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Posts posted by Joe33472

  1. On 5/28/2023 at 4:55 AM, photabitha said:

    I would think the 3 bags of laundry would need to be put in at the same time, but not sure on that one.


    I finally decided to call Celebrity to find out, and what I was told coincides with what @photabitha says above.  The representative said all three bags of laundry need to be put in at the same time with the "back home" laundry offer.  


    That changes things a little bit for me.  I think I'd rather just purchase three of the wash and fold bags in advance so that we can turn a bag every 3 or 4 days.





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  2. 1 hour ago, drowelf said:

    Ok, I found a picture of the bag from back in April on another thread, but without anything by it, I can't tell how big it is. 



    I found this recent video that might be helpful.  The person who created the video was able to fit 21 items in the bag.  



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  3. 16 minutes ago, Lastdance said:

    We head home next Tuesday, feeling very excited to get back to our own home, in such a beautiful area, in the States.  United upgraded us to biz class, so those great lie flat seats will be a welcome to our 12 hour flight to SFO from ZUR.  Anyway, we are lucky to live 20 minutes from Tahoe, along with a great view from our backyard, so going home is also like a vacation!


    I was going to write The End, but with me there is always room for more posts until we leave…



    Thanks for all the photos.  It’s been great following along with your travels.   We’re doing a similar journey next year, but not with b2b.   But that has me thinking now… 


    You certainly live a beautiful part of the country, so it must be like a vacation.   Lake Tahoe is amazing.   I love it there.  


    Safe travels and thanks again for the great posts!  





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  4. Quick question about the Memorial Day Sale.   It looks like I might be able to save about $2,000 on QG suite for same sailing, but wondering if there are any catches (e.g. will we lose the grills suite drinks and gratuities).  I’m also wondering if I have to cancel current reservation and rebook.   I think in the terms it says new reservations only.  Will they allow me to cancel and rebook?  Or is that a violation of the deal?  Thanks so much for any advice. 

  5. On 4/30/2023 at 7:18 AM, Lastdance said:

    We were lucky to have been there twice before, but was sad for those who were first timers.


    That’s a shame that you weren’t able to port, especially after 6 sea days.  I’m sure it that it would have been nice just to get off the ship.  We’re on this same itinerary in 2024.  Just wondering if they mentioned any additional time in Cartagena?   


    Thanks so much for the updates as you go alone!  Hugely helpful for me and my SO, who is already seasick although she hasn’t boarded a ship! 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Fly and Sail said:


    Why not just use the ATM of a proper bank either at the airport or in the city? Not sure what WF charges you for the service and what kinda sum we're talking about. I don't think they will give you larger notes than 50s or max 100s. 50s are no problem to change wherever you go, 100s is a different story, a hotel will do it but a store will likely insist on a larger purchase before accepting a 100 Euro bill.


    I totally agree about just using an ATM of a proper bank once OP gets to Europe, but it's always nice to have a few euros in your pocket.   Years ago, I flew into Rome without a single Euro in my pocket and took a cab to my hotel.  The cab driver couldn't get my credit card to go through (his machine issue) despite trying several of my cards.   I pulled out a $100 bill and said, how about this, keep the change?  The cab driver was like, "What am I going to do with that?".  Eventually, he got his credit card machine to work.   I now I keep euros on hand in bills, just a few hundred in various denominations until I can get to a proper ATM.  

    • Thanks 2
  7. 1 hour ago, cruisin lady ca said:

    I have purchased insurance through TripInsuranceStore.com. I generally enter my cruise info on their website so that i can see my options. I then call and ask any questions I have about the policies and finalize my purchase over the phone. I have worked with Steve, Deanna and Kim for years and have always been happy with their service. Two points of information that are worth mentioning: When I purchase the policy, I paid for the minimum amount of insurance (typically $500 pp) so that my nonrefundable deposit was covered, and I added insurance coverage as I incurred additional nonrefundable expenses. We were also able to transfer the insurance policy from one cruise to another, when we decided to cancel a cruise (prior to final payment) and book a different cruise. I highly recommend checking their website (tripinsurancestore.com) and calling them (888-407-3854) if you are investigating your options.


    This is exactly what I did too.  Steve was great and spoke with me on the telephone and answered all my questions.   I also only insured our cruise deposits for a 2024 TA, and will pay the balance of the policy when we make our final deposit in January 2024.  


    The only other thing I would add to the above is that you'll need the cost per person and that's not necessarily the total cruise divided by the number of people traveling.  Steve kept asking me what the cost per person is, and I took the total cost of the trip and divided by two.  But when I actually looked at the invoices, Celebrity charges different for the 1st and 2nd person.   Just say that the cruise was $10,000, it was broken down $8,000 for 1st passenger and $2,000 for 2nd passenger.   We're also taking a Cunard cruise as part of the trip, and Cunard's breakdown is 50/50.  So, just say that cruise was also $10,000, their invoice shows $5,000 for both.  So the insurable costs are $13,000 for the 1st passenger and $7,000 for second.  Not $10,000 each.  He says it doesn't make much difference when you're quoting the insurance, but if you make a claim, the insurance company are sticklers and will want proof of the loss, and your invoice from Celebrity will be not broken down 50/50.  




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  8. 42 minutes ago, fisky said:

    Does anyone have contact details of someone at Carnival that is interested in the companies reputation and will look a bit more sympathically at the costs their customers have incurred for no benefit.



    I usually try to work out details with companies lower ranks (while requesting higher and higher supervisors) and document that fully and when all else fails, I usually email corporate executives.  Most corporations have "executive" response teams that handle these types of things.  Those folks are usually more adept at seeing the "big picture".   Many times it's the subsequent customer service that fails miserably and is the focus of my complaints to executives.   When I have to involve executive response teams, here is where I usually get that contact info:





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  9. 8 hours ago, chengkp75 said:

    Not sure what you wish me to comment on, there is very little information.  If you are asking what I think the problem is ('cause I don't do customer service questions, not my engine room), if the mention of 22 knots on the way to Southampton, and a tug escort into harbor is correct, then I suspect they have had a failure of one of the two outboard azipods (not really azipods, Merlin propulsion pods).  QM2 has four pods, so three could still give a top speed of 22 knots easily.  Since the two inboard pods are "fixed" (they don't rotate to steer), loss of one steerable pod means the ship has no redundancy in steering (hence the tug escort in case the other steerable pod fails).  This is a typical regulatory response to a ship that has azipods, and only has one steerable one.  Redundancy in steering is required for entry into most ports, certainly NYC.  Also, with steering only on one side of the ship, holding course at sea becomes more difficult for the one pod, and speed and fuel consumption would suffer.


    As to what has failed on the pod, given the wide variance of time frames mentioned above, I won't even start to speculate, but the Mermaid pods have had thrust bearing problems from their inception (huge lawsuit brought by Princess), and that requires a docking to repair.

    Thank you!  This is really interesting.   After some googling, I now know more about pod propulsion and it’s fascinating.  Did you happen to see the post about the ash being shoveled off the pool deck?  And the pools being drained?  Is this related to a possible pod issue or is this related to something else?  Thanks again!

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, NE John said:

    Can you provide a link on UTube for the above?
    All I found was a video of the original QM in Long Beach under repair also dated April 2023. 


    I found this live feed of the port




    A little bit ago it was showing the QM2, but looks like another ship is leaving, so that is the current video.

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  11. 1 minute ago, North West Newbie said:



    Surely the “trip” commences the moment you leave your house.


    This is what I was thinking.  My TA on the QM next year is part of a larger "trip" and if the cruise is cancelled I would think that would be considered a delay or disruption.  I was going to reach out to the insurance agent who sold me my policy to see what would be covered, but I'm sure he's bombarded today....   

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  12. 38 minutes ago, chicagomelinda said:

    I encourage you to read your travel insurance policy carefully before getting too excited. Cunard refunded your money. I doubt any if us will see a penny. 


    I’m wondering if the trip delay provisions of insurance policies provide a little bit of coverage?   I read my policy and it looks like “reasonable expenses” would be covered.  I would think that the airline tickets home and hotel costs are reasonable.  

    • Like 2
  13. 14 minutes ago, tv24 said:

    We at home have talked about this.  Our conclusion, unfortunately, is because of Carnival Corp.'s huge debt, they really cannot afford to offer more than this.  Sad but possibly true.


    Just looked at their November 2022 year end financial and YES, they have a ton of debt.   Current liabilities exceed current assets by about $3billion.  Long-term debt is $32billion.  


    I guess for me, it was at first it seemed like Cunard was just not providing assistance to get people home and that the "assistance" was the 20% FCC.   But a current report is that folks are on board, Cunard is soliciting air travel requests, and presumably will be helping international folks find their way home.   Given that, I think that the 20% is okay. 

    • Like 2
  14. 18 minutes ago, 57eric said:

    Agreed, 20% is outrageous.  For a voyage cancelled a year out, it would be adequate.  Cunard should step up big time here.


    It doesn't seem like a refund of the cruise fare and 20% FCC is really sufficient consideration for cancelling a cruise the morning of the cruise.  Especially since some people have had these plans for years.   I feel so badly for the passengers.   


    Has me thinking about what our "backup" plan would be if something like this happens next year for our TA.   We purchased travel insurance, but it looks like the delay coverage is only $2,000 pp.   That doesn't seem like a lot.  

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  15. 22 minutes ago, NutsAboutGolf said:

    Appears to be 1 bag vs (up to) 3 bags


    If you click on it, it will say:




    Allow our stateroom attendants to attend to your laundry while you enjoy your vacation. Fill up to three bags of laundry during your cruise, leave it in your room, and our attendants will wash, fold, and return your clothing to your stateroom.



    Thanks, I didn’t see that.  So it’s the same sized bags, just three of them? 

  16. I was on the Celebrity website looking around and I'm just wondering what the difference is between these two offers and if it's even worth purchasing either before our cruise.  We're definitely going to need laundry at some point (maybe two of those paper bags).  Does it make any sense to prepurchase?  











  17. Turned out to be a really nice day in Ft. Lauderdale, despite the forecast of thunderstorms.    We knew that the ship was big, but it's so impressive.  We can't wait for our trip next year.   I was surprised when I looked to saw how few of the rooms have balconies and the sheer number of IVs.   I know that the design of the IV rooms inspire mixed opinions, but I think if we were on a port intensive and short trip that it would be fine.    



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  18. 5 minutes ago, DaKahuna said:

    Hmm, Embarkation Day Lunch (Day 1) has a Kale Salad on the menu. 


    There are everyday classics which include the French Onion Soup and Caesar's Salad, if that is what you mean by 'off menu.'  


    I also have never encountered a problem asking for a tossed green salad with lunch or dinner in Luminae. 



    Thanks, French onion soup and Caesar salad would be great.   Also thanks for the heads up about asking for a tossed green salad.    Are the every day classics listed somewhere?    I’m not seeing them in online menus.  Thanks again!  

  19. 7 minutes ago, esrs said:

    No, the chicken was much simpler. One of my go-tos on nights when the menu did not appeal.


    I'll keep a look out for a simpler chicken dish....  I think all will be good.  I think I'm definitely over thinking the food issue.   The breakfast looks amazing and I think we'll find something for lunch.  We usually don't eat a big meal at dinner, so if we just pick, we'll be fine.   

  20. 14 minutes ago, esrs said:

    As I  recall the "always available " menu in QG has a very nice chicken.  I don't think I have a photo of what is on this list, but there is a steak as well and I  suspect a pasta?


    Is it this one?





    The chicken sounds great.  Poached and roasted is good.  Perhaps hold the langoustine tails 😀


    I could do this pasta, by my SO couldn't as she doesn't like mushrooms:





  21. 12 minutes ago, Victoria2 said:

    QG was mentioned i the opening post, hence my replies.

    I can't help if it's PG.


    I was originally in PG, but changed my reservations to QG after a lot of reading on this board, which has been amazingly helpful.  A lot of your posts, in particular, have really been helpful.  

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  22. 7 minutes ago, NE John said:

    @Joe33472, are you on PG or QG for your QM2 TA? I believe you said you were on the 10th Floor. 

    Is ordering off menu in PG as free-flowing as in QG? I know this subject has been brought up with various responses. 


    Yes, I actually booked PG for about a week, and then called up and had the room switched to a QG suite.  It's a little more room, but I think that the off menu ordering in the QG restaurant was what really pushed it over the top in my decision.   


    From my research here, it sounds like there is a little more discretion in QG than PG with off menu requests.   We're really not that fussy, perhaps our palates are just not that refined and we need to broaden our selections and perspectives!  Perhaps we need to be a little more adventurous.    


    One of my original post asked should we do BC or PG?  Decided on PG and thought it was a good decision.  And now we end up in a QG.  If we ever do a TA again, I think we would probably do BC, save the money and spend it in Europe.  But for this trip, we're not watching the budget too much. 

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