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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I just recently got off of the Eclipse. There was a tender into Martha's Vineyard. We decided to take our time going down as we had no definitive plans. The ship arrived at 8:00 AM, and started tendering fairly quickly at 8:15. We went down around 10:15, figuring they would be at open tender by then, and were handed ticket number 44. They were still only on number 23 at that time. At 1:00, they still hadn't gotten to our number, so we decided not to even bother trying to get off the ship since we had to be back by 4:15. It was a debacle. So, if nothing else, I would head down early to at least get a low number, even if you aren't planning on leaving until 10 or so.
  2. I just got off of the Eclipse. The ship is in great shape. I would assume if people walk around and look for things, faults can be found, but there certainly was not anything glaring to myself. I did just submit a review of my cruise, which has not been posted yet, but that may help a little.
  3. I believe that had it at the Mast Grill on the Eclipse last week also.
  4. I just got off of the Eclipse this past Sunday. A bottle of Miller Lite is $9.60. I was able to get the bucket of beer at the Mast Bar. I thought it was 6 beers for around $35.
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