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Everything posted by LucasLikesToCruise

  1. Again. I feel I have said too much. I’m very sorry to say things that most guys don’t like. I’m one tho g on my mind and very different in real life. I’m sorry HBE4 yiu re an awesome man that loves his family 😎
  2. Thanks. I’ve thought back and forth about what to say….I can relate to you in so many ways due to the delay in someone s life….families life…I’m extremely logical and have been punished in the past for that.
  3. I’m very sorry to hear of your loss. Even when we have had time to prepare it’s always a great loss. You look like a great couple and I’m sure her daughter appreciates you by her side during this difficult time. I appreciate you taking the time to tell your story to us. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to do the same.
  4. Of course those are peaceful riots in the distance. Can’t blame any of the lava for destruction since it’s all peaceful riots.
  5. As usual, I get tongue tied on here and my true intentions don’t alway come across as they are in my mind….either way, my heart is with you sunshine 🌞
  6. I agree. P,a what you can. But Eric should cruise with you and relax with you. I’m sure his mother would appreciate him being able to grieve with the one that means the most to him.
  7. The Neptune society has been a great help with both my parents. I can’t give them enough credit for a very low key involvement at a particular time of need.
  8. Eric is extremely lucky to have you by his side. I wish I had the same loving partner by my side at my time of need.. I’d give you a hug if I could 😇
  9. I’m so sorry for your loss even though there have been difficulties in your relationship. It can be very hard to lose someone that you had a tremulous relationship with. Believe me, I’ve been dealing with that myself. From everything I have known about you, Eric is extremely fortunate to have you by his side. You have always been extremely nice to me. I’ll give you all the support that I can in your difficult time as your loving husband deserves it. 👼
  10. Great story. I laughed out loud when you said…. He is a Ginger. Oliver woke up and looked at me with the Bella head tilt. Thanks for the genuine laugh, I really needed it today. 😀
  11. Here’s a little bit of a funny story considering everything that’s going on with me. I was at Target yesterday trying to find some twin XL sheets since we had to change out my moms really comfortable queen size adjustable bed for one of the adjustable hospital bed with the alternating pressure air mattress due to getting some sores on her derrière 😔. For one thing it’s hard to find Twin XL sheets right after all the college kids went back to the dorms. But I was able to snag some at Target that weren’t dinosaurs or unicorns and rainbows LOL. So while I was there I needed to pick up some more apple sauce and yogurt. Since she is having a hard time swallowing thicker foods. I decided to check the baby food aisle for other fruit flavors. While looking, a lady asked me how old my little one was. I replied 78. She asks, oh 7 or 8 months, you don’t know how old your child is? In a very condescending way. I just looked back at her and said 78 years old. She took a second and gave be a puzzled look and walked away. It was a very strange encounter but made me laugh as I was walking to the register. Yeah, I know, I have a warped sense of humor. well, that’s my funny story for today. I wish I had a video or pictures of me trying to move her heavy adjustable bed frame and mattress out of her room, but hard to do when you have to do everything by yourself. Ok, another little funny moment. While i was moving her bed from her room to mine. I was looking for a new mattress and bed anyways, and hers was only a few years old. I had her sitting in her recliner in the living room. All of a sudden, in a very clear and serious voice she says….. If you give me a few minutes to rest, I’ll be able to you with the heavier parts. I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit and tell her it’s not the heavy. 🙂
  12. I agree with you, I love this weather. I had the window open last night and all open this morning, throughout high is only 60 today.
  13. It was a bit warmer here this morning when I took Oliver for his morning walk, 43 degrees🥶. It had to get colder for me to use the heat especially when it was AC weather two days ago. But I will use a small ceramic heater in the bathroom after a shower. 🙂
  14. Maybe Crystal @singinalot will make a spreadsheet for you? 😎 I see other had the same thought same…. This what happens when one responds without reading all the comments first.
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