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Everything posted by Kelpielady

  1. Thanks to everyone who replied to my posts. I appreciate it all. I guess it is just time to put all this in the past.
  2. That has been done on numerous occasions. As I said to someone else, thanks so much for listening to me. It was good to get some of that off of my chest
  3. It was 2 years. However, I found my old correspondence with them and they are just not recognizing the 2 certificates. They said I had one which was for half of what these certificates say. I've fought with them for over a year now and am just tired. If they don't recognize these certificates there is nothing I can do about it, even though I have copies of them in my possession. It is still a big corporation against me. I'm just tired of the whole thing. Lesson learned, I guess I could take it to the streets or whatever you call it but I'm tired of fighting. So I'm done. Just won't cruise with Norwegian again, They have great cruises but for goodness sake don't have an accident where you have to deal with them. They will make your life hell. Thank you everyone for letting me let off some steam. I guess I feel better now
  4. Yes, a long time ago. They chose to ignore it, I assume, as I never heard back. However. I will try again. Thanks
  5. I have a problem that has been going on for almost 2 years now without satisfactory answers and have no idea where to email. I learned the hard way that phone calls only lead to frustration and no satisfactory answers. Because of an accident I had on the Bliss, (long story made short) I was issued 2 future cruise credits, each in the amount of $1700. I have fought them tooth and nail to use these. They may or may not have put one of them on the Alaskan cruise I took. I can't prove it by the invoice though as isn't listed as such. I have tried to use the second that I KNOW was not used both through the cruise line and through a private TA. The cruise line denies that I have any credits. I am so tired and frustrated with dealing with them. All I want is an answer to my question "WHY". As much as I enjoyed sailing with them, I just can't trust them. What if something happens and they deny responsibility after accepting it, again? This isn't an honest company. Anyway, all this was to ask if anyone knew of a way to email them so that I wouldn't have to get into a multiple-day, lengthy conversation with them that would only frustrate and upset me.
  6. Thanks for the information. Appreciate all the incite everyone has given me
  7. Thank you all for the information. Now I know how to start.
  8. Im not sure if this belongs here or not but here goes. Im hoping someone here has more information than I have been able to glean. Being new to cruising, and starting so late in life, I have been checking out options for older cruisers. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong places, but it seems that they are really hitting single and older cruisers hard in the pocketbook. Am I just going to the wrong sites? If anyone can suggest sites, I would appreciate it
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