

    No pizza or burger/fries from the grill

    I had salad with every lunch/dinner

    No soda...I only had 1 glass of wine to go with only having water, OJ, and coffee.


    I may have put on 1-2 pounds...which would be great considering I was coming from 2 weeks of being "clean".


    I didn't follow through with my plan to exercise 3 times a day, but I am happy with the choices I made. I will continue to swim daily, and I hope to get more running back into the mix.


    Week 2 here we come....

  7. Last night for dinner I had: salad, grilled veg, nuts & seeds, tomato soup, and a hearty portion of veal ravioli in mushroom sauce. Desert was a piece of nut pie and another pecan tart. We had coffee in the IC and watched Rhapsody perform to a full dance floor. I spent some time in the casino. Had a hot hand until they changed dealers on me, then went cold. Left with a small profit. I watched Trainwreck...I thought it would be better.


    I had a rough night. The ship was rocking a lot and I tossed and turned with it. This morning I was watching the news and they showed on the weather satellite how the storm had a tail crossing Florida and that area of the Caribbean. We are in that zone right now. There is a very cold wind and the seas are rough. I brought my goggles with me to the pool and

    jumped in. It was wavy, but I got my 50 laps in. We just had our usual breakfast. Today is not a day to be outside in shorts. I think I will go put on my jeans and sweater. Minions is about to start on MUTS.


    I got on the scale this morning. It was having trouble with all the rockiness, but eventually stopped at 240.

  8. The rain has stayed away so far, and it has been a mainly sunny day...but there still are some dark clouds in the area. It has gotten very windy. I got off earlier and did some browsing. I looked at a bunch of stuff but didn't buy anything. I need to think about the Canadian exchange rate with every dollar spent, also the limited room and available weight in our luggage. Lunch today: salad, grilled veggies, beef crockpot, lamb taco, lamb simosa, fried wonton. I also had some Waldorf salad and a pecan tart in the IC. Ro and I were just in the pool, but the sudden gusts of wind make us very cold. A Sheryl Crow concert just finished.

  9. Once again last night I went for seconds at dinner. First I had a large salad with an assortment of seeds and roasted vegetables. The theme was Tex-mex. I had a plate of assorted meats, and went back for the chimichangas which were quite tasty. The main show was a lounge singer who we already saw some of the other day, and another variety type person. We were not interested and walked around. The steel drum guy was in the piazza. We had a seat with coffees and dessert. I tried the apple pie at dinner, but did not care for it. From the IC I tried the pistachio pudding, but did not like it either. I ended up just having some nuts and a cookie. I played some more cards in the casino and lost a few dollars. I also saw the new mission impossible movie. It was ok, exactly what I expected from it.


    We woke up early today in Cozumel before the sun rose. It is partly cloudy at the moment. There is a chance of showers throughout the day. I have already done my 50 laps. A light breakfast is next. I will get off soon and have a look at the stores. It is another pool day for us.

  10. Yesterday afternoon was at the pool. It was hot and mainly sunny. I did hit the track before the ship set sail again. It was not a great run. Between the wind & sun, I was not comfortable. I only did 2.5km. Even with a hat, shirt, and sunscreen I still got burned a little bit more....i need to be very careful for the rest of the cruise! Besides the Muse concert, there was also Take That, and Pink. The steel drum guy also did a set. We had an early dinner at the buffet. I went into "vacation mode" and I ate! The usual large salad to start, followed by: short ribs (yum!), fried cheese balls, beef n cheese empanadas, chorizo empanadas, bacon wrapped chicken (good), and a tasty grilled chicken in a light sauce. For the first time this cruise I went back for seconds of everything except the cheese balls. Dessert was a rich double chocolate cake. After eating we went to the theatre to see comedian Troy Thirdgill. He had a good set. Next we went to the IC, where I had a coffee and an Oreo pie tart (yum). I ended the night in the casino where I got to play a lot of hands of let it ride and walked away with a small profit. In bed I watched Agent 47....I do not recommend it.


    This morning we both stayed in bed and got to the pool around 9am. It is overcast and had already rained. I jumped in the pool but stopped at 30 laps...I am very tired! While drying off it started to drizzle, so we had breakfast....light and healthy. It is currently raining again. I am under an overhang on the sun deck. We are in Costa Maya around noon today. I will do more laps a little later. No running today. At this point I have thrown the workout schedule overboard. I will swim everyday. I guess it was unrealistic to run everyday...even in the summer there are rest days. As for the gym, it feels like a chore to go there on a cruise...maybe I will get there a couple more times...we'll see.


    It looks like it will be raining off n on for the entire day. I think it is the same forecast for Cozumel tomorrow [emoji31]

  11. The morning was spent half asleep by the pool. When noon rolled around I was famished! Lunch started with the usual large salad. This was followed by a plate of: one vegi dumpling, Singapore noodles, Israeli coos coos, shepherds pie, a piece of Hungarian goulash, 2 kibbeh patties, grilled peppers & zucchini, and of course lamb. I also had a lady finger that was dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. I need some time before I consider running, this was a heavy meal. A Muse concert is now playing on MUTS. It is a nice & hot day.

  12. We both woke up before the sun today. So far it is a nice day in the Caymans, partially cloudy. It was barely 8am and I had already done my 50 laps. Prior to the swim, we went to the gym to weigh ourselves. Ro is down 10lbs from 3 weeks ago (I have already said her age, I will not say her weight [emoji13]), and I am at a very happy 239. We both had a light, healthy breakfast and are relaxing by the pool. I just finished my book and will be starting the 2 volume Dreamsongs, also by R.R.Martin. The lido deck is very quiet this morning. We are not getting off.

  13. I got very comfortable on the balcony and read a lot. I should be finished the book tomorrow. I did not go to the gym...I decided that I have had enough exercise for today.....having gone up n down the stairs more times than I can count, my knees are like jello! In regards to the question of the spinning bikes, Ro told me that the bikes are locked up when there are no classes. She thinks that she once saw an individual using one, so you may be able to ask to use one, but I am not sure. Tonight is the first formal night, "Caribbean" is the menu theme. We no longer eat in the MDR on Princess ships. We have found that it got worse with every cruise. I assume it is better with set seatings, but as we no longer want to have long dinning sessions, we switched a long time ago to anytime dinning. Prior to this cruise we would still go to the 2nd formal night, but we are now done with that as well. We ate at the buffet. Only one side was open as it is also crab shack night. We both started with soup, asparagus for her and onion for me. We then both had large salads. She also had some cheese and salmon. My 2nd plate had some potatoes, a piece of veal parm, and some pasta in mushroom sauce. For dessert I sampled a piece of hazelnut cake and truffle cake, and finished a piece of choco peanut oreo cake.....I had no guilt as I enjoyed every bite! Next stop was the IC. It was a zoo of people as the champagne waterfall was going on. We both got coffees and walked around a bit. We caught the end of a singer performing in the Vista lounge. Speaking of Vista, that same singer is performing again right now, and the sound is bleeding into our cabin. It is not loud enough for a tired Ro to hear it, but my sensitive ears catch EVERYTHING! Hopefully the white noise of the constant vibration in the room will cancel the other noise out and let me sleep.....if not I'll break out the ear plugs. That is it for tonight, I am watching Bridge of Spies until I fall asleep.


    In regards to my sunburn, my face is pretty red. I will not forgot my hat anymore!


    Tomorrows forecast is cloudy with rainy periods, and also rain the next day. I sure hope the weather improves!

  14. After my run I went back to the room a cooled off while reading on the balcony. I then went to the buffet for lunch. I started with a large salad. This was followed by a plate of: 1 roasted potato, 1 pot sticker (good), one piece of kebe (v good), one piece of sweet & sour pork (meh), one sliver of pastrami, a small piece of beef lasagna, and of course my 2 piece lamb wrap. After eating I went to give Ro some advice......her "spot" to tan is in the middle of the water fountains. With the "new" Star Trek2 movie coming on soon, I showed her the adult retreat pool and she found a new place to sit. She is not into ST, and why should she suffer listening to that awful movie ( I am a Trekkie), it is going to be very loud! Following this I went to the casino, lost a few hands of let it ride and cashed out some more credits. Earlier while running I made the mistake of not wearing my hat. Even through the clouds, my sweet helped give me a light fry. I hope it is just a light burn and I won't be a lobster by tomorrow. I am a little uncomfortable with the burn right now. Needing to cool off, I went to the IC and got an iced coffee. There was a 4 piece assemble playing. On my way back to the room I got a printout of my folio....it is correct. FYI, if you pre paid the gratuities, they do not show up at all...at least if done via Canada. I know in the past when I have done it in US funds, that it would basically be an OBC. Time to read some more on the balcony. It is still mainly cloudy but it did not rain at all.


    * I will check the bikes later

    * it took 22 cruises but I finally saw wild dolphins swimming next to to the ship

  15. I slept like a log and woke up at 6:30am. The body is VERY tired and I don't even consider getting up. Finally at 7:30am we make our way to the pool. It is full overcast and might rain at any time. The chair hogs were out early for this sea day. 3/4 of the lido deck has been reserved, but not that many people are actually here. We were still able to find our spots. Running was not an option on this early morning, so right into the pool I go. It wasn't easy but I got through the 50 laps fairly quickly. We just finished breakfast. Ro had oatmeal and fruit. I basically had the same thing as yesterday. 2.5hrs till lamb [emoji7]. Hopefully it will not rain, but the grey skies leave me with no confidence. The meet & greet is in 25 minutes. I don't think I will make it if it stays dry. The Peanuts movie is coming up on MUTS. I think it is time for a nap!

  16. I did an upper body routine in the gym, then back to the cabin to shower and wait for dinner. I started watching Ted2. Off to eat we go. I had what I mentioned in the previous post. Ro had 2 different salads, and 4 lobster tails. My filet also came with 4 tails. Everything was great. The steak was like butter in my mouth! Normally I am super stuffed after this meal, but today I felt good. We may go back to the CG next week, or maybe try Sabatini's for the first time. After dinner we went down to the atrium where Rhapsody was playing. The lead singer was quite good and worked the room well. The dance floor was full. I had a quick look in the casino, it was full again. After walking around a bit more, we went back to the room. I'm going to finish watching Ted, then call it a night.


    This has been a very good day. I hope I am able to run in the morning. My legs are super tired...besides all the planned exercise, I did a ton of walking and stairs. I should sleep well!

  17. When the movie started it was very loud. I did not want to see it again so I put my headphones on with my music while continuing to read. An older woman parked herself nearby and was coughing every 20 seconds. For my sanity, I had to get the hell out of there! I went on a trek trying to find the perfect quiet spot in the shade. I did an entire tour of the ship on decks 16-18. The spot eluded me. All this walking got me churned up (tmi [emoji13]), so down 8 flights of stairs back to the cabin. I opened the door and my salvation was staring right at me...I have a balcony...hadn't thought of that! I am now comfy cozy, reading in peace, listening to my music...my narrow slice of heaven [emoji41]


    We are about to set sail again. I have just finished the first of 3 stories in my book. I think I will make my wY to the gym now 🏋🏽

  18. I ate lunch at 12 sharp. We have 6:30pm reservations at the CG, and I want to be ready for a great meal! I started with a big salad. This was followed by a pathetic looking plate of hot food: a single roasted potato, one turkey dumpling (really good), a sliver of brisket, a spoon of pulled pork, couple pieces of grilled zucchini, and lamb....2 tiny pieces with some lettuce in a soft taco. Omg, the lamb is as good as last year. Coming off of the clean 2 weeks, a lot of the food is an explosion on my taste buds. I appreciate it so much more and am eating stuff that I used to turn my nose up to. I am done until dinner. I am going all in tonight. I can already tell you that I am having: onion soup, filet mignon, lobster tails, mash, fries, mushrooms, and the s'mores dessert [emoji39]


    We have more sun now and the pool area is getting busier. Next on MUTS is Now You See Me. I am currently reading "A Knight of the seven kingdoms" which is a book that takes place 100 years before Game of Thrones.

  19. I woke up at 6:45am. There is quite a bit of vibration in the room and we both slept ok on the vibrating bed. Our cabin is above the Vista lounge and I have concerns that there will be noise...there was nothing doing there last night. I sprung out of bed and hit the track. The goal is to do 5km which is 22 laps. I was good through the first 7 laps which is 1 mile. At that point my lower body started to get tired. I got through the 5km, but I was about 5 minutes off my normal pace. After that I changed into my bathing suit and hit the pool. The water was like ice, but because I was already hot, I managed to get in. Of course I was alone. 50 laps later, and it was not even 9am yet. Time for breakfast. Ro had a healthy oatmeal, fruit and some pb&j. I had some eggs, potatoes, English muffin, walnuts, and a banana. We are now sitting by the pool, having cappuccinos, Ro in whatever sun there is (it is a cloudy day), and I am in the shade. Inside Out is on MUTS. We are in Princess Cays. We are not going ashore today.


    * thank you for the kind words!

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