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Posts posted by Joe33472

  1. 27 minutes ago, Morecruisesplz said:

    Not then either. 


    I agree! Looking back at my post, I thought I was responding to "when is the 2nd quarter"  and not "when in the second quarter" [would reservations for UDP be possible].


    I have serious doubts that RCI will implement reservations for UDP anytime soon.   I'm also thinking perhaps that they if they decide to do so, it might be on new purchases of UDP, which might have a change in pricing structure.   Or perhaps another restriction, like reservations can be made for a fee and/or reservations can be made 48 before embarkation.   



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  2. 5 minutes ago, deliver42 said:

    I've found the only way to see if a cabin is available is to call. Their web site is useless for booking yourself, or even through a TA. They often have the same glitches, but, at least, the TA has to hold for someone to answer, not you.


    I'm also wondering if perhaps the cabins that disappear and then appear again is somehow RCI adjusting the inventory to create "perceived" demand.   I've been watching the pricing on a particular cabin and when it disappears, I'm somewhat sad, then when it reappears, I'm happy again.   But not happy enough to pay the $$$. 🤣



  3. When looking for a particular cabin, the booking site shows on deck 7 that 2 staterooms are available, but when I actually look at the deck plan I only see one stateroom that is bookable.  Is the other stateroom on hold?  Or is it just RCI's glitchy system.  


    I also see sometimes cabins will appear and then disappear and then come back in a few hours.   Is that part of this "glitch"?  



  4. 9 minutes ago, Host Hattie said:

    That's probably a question for the MSC board, I would think that Cunard would try and sail with passengers. 


    I was just trying to understand why MSC might have made that decision and if Cunard might go down a similar route.  But it seems like consensus that Cunard won't go down that route.   It's really not about MSC per se, probably any cruise line with plans in the Red Sea.  

  5. 6 minutes ago, AuthBen3 said:

    Cunard has ports around continental Africa - check out the outbound World Cruise from New York City for the QM2 World Cruise (approaching Namibia today 1/23), as well as the return World Cruise for Queen Victoria; both hit ports off Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia and Tenerife.


    I did see that Cunard has ports around continental Africa, but I just looked and it appears that MSC also has ports around South Africa.    So now, I don't think it's a port thing.  There are some early 2024 MSC cruises around continental Africa.   Maybe it's a port availability issue.  







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  6. I've been following this thread to see what happens with the QM2 and the Red Sea issue, but I had a thought this morning.   MSC cancelled three cruises that were supposed to route through the Red Sea and are now going around Africia without paying passengers (empty).   I guess I'm wondering why empty?  None of the articles I find online gives a reason why they decided not to take passengers.   I'm thinkinkg it has to be a money issue, but it seems to me that empty ships are not generating revenue and even a 1/2 empty ship is better then sailing empty.   I was thinking that perhaps it's a supply chain issue with provisioning the ship, fuel, etc...  But it's MSC, they must have tons of global partners.    Wondering if Cunard might do the same, just scrap that leg of the WC and speed back to Southampton empty.  



  7. 1 minute ago, soremekun said:

    It has worked on several ships for me.  I would test it at home first.  For some reason, it did not work with a particular USB cable.  Also, I have an Android phone.


    Thanks!  This is great to hear.   I was just thinking at RCI would try to block this type of stuff.   Thanks again. 

  8. 9 hours ago, soremekun said:

    When I cruise solo, I buy a one device plan.  When I want to connect to the internet on my laptop, I turn on USB tethering on my phone.  Works great.


    Does this work on all ships?  We're on the Odyssey in April and I'm debating wether to purchase another line for my laptop.    I'm probably going to have to do work rather regularly, so it would be helpful to be able to have my phone to text and receive WiFi calls while using my computer.  


    I was thinking that RCI would block routers and tethering....

  9. 5 hours ago, Patria21 said:

    Queen Victoria departs Colombo for Africa and Southampton on March 30, right before we get there on March 31. So I agree: It seems clear that there is time for the QM2 to follow a similar route as Victoria back to Southampton from Colombo if that’s what Cunard chooses to do. 


    Wow!  Just looked at both itineraries and this would be a logical solution to the Red Sea issue for the QM2.   Although the WC passengers probably wouldn't be too happy as they already went around Africa, but better to be safe.   Hopefully Cunard makes a decision sooner, rather than later, so people can adjust their plans accordingly.  

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  10. 22 minutes ago, TravisP said:

    I would go ahead and set up your phone for wifi calling now just to make sure there are no issues. Then just leave it enabled. It actually comes in handy at times when you have a weak or no cell signal but a good wifi signal. Like a lot of times in stores you can get little to no cell service. More so when it is a metal building. But if they have wifi available in the store as most stores do these days, you still will have cell service. This really comes in handy at our local Lowes. I have no at&t signal in that place so I just make sure I am connected to their wifi and then everything works just fine. 


    ^^^This is really great advice.   No reason to wait until you’re on a cruise ship to figure out what works in each person’s individual setup.   I put my phone on airplane mode, connected to my home WiFi, and see what would work as far as SMS.  


    I also just read online that some calls may be charged by the carrier (e.g. such as calling Internationally, even on WiFi Calling).   So, if I was the OP or others asking about what is possible, I think it’s important to remember that there are a lot of different cellular plans, carriers, and phones.  YMMV depending on those factors. 





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  11. 12 hours ago, Tree_skier said:

    I think, but am not positive, that you need wifi calling enabled to text with non-iphone user via regular SMS.  


    I think that you are correct, if wifi calling is not enabled and the phone is in airplane mode then no SMS would be possible even if connected to WiFi.   iMessages would still be possible and other Internet messaging services when connected to WiFi.    SMS requires a celluar connection.  


    Since all the major carriers have WiFi calling, it's just toggling a switch, but I wonder how many folks using MVNOs might not have access to WiFi calling.   Maybe it's a phone issue too, I wonder if there are some phones that don't have the feature.   Or is WiFi calling ubiquitous at this point?  


    • Like 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, Another_Critic said:

    I booked my cruise via a travel agent.


    We may be on the same cruise, but definitely not the same cabin category.  😄

    Balance Due $331.94 (after paying deposit).


    I like your balance due much better than my balance due.  

  13. 42 minutes ago, Another_Critic said:

    Here is what my invoice says for my 4/21/24 sailing ...


    Final Payment is due by 22 JAN 2024, 5:00 PM EST


    I think we're on the same cruise!   Nothing on my invoice and nothing in my email that says that.   On the cruise planner website it even says that I don't have a balance due. 





    When I click on the link to pay it says this:




    Nothing about 5:00 p.m. EST








  14. 9 minutes ago, Another_Critic said:

    Why would the insurance cost increase (quadruple) after making final payment?  Are you adding to your trip once you're "locked in" to the cruise?


    At this point I've only insured the cruise deposits.  I did that mainly so we would have pre-existing health conditions coverage (I did that about a year ago).  Once all the final deposits are made, I will have to increase the insured amount.   I was holding off increasing the coverage amount until after the final deposit date. Because then I'm on the hook for the $2,000.    Most of our land based travel is with AirBnBs and I only booked places with liberal cancellation policies, so I didn't insure those costs.   The policy I got through Steve doesn't require that all costs are insured and it will still be $2,000, but it's a long trip with medical and evacation coverage.  Hopefully we won't have to use those!  

    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Mum2Mercury said:

    I don't like to wait until the last moment to pay.  You know, life can get in the way sometimes.  If you happen to have an emergency (or just a bad day) on 1/22 and you happen to forget ... or if something goes wrong electronically, you might lose your reservation.  I like to make that final payment about a week ahead of time.  


    I usually pay all my bills way in advance, just because you never know what could happen.   I'm also wondering about my credit card, if I'll have to call and let them know a large charge is coming.   

  16. 22 minutes ago, Merion_Mom said:


    Yes, looking at that, you must pay on January 22.  I would not wait past 5 P.M., just to be sure.  And that's ET.


    Perfect.  Thanks for your help.  I definitely hope it doesn't go that long for us to make a final decision about the trip, but good to know.  Thanks again.  

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Merion_Mom said:

    At the bottom, it should give the dates for "penalty phase".  You must pay before the first level of penalty kicks in.


    What is your date of embarkation?



    Our embarkation is 4/21.   


    I guess if I pay on 1/22 that it would be okay....  I hopefully won't have to wait that long to make a final decision.   The medical issue should resolve before then.  I guess I just wanted to allow myself as much time as possible...



  18. 1 minute ago, Merion_Mom said:

    What does it say on your invoice?


    It really doesn't say anything in the email.  Here is what it says:




    So, it that by noon on 1/22 or midnight?   Eastern time or some other time?   Is it really 12/21 by midnight?  


    I also looked at the attached invoice and nothing....  


  19. I received an email this morning that final payment date is coming on 1/22 for our cruise in April.   Does that mean I can pay on 1/22 or do I need to make payment before then?  Is there a time zone that that payment needs to be made by?   I usually don't wait until the last minute on anything, but I have a minor health issue that I'm tending to (went to doctor yesterday) and want to make sure that clears up.   


    I purchased trip insurance when I made the deposit, so I think that if the situation doesn't clear up by sailing date that I'd likely be able to get a doctor's note saying not to travel.   But I'd rather not get that far and I've only paid $400 for insurance thusfar.  If I made the final deposit and contacted the insurance company, I would have to pay about $1,600 more in insurance.  We have international travel planned after the cruise, which is part of my hesitation.  



  20. 23 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

    So I guess there was no cease fire on Christmas Day.😂


    Quite a spirited discussion, with strong opinions on both sides of the issue.  At least it's not a dress code debate.   Not as many of those here as on the Cunard forum.   Those can get heated like this 🤷‍♂️

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  21. 8 minutes ago, Morecruisesplz said:

    'Can be' - how?

    'Terminated" - really? Terminated, Terminated or employment terminated?

    You obviously do not tip cash on cruises. Watch and learn.



    If giving back cash tips to RCI for guests who waive auto-gratuities is actually the policy, then I think some crew might be scared to keep cash gratuities.  Especially if GS notes on the account that the guests indicated they tipped on their own, but that would probably end after the crew member’s first cruise.  With cash there is always plausible deniability.   


    RCI could always ask the crew member if they received a cash tip from a certain cabin or passenger, and I hope that the answer from the crew member would be NO, even if they had received a cash tip.  



  22. 4 minutes ago, S.A.M.J.R. said:

    $725/6 = $120pp / $18/day = ~7 days.  

    120/725 = 16.5% tip

    I personally don't THINK you'd be flagged in the computer.  Unless some one here works for RCI, no one knows for sure.  I think tipping the waiter $20 to handle six people over seven days is very cheap, same with the cabin steward.  


    IMO, if that's all you can afford to tip, you should find a cheaper vacation. 


    I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to be judgmental.  It would be the same like going out to a service restaurant and not leaving any tip.   Or going out to dinner with a six people and leaving $6.  Just cook at home.  That's probably why restaurants add a gratutity for large parties, so the staff doesn't get stiffed.  

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