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Engineroom Snipe

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Everything posted by Engineroom Snipe

  1. Deep breathe people, take a Zen moment. No solution at this point and we are at an impasse. As Paul McCartney's mother once said to him as he was anxious, worried, and trying to create the next song of a lifetime, "Let it be." She was "Mother Mary comes to me". The rest is history. 😉 We "All Can Come Together." (Beatles).
  2. This discussion makes me feel better about the future. So many problems in the world but we can argue about "Chair Hogs". The universe is once again in alignment. 🤣 Life is good. 😁
  3. Be thankful that it even works at all. 😁 User friendly, intuitive, and time saving interactions with RCI technology are few and far in between "kinda-works" to "how does it work?"
  4. I booked a GTY inside in September of 2022 for an April 20th Cruise. I have an Android phone. I installed a bar scanner app. I waited until my Set Sail pass showed a deck and muster station assignment. About thirty days out, the deck and muster station were displayed. I read the bar code. It gave me a room number after the "-". My room number just appeared today on my Set Sail pass, twelve days before my cruise date. The scanned room number is my assigned room number.
  5. This was a tongue-in-cheek euphemistic sarcasm line created in response to another poster. He stated how CEOs try and paint a rosy picture on bad news instead of just describing the situation for what it is. I tried to work in some of the poster's suggestions creating some humor.
  6. Green Peace would be protesting RCI for poisoning marine life with tar, nicotine, and other combustion by-products. 😁
  7. I understand your thought that a "locked" space would only create a new type of "Hog". I do agree that a one hour "maximum" time limit gives a bit of wiggle room for the 30 minute rule. Always comes down to the fact that it will take employee time to make this effective which seems to be an issue with the cruise lines trying to reduce staffing (or working with the amount of staff they can find). Any employee assigned to this task will always be afraid of their "name tag" being associated with negative customer reviews even though they were only "following policy."
  8. Interesting. From what you describe, would you predict that a "Locker Hog" would come back at that once a day time and renew their code? My thoughts for instance, the code is reset at 6am. I clear my items from the locker before going to my cabin at night, wake up early enough to get the locker at 6am after reset, put my items back in for the day, and do it for the cruise. The only thing necessary is to know the time of reset. With that type of logic, one locker per cabin would be necessary on the Lido deck. About 3,000 lockers need to be created on just one Oasis class ship! Where will we find space for them? 😁 I am always amazed how much time and effort people exert to circumvent policy and rules.
  9. Your assertion could be a fair conclusion if the locker spaces are limited. We have gym lockers at work which are suppose to be for the duration of the workout of that day and then cleared for use by other people. At least once per month, a veiled threat has to be sent that all lockers will be opened and emptied at 11:59pm unless the person is actively at the gym at the time. No one is suppose to have them for more than 3 hours (a very generous time to work out since the normal duration should not be more than 90 minutes to include a shower). Yes, I can foresee someone keeping the key for the entire cruise upon my 35 years of experience with this type of situation. Chair Hogs can definitely migrate into Locker Hogs. It is a sad mentality of me first, got it before you did, I am more important than you, if you really wanted it, you should have been here before me. Sad statement of our existence. 😔
  10. Many cities have Apps for meter parking. Imagine the mess and confusion when RCI's IT department gets involved when trying to collect on the meters! 😮
  11. Respect your opinion. How much is it worth? Do we start a "Royal Upgrade for Chairs"? 🤣🤣
  12. OMG! Do not encourage such thoughts or ideas. You must be a RCI stockholder! 😬
  13. Must be associated with RCI's super, high-quality, almost got it right, IT department. 🤣
  14. Yes, Mounty Python and the Holy Grail have made indelible marks on our hearts and minds. I shall get you a most beautiful shrub. 😁
  15. With Cruise Critic, all threads become one. There are no "wrong threads". 😁 What a tangled web we thread as it is weaved into one.
  16. The old sailor ditty,"Who hid the halibut in the Poop Deck?" Right there with you..... 😬
  17. Yeah, I am starting to get "Bummed Out" by this conversation. 🤣
  18. So you saying, "They all look the same at the end of a long day." And then, "I need a cruise to get away from these .......holes!" Got it! 😁
  19. Dare I say it? "It depends on the a$$h.le " 🤣
  20. You got it! ""We are being flooded with negative cashflow below the waterline with its associated 'Free Cash Effect' which has led to instability of the ship's financial condition. We will be acquiring additional shoring of the ship's financial structures by asking all aboard to buy an Unlimited Drink Package and Unlimited Dining Package before setting sail. After all, our stockholders are the reason we stay afloat. We thank you for your continued support."
  21. "We are being flooded with negative cashflow below the waterline and will need additional shoring of the ship's financial structures by all aboard before we set to sea."
  22. If you have not cruised in a while, it is shocking. Many of the cruise lines want to have "The lowest per person cabin fare" for advertising purposes. RCI is one of them. Caveat: That fare is based on double occupancy. Taxes and port taxes are additional which can easily run at least $160 per person to include children. Alcohol drinks are not included. Soda is not included, etc. Specialty restaurants are not included. Gratuities not included. When "Kids Sail Free", you will need to pay for a higher category cabin which will costs more (to accommodate three or four in a room). Gratuities are based on cabin occupancy, so children are not free of gratuities. Not all on-board activities are included with basic fare. I enjoy cruising and I do not need more than my wife's company and a cabin to enjoy. I think it would be very expensive to bring my children and grandson with us as they would like to drink more than we do and be more active on and off the ship. It is quite a bit to think about when planning expenses for a family vacation onboard.
  23. Last summer was very unusual because many cruisers delayed booking until the "C" word restrictions were lifted. Trips to Bermuda were still being affected until about December. I booked my three cruises during that time with "C" restrictions still in effect (2023 cruises) and they have all doubled or more before being sold out this year. I think we will be holding our breath for a long time before there are any price declines in 2023 and even to the end of 3rd quarter 2024.
  24. Count yourself lucky that you do not own a doghouse. 😬
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