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Everything posted by Jennapeep

  1. First pic is of the refugees we spotted and the 2 pic is of the coast guard and the last pic is of us Shadd is the one that spotted them on the end in the White hat and farrah his wife next to him seen them waving and Nathan he is the one who called the crew and me Jenny kept my eyes on them why we waited for them to find them
  2. On 11/9 in room 6051 and 6053 me and my friends were out on our deck looking at the waves and all the boats around with our binoculars we were out there for like a hour and we were about to go in to go to dinner it was about 5:15 5:20 and my friend Shadd saw something black in the water so we all grabbed our binoculars and we find it and we can see it was people on a man made boat. using Styrofoam to flag us down at first we thought it was a mirror or something at first, why I kept a eye on them my husband Nathan called guest services and they called the Bridge. They then stopped the boat and called our room again to get confirm the location of the craft it was on the starboard side towards the back and the boat got turned around and with there spot lights they were Abel to keep a eye on the craft 13 men and 1 women were saved it's a miracle that my friend Shadd spotted them when we did with the last little bit of light definitely a heart warming experience so proud. We found out that they were out to sea for 12 days 4days with no food and 3 days with no water. I'm so glad we were out on our deck watching the water. There boat was made of Styrofoam and wooden planks and tarp. And it was capsizeing fast the captain staded that there craft never showed up on there radar due to it not having any metal on it. And that it was so small and the waves were huge. We were just in the right spot at the right time. Yay Shadd your a hero..
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