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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. The problem is, without too many exceptions, whenever I call to get answers to questions, I never feel confident that I got/get the straight poop. It shouldn't be that way. If the "Phone Answerers" are still working from home, they need to be brought back into the Mother Ship where they can be supervised. However, I bet the supervisors need a lot of supervision. It's a dirty nasty snowball.
  2. Sorry, I didn't mean to buy it all. Come to my cabin, we'll party! Or not. My cabin is on deck one, just off of I-95.
  3. First, I want to make this perfectly clear, I understand that you had it on several cruises, I'm not disputing that. Since it is corded, it could be considered an "Extension Cord", which is technically prohibited. I'm speaking for me and me only, I wouldn't chance it. There are too many other options out there. You could POSSIBLY have this confiscated at the dock and not be able to use your devices or at least charge them efficiently/in a timely manner. We are tech heavy and like to charge many items all at once. This is what I'm taking, 2 of, on my next cruise: I hope they fit in the space alright. We'll see. I've got back up though. JMHO/YMMV
  4. This is just one picture of dozens that I have of people dressed up for Halloween. This picture is on Rustbucket Cruise Lines, Inc., and I have no idea who these people are.
  5. What triggered me was the arrogance. I don't have a problem with people that have empathy/sympathy and don't think it's funny at all. But, I can't stand unjustified arrogance.
  6. HOWEVER If BoA is offering a credit Card that offers those options, I'm going to give them a call and see what it's all about, as long as it doesn't have an annual fee. I don't pay a fee for C.C.s.
  7. Yep, I use that card exclusively for purchases of cruises (paying the deposit and cruise fair balance at the 90 day mark) and paying the onboard account balance.
  8. I didn't know that is an option on the Royal Caribbean Rewards BoA Card. I'm in the site now and all it offers is: The "Onboard Credits and Amenities" is what I choose. I don't see an option to put/transfer the points into credit on the C.C. This is the Card I have:
  9. On September 30th I transferred my reward points (I posted about this in another thread) from my BoA Royal Caribbean Visa Rewards C.C. to OBCs on my October 31st cruise, my C.C. and my wife's C.C. Within just a couple of days, the OBC showed up in our "Cruise Planner", for HALF the amount. So, I called RCCL and asked what is going on. I spent a good 10 minutes with the "Phone Answerer", this is after waiting in the que for at least as long, explaining what I was trying to do, he would repeat just about everything I said, put me on hold many many times, apologized every time I was put on hold, and eventually said that I would have to speak to someone at the "Rewards Desk". Waited in the que for at least another 10 minutes for someone at the "Rewards Desk" to come on the line. Again, explained everything that I was trying to do. Again, repeating just about everything I was saying. Again, placed on hold several times and apologizing every time. I was asked if I have a confirmations number from BoA for the transaction, which I did. Placed on hold for an extended period of time. Then asked for my C.C. # and a couple of other things. Placed on hold, again on hold for extended period of time. Comes back and explains that the first transfer was done quickly and the second will be done shortly. But, it could, and this is important, take up to two weeks from the initial transfer date for the transfer to show up in my RCCL account. I was told that A TROUBLE TICKET WAS INTIATED, though. Okay, so I wait till October 14. Nothing changed in my OBC/Cruise Planner. I call back late in the day on October 14th. Go through the entire process as stated above. After I go through the process, including talking to the "Phone Answerer" and eventually being transferred to the "Rewards Desk", I ask if a "Trouble Ticket" was initiated during my initial call, why am I having to go through all of this again. Response, Obfuscation! No real answer. So, the "Rewards Desk" guy after I'm being placed on hold and hold and hold...... repeating everything over and over again, tells me that even though RCCL doesn't usually, again this is important, put the rewards OBCs into the account until TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE CRUISE DATE, he was going to go ahead and put the remaining OBCs into my account. So, I go off. I ask, "First, if you don't award awards OBCs until TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the cruise date, why was I awarded half of our award OBCs within a day or two of transferring them from BoA's website on Sep 30th"? Answer, "Somebody didn't follow policy". Second Question, "Why was I told during my last conversation with the "Reward Desk' that OBC aren't put on our account up to "TWO WEEKS OF THE INITIAL TRANSER DATE"? Answer, "That was incorrect". Third Question, "Why was I told a "trouble ticket" was initiated yet you know nothing about it, what is the purpose of having a "trouble ticket"? Answer, crickets. The good news, as I was still on the phone with the "Rewards Desk", the remaining OBCs mystically appeared. At that point, I asked, "it's more than two weeks from sail date, did you just violate company policy"? Answer, "Is there anything else I can help you with today"? Answer, "No, I think you have done enough". "Please remain on the phone for a short survey". Then the phone hangs up. These people at the Mother Ship have no clue what they are doing (of course, there are exceptions and when they are good, they are good and a pleasure to work with) and will say ANYTHING to pacify you on the phone.
  10. Don't worry, John Heald will be calling you in 5, 4, 3, 2, ........
  11. Juuuuuuust a little late to respond to this one. At least it's in color.
  12. I turn to Youtube and watch reruns of Captain Kangaroo or Romper Room. The people that casted the full time cast/stars should be fired, immediately.
  13. While watching the sail away, from any/all port(s), which is a cruise tradition, I'm happy to watch the side show. It's not that I have much better things to do but decide to watch the "Pier Runners", it is what is traditional with a side benefit. There, I'm off of MY high horse, now.
  14. The problem is, they will keep on raising the price because we, the Sheeple, keep parking in them. Yes, me included. We are so hooked on convenience, we are willing to pay and pay a lot for it. As a retired parking system Corp guy, I can tell you that there is a lot of money in parking, a lot. But, on the other hand, the government owned parking systems, like FLL, Port Everglades, Port Canaveral, and lots more, if the usage goes down and the revenue slips significantly, the government bean counters that have never run a real business in their life, won't listen to their contracted parking management company that they pay to offer professional advice, advise to lower the price and fill the garage(s) again. But, the bean counters think the answer to raising revenue is to raise the price, which lowers occupancy/revenue and drive people to the off site parking options. Sorry for the rant. But, I'm passionate about calling out bean counters, government bean counters.
  15. And the plot thickens. None the less, sorry you are in isolation and hope you get better soon.
  16. Well, excuse the @#*+ out of me. If I was on the ship and I had a question like that, I'd ask my steward, Genie, Concierge, Voom Desk, Guest Relations Desk, or just about anybody on the ship with their nose in their phone.
  17. I don't think you can actually see the Compass before your cruise date and only after embarkation. The Compass is ship and sailing unique and they like to have it as up to date as possible, hence, printed every day of the cruise, for the next day only. I don't know how it works while you are on the ship. Once I go through the boarding process and the life vest process, I put the phone away and rely on the printed Compass.
  18. Coz at the Rustbucket Cruise Lines pier, for sure. Long Pier and very drunk runners from the very close bars.
  19. In conclusion (my favorite words when attending a mandatory briefing or speech (when I was still beholding to a pay check)): It's still up in the air. Some ships put them out each night in cabins, regardless of status, some put then in suites only, and some don't put them out at all unless you ask for them, and some ships put them out depending on the cruise. But, what I got out of this little exercise is that they are still being printed and available in one way or the other. Does anybody think that it may be up to the Cruise Director and his/her budget?
  20. Especially the inebriated ones, for sure. As long as there is no physical injury involved.
  21. The funniest thing or maybe I should say the tragic thing is that the tram is just sitting there as the driver (I assume) watch all those folks running in a panic.
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