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Everything posted by RPapaMarshall

  1. Good to run into fellow World Travelers on the Orion this spring. #MyVikingStory
  2. No scanners in the computer area, but our friends at guest services will probably be glad to help you out.
  3. We decided against using them. However we were able to track progress of our bags from Idaho to FLL using the UPS app.
  4. In addition to securely maintaining CC info, a good password manager is pretty much essential these days. The extra security of being able to easily use unique and complex passwords (or pass phrases) 1sW3llw0rthThEe$$0rt.
  5. So...about stateroom storage: We've recently spent a wonderful week on the Orion in Alaska. And this time I actually remembered to bring my measuring tape. Attached is a listing of the storage spaces in a DV stateroom. Of note: Our stateroom had a drawer unit in one side of the closet. Last year we were on the Sea and our DV didn't have this unit. I'm not sure if Viking is retrofitting but if this is significant for you I'd suggest doing a bit of research if your ship is one of the older ones. Enjoy, Randy DV Stateroom Storage - Orion.pdf
  6. Also, the Daily provided on the Voyager app is only a subset of the actual daily. It doesn't include the port information. Nor does it include the operating hours for restaurants, shops, bars. Once again, we see that Viking struggles with Technology, especially customer-facing technology.
  7. With waffles this good and flavorful one wonders why one would need syrup at all.
  8. Hey Clay! So glad you're getting to do this cruise! I think side matters a whole lot less on a world cruise. You'll spend a significant amount of time heading northish to southish and back again and much of your east-west time will be spent at or below the equator. So you're going to get some sun and some shade no matter which side you're on. I'd focus more on location (fore/aft) and what's above/below than side. One additional thought. I'd avoid staterooms too close to the laundry room - my sense is that door is a bit loud and the laundry will be used all hours.
  9. Just received a copy of Martha Boone's new book! Can't wait to settle down with it. She's a great writer and an interesting and engaging fellow World traveler.
  10. One of the great, but seldom mentioned, things about Viking is the relaxed good humor of the typical Viking passenger. Thanks to y'all for making my day!
  11. I am often less than impressed by the Viking back office. On 3/31 (day 99 of the recent world cruise) we received an email with hints about packing for our world cruise - along with a link to a 'suggested packing list' that included (among other things) 1 suit and 4 sport coats. I'm sure the list was appropriate at some point in the dim distant past, but it certainly didn't match the packing lists of virtually all of the passengers on the current voyage.
  12. And here's the card holder I use on my phone: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LYPPPUU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  13. I keep my card in the 'card pouch' attached to the back of my phone (it works without having to remove the card from the pouch). For our last cruise my wife got a "badge holder" from Amazon. Her intention was to hook the holder to a lanyard, but she ended up just sticking it in her pocket. This is one such, but being Amazon there are hundreds of other options. https://www.amazon.com/Vertical-Holders-Sealable-Waterproof-Proximity/dp/B0888QJYKM/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=2OWDOQG11FVML&keywords=card%2Blanyard%2Bholder&qid=1690044360&sprefix=card%2Blany%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1
  14. I agree with everything MBVIKING said! Especially his recommendation for Memphis Tours - Best Tour Ever! And... Check out Shore Excursions Group.
  15. I got an email today from Gail Carruth. Many of us will remember Gail and Brad from the pre-cruise Roll Call. They were active participants but had to cancel due to health reasons. They have been able to unwind most of their plans with one exception. They have tickets to a concert at the Sydney Opera House on Thursday, Feb 16 7:00 pm. I don't have the full program but the title piece is Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. If someone would like to attend that concert Gail asks that you contact her at gailcarruth@gmail.com. We and (I believe) several others are also going. Thanks, Randy
  16. If I'm calculating right that's ~181 feet south of the equator. Which means depending on where your stateroom is and where the tech is you could have been north, south, or right on at this point. Pretty Cool!
  17. ACCKKKK!!! Just now catching up on the Roll Call. Sorry we missed the M&G!
  18. Yesterday's post (WC002) is up: http://qrco.de/TLight/
  19. Thanks Daryl for setting this up. New site to go along with morning coffee on the balcony!
  20. Quick question. We were on the Sea last January and never figured out how to get ship-wide announcements to play in our stateroom. Is this possible? How? Thanks!
  21. I too got the 404 with this address but I did a bit more digging and found some translations. They aren't probably an exact match, but I'm sure the descriptions will fill in the blanks. Washer User's Guide.pdf Dryer User's Guide.pdf
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