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Everything posted by DeerJod

  1. A few childless adults have infiltrated the ranks As well.
  2. Swim diaper rule is being loosely enforced many of the diaper babies have made it into the potty trained pool
  3. Reminder dinner is in Jamie’s tonight at 530 so a quiet afternoon into a quiet evening.
  4. Splash pad is pretty busy today with kids and parents alike
  5. Ps since the whole boo incident we decided some other stuffed animals were in order. Please don’t tell CBP we plan on smuggling wildlife
  6. Hope you folks are enjoying this disjointed review. I’ve never sailed solo dad so this has been a nice outlet to post content
  7. Drinks aren’t allowed in the kids area, ask me how quickly I chugged this.
  8. I almost never get off in Nassau, but we braved the crowds hoping to secure a rather specific watch. After being herded like cattle through the exit chute we mad the not so far walk to John Bull. They had plentiful watches for all brands except for Rolex… they had two to sell and neither were of interest, drat!
  9. Sad sight, but it’s nice to know we’ll be off bright and early.
  10. Someone should market resealable sparkling wine, this pouring into water bottles feels a bit too much like high school.
  11. We’re 6 attempts at winning this boo stuffed animal (super Mario bros) already surpassed cost shipped next day with Amazon…
  12. Kids pool doesn’t open until 11, gonna have to rethink my morning now!
  13. Wj is pretty calm before 8 am, lots of seating and staff is everywhere clearing plates and offering drinks.
  14. Found the hasbrowns but they’re circles not triangles, confirmed they do not hit the same.
  15. Morning from Nassau, independence looks like they’re behind us followed by two carnival ships. Going to be a lazy morning and then off for a few minutes looking for a watch.
  16. Also please don’t tell anyone but I somehow got 5 Diamond drinks today. Our secret right ?
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