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Everything posted by Ipeeinthepools

  1. Sorry, it was just a duplicate response. You are more than welcome to join us in the pool for a welcome aboard drink and maybe a sail away drink. BTW no one showers before they get into the pool or hot tubs.
  2. Whatever you choose, have your drink at the pool.
  3. Going directly to the pool after boarding is a great idea and is always my first stop. Remember to pack your suit in your carry-on luggage and stop by the pool for a drink. A Bahama Mama is always my first drink on-board.
  4. If you keep doing this, Celebrity will stop giving us PUP opportunities. 😉
  5. I used a number that I found in the CC FAQ section. 844 418 6824
  6. Thanks for the feedback, you have an interesting choice of words. Here's another description for "Not Bad". Next time you what to describe something as "Not Bad", try using "Not Good" and you will have an accurate description. Try this: "You can continue to whine about how bad it is, but the reality is that it is not good at all for the majority of cruisers ..." Now doesn't that read better. The Pinnacle Class ships would be a better place if they eliminated all indoor smoking areas. Feel free to "whine" about that if you wish.
  7. At least for me, that didn't work. I also tried a different browser. But you're correct something needed to be reset. After about a 12 minute hold time, it took the representative about 2 seconds to fix it.
  8. Sure I read your post. I read everything you post. 😉 If you were only talking about announcements, maybe you should be more specific. Belkat and her husband were bothered by a lot more than the announcements.
  9. I don't think it's the same on every HAL ship. This boarding process took hours. That's not what most of us experience on other HAL cruises out of other ports.
  10. Your experience is far different than mine and many others. It is often noticeable in the Billboard and Rolling Stone room near the center hallway and the swirling winds can make adjacent deck areas outside unusable for me.
  11. Maybe, but all that last video about the E-class ships does is remind me why Celebrity is no longer my first choice.
  12. Do you think Celebrity understands that many people don't really listen?
  13. Can anyone suggest the easiest fix when your CC account shows all of your cruises and PUP in your history but shows a 0 points total and the incorrect CC level? Does this eventually fix itself or do I need to call?
  14. Sorry to hear this news, I hope they recover quickly. The fact is that Covid is still around and a very contagious disease, although not as serious for most people. At least for me, I've made some changes in my cruising behavior. I stay away from anything in the theatre where everyone is packed together, avoid long bus trips on excursions, fly in premium economy or first class and generally avoid crowds. I'm usually just happy to be cruising on my balcony and exploring ports on my own. Cruising is not the same for us as it was pre-Covid, we just look for different ways to enjoy ourselves.
  15. Ok, thanks. I guess everything is relative, but I wouldn't classify the price I paid as inexpensive. In any case, I'm looking forward to a great trip. As I get older and other problems crop up, I've learned the cost really doesn't matter. Enjoy yourself.
  16. Sorry that you didn't enjoy this trip, but as you have pointed out at least you could enjoy your time with friends and family. I also hope your bride can recover from her hip problems so that she can better enjoy your upcoming trips. Thank you for your review, it certainly as stimulated an active conversation.
  17. You obviously didn't enjoy this cruise, but now that you've had a couple of days to think about it I wonder if you would try HAL again. You got off on the wrong foot with a horrible experience boarding the ship and the wait for the MDR was terrible. What if you could have just walked onto the ship and you were eating in Club Orange, would you have enjoyed the cruise? You seemed to enjoy your previous cruise on a Pinnacle class ship and HAL has lots of interesting itineraries, are you really sure that you want to eliminate HAL as an option for future trips?
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