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Gen X Life

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  1. Gen X Life

    Z72_9325 - Copy.jpg

    This is wonderful!!
  2. Good Points. That is quite a bit of sight seeing/tours and casino fun for $4k she would be missing.. Spa Treatments?? Shopping in Ports? Shopping on the Ship? Sell it to her that way; maybe she will buy it?!
  3. thank you .. we had it before; Verizon Plan, but that was pre "C" and it was approx 3-4 years ago.. better phones better systems now .. we will look into it - new google maps is the best and I want to utilize it; so I will need unlimited data or I must download destination maps into phone. I will do area maps but did not want to have to do itinerary touring map downloads per city. Is Starlink hooked up yet on NCL ships ??? they have the terminals on top deck of Breakaway - but are they connected?? I know that is upgrade data plan on ships but we could use it. We will be in Europe approx 3 + weeks-- less than a month to go!! : so month plan would work! Wow .. wish I was in Japan.. hope your daughter is having a wonderful time!
  4. did you have any problems or "slow down" using google maps for sites? Three years ago we had problems with it using iPhones but daughters Samsung was fine???
  5. If you do not book directly through NCL; do you get upgrade bid options?? If so have you been successful?? Thank you
  6. RCL has Solariums that are ADULT ONLY with Dip pools, and Brilliance of the Sea has a beautiful (well 6-7 years ago) indoor pool area, Anthem solarium is very modern and nice; quite and relaxing. I wish they sent more/nicer ships to Europe with 10-14 day itineraries. That's what we call RCL - RELAXATION CRUISE LINE; not dull, it is lovely. NCL is more lively, less children.
  7. Spas DEPEND ON SHIP.. Big differences in sizes- not really a swimming pool; it is a therapy pool. Epic Spa Thermal Suite; very nice - plus has relaxation room and outdoor sitting area; NO salt room but some treatment rooms look to the outside. Plus there is a private steam or sauna in the women's bath area, if I remember correctly. Did not know that about JOY, NO THERMAL SUITE; won't be booking that ship! That is surprising and disappointing. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. We used Spaindaytours and are using them again in April, they were very good and you can semi-custom your experience ( Walking tour with sites or get there and go on your own) ; while having the security of having someone else prepare your travel and get you back to the ship on time with others from your ship. We normally do; on our own, but when it is over 1 1/2 hour from ship we look for safe return alternatives.
  9. Wow; did not think of that ... we always choose our cabin and stick with it. Forgot about the bidding process. We never check our updates or notices but did today and found a 10% off coupon from NCL, so that could also encourage more people to book - it is certainly helping us to decide to just do the B2B. Thank you for the reminder and update.
  10. Thank you... No it is a Certificate: bought for $150us good for $300us future cruise; I was just wondering if it could be used in this case on board to book 2nd leg. There are many open cabins available at this time, so we are not too worried of a mad rush to capacity.. if we have to move cabins that is fine with us. Just a balcony cabin nothing special - will be fine. It is a very different itinerary from first leg, very port intensive. We are leaning towards just booking it now, and just relax - take the stress out of travel.
  11. We are going on a cruise in the MED, trying to decide: making it a B2B or getting off the ship and winging it depending on how we feel. TLDR: Has anyone booked the second leg of a B2B while on the ship - HOW DOES THIS WORK? DID YOU GET A DISCOUNT (Prices have dropped) ? OR Should we just book B2B now; Cruise is coming up fast. ****ALSO: Can you use a Future Cruise Cert ($300.00) while on the Ship for next cruise?? Flights already booked and timeframe fits. Appreciate Input.... Thank you.
  12. Did you have to have unlimited Wi-fi??? Did you have to sign on every time as some people are saying??? Same for Europe? Thank you
  13. I would not book tours to Vatican on Wens or Sun.. Always check the Vatican site for Holy Days or Early Close Times BEFORE booking ticket... ALWAYS GET TICKETS IN ADVANCE! JMHO. St. Peters is NOT TO BE MISSED, it is Not the same as the Vatican Museums... . Pay the extra money and skip the line - SO WORTH IT! GO AS EARLY AS YOU CAN! ** If this is "Once in a Lifetime Visit to Rome": The tours before and after regular hours - expensive but worth it depending on time of year you go. NO CROWDS.
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