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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Well, I'll leave it at that. But, that isn't how it reads. I can't wait to visit your country one of these day.
  2. LOL, every time I look at this picture, I move towards it to pick something off of my monitor screen:
  3. I never intended this to turn into a food fight. But, I just can't turn the other cheek with this. Are you saying that the crew operating out of U.S. Ports aren't happy in their jobs and that they have to beg for their peanuts? Do you think that a serve who earns tips by providing the best service possible and even exceed the expected is degrading him/her self? I call it professionalism! Do you think that a below average or average server should earn the same as an above average or an over achiever? NOW, don't get me wrong, I don't have a say on how you guys down under do your business. But, I don't think disrespecting those that work in other systems is the way to go. As a retired parking system Manager, which included valet parking, I noticed when I got hired on, the valet folks were required, by policy, to pool their tips, at the end of the night/shift, they would divide the tips equally. The morale of the average and above average achievers was low. So, I changed the policy and said if you earn the tip, keep the tip. Well, the below average folks weeded themselves out and the average and above achievers made more money and were happy. Not to mention that our customer satisfaction surveys and verbal complements went way way up.
  4. Do they still do the free drinks in the Diamond Lounge? I think I read that they don't do that anymore. The 4 drink voucher replaced it but if you want the drinks in the D lounge, you have to use your free drink voucher(s). Enquiring minds want to know
  5. I can't handle the IPA, I call Toxic Sludge. On the other hand, like wine, there is good and gooder! But, my go to beer, if Hefewissen bier or Yuengling or Shock Top isn't available, I'll fall back to Miller Lite. My dad, I miss him, the old golf pro used to call all American beer "Caddy Piss". But, he sure drank a lot of Bud and Bud lite. Any port in a storm, I guess.
  6. Makes me wonder - Does cruise lines that cruise out of Aus., pay their crew that depend on tips, more than if they cruised out of the U.S. for example. If not, I wouldn't try to get a contract to work on a ship out of Aus. I know some in here say that minimum wage in Aus is higher than the U.S. but does that apply to the cruise industry.
  7. You are 100% right about not being much of a savings anymore. But, the Class Six part (liquor store) has some really great deals and no tax. It's all about timing.
  8. BTW, I had a rack like that when I was stationed in Germany. When we PCSed back to the U.S., Customs said I could bring the bottles but not the liquid inside, I had to pour them all out. Not too much of a problem, all were cheap anyway. I also had a very large bottle, about 4 feet tall, of Galliano. I was really into Harvey Wallbangers back then.
  9. I've seen the Black Box wine in the PX during my travels. Don't have a real PX close to me, just a National Guard 7-11 type place. The old Ft. McClellan.
  10. I guess we have hijacked this thread enough. But, one kinda funny story: I was talking to my wife this morning before we started this wine discussion, that I was thinking of bringing a bottle of wine and my wife would bring a couple bottles of her favorite wine coolers to the hotel in Titusville to drink on the night of the 30th this month as we know we won't be able to sleep pre-cruise. Nothing like a little intoxication to initiate a good night's sleep. I'm going to Publix on the 29th to get a bottle of Barefoot!
  11. Thanks, I'll try the Robert Mondavi. I've seen and heard of both Mondavi and Barefoot. Never gave them a second though. But, since they come so highly recommended, I'll give 'em a try.
  12. LOL, I've never had much of champaign taste, more of a beer pocketbook. I've had a lot of high end wines and Bourbons and so on. I'm happy with the blue collar stuff. Except my steak, I like a big old chunk of Prime Rib (which is a roast, not a steak and/or Rib-eye steak (one in the same, just one is whole, thus being a roast, and the other is cut into steak).
  13. I believe I said Pinot Noir but I really meant Marlot. I do, on occasions, buy the gallon jug of Carlo Rossi Burgundy. Not too bad but I wind up throwing most of it away. I don't drink it often enough to keep it around for a long time.
  14. Yep, when I can't find Burgundy, I get Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon. What I really don't like or I should say, are not my favorites is sweet wines. So, that leaves out most white and todays most popular "FAD" wines. I like 'em DRY.
  15. Oh, and I believe that is the brand name of the smaller box of wine I would think of carrying-on the ship, Black Box. Thanks for that!
  16. Yes, of course Burgundy is an area in France. You are 100% right in what you typed. However, for my purposes, there is a process of wine, I didn't say grape, that is called Burgundy. I've purchased it from many brands and many locations in the U.S. and Europe. Burgundy is more about the process and additives, not the grape.
  17. If I tried to get a BOX of wine on a ship, it wouldn't be that big 1 gallon size, they make 'em smaller. I just happen to like, and I can't remember the brand name of the 1 gallon size, I take on road trips. The smaller ones, I haven't tried, YET and don't know the brand and I don't know if they have Burgundy! Burgundy is getting harder and harder to find. I think some brands call their Burgundy by another name. Burgundy is so yesterday, apparently.
  18. Speaking for me only: I've tipped above and beyond the added-on 18% long before I came to CC, John Heald's Youtube Blog, or any other cruising social media site. Maybe it's a cultural thing. I'm originally form Canada but became and American when I was ~20 years old, after I served in the U.S. Army the first enlistment, but, as the son of a very successful Golf Pro (a Canadian Club/teaching pro), I was always taught to tip, tip according to the service received and generously if provided good service. So, when I get a drink or a meal served to me, it's unfathomable to me not to tip even if it is included in the bill or in a country where tipping isn't customary. YMMV
  19. We actually don't care if we get a table for two or four. Like you, we don't mind talking to the people at the next table or at our table. I just really don't want to sit at a table any larger that a table for 4 unless it is a round table or I know the rest of the party, like family and/or actual friends. I don't like being sandwiched in. The only thing we really like to try to get is to sit next to a window.
  20. I just want to point out the premise or point of my post. Not meant to criticize, discourage, or anything negative. Just a "heads-up" for/to new cruisers to Royal. Your table for two may not be exactly what you are used to or expect. And yes, there are some that are very nicely placed tables for two. But, not many!
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