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Everything posted by bethfelk

  1. Very late to the party but getting caught up now. Your review is making we wanna try one of the Italian style ships so badly, happened to check my offers and what do I see but a free last minute on the Firenze leaving Sunday. Unfortunately I am supposed to be moving into a new apartment Wednesday so it would be terribly irresponsible but damn am I tempted 😂
  2. Debark was not too painful, got a porter as soon as we could. Timed the Uber perfect and should be back to the hotel before 9:45
  3. Final breakfast and now waiting to debark. We are group L. First time doing self carry and tbh I think it was a mistake bc I’m already exhausted from pushing all me and my moms stuff
  4. My friends also pointed out to me, SpongeBob and squidwards houses hidden in the golden mermaid mural lol. Super random/funny to me
  5. Ended the night with watching Owen’s final set and for my last drink an El Dorado from Golden Mermaid. This was also really good and also wish I would’ve tried earlier. Ran into some friends who I said my goodbyes to. Sad it’s over 😢
  6. Deep abyss from Dr Inks while watching Owen again. Too sweet for my liking so I gave it to my mom and got another Highland Smash from the steakhouse. Now at celestial strings
  7. For dessert, Babaloo Cake. Whatever the hell that is 😂. Not on the regular menu either, ig it is supposed to be the gf counterpart to the baked Alaska?
  8. For appetizer my beautiful delicious Mac and cheese again. And for my main the striploin from the every day menu, which was also really good
  9. Stopped at the steakhouse bar for a drink to take to dinner. Highland smash for me and lemon drop (in a walking glass) for my mom. This highland smash is really really good, wish I would’ve tried it earlier
  10. Alchemists sidecar for me and peach cosmopolitan for my mom. We watched the parade of nations thing from our seat, which was cool. But the Girl Meets World theme song as the backing track for it is certainly a choice😂 (Girl Meets World is a not very good Disney show from when I was like 12 lol)
  11. Lost even more money in casino lol, spent time relaxing in the thermal suite, packed, and now at Alchemy. Irish mule, which again I am annoyed bc the menu specifically says Cairlinn and she put Jameson. Which I detest Jameson, but it is mostly covered up by the ginger thankfully. I would have stopped except that I’m no where close to 15 so don’t really care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Went to Broadway trivia bc my mom wanted to. Stayed for Harry Potter trivia which we did not win but I knew 11/20 out of 20 which I am honestly shocked bc I’ve never seen any of the movies and only read half the books like 15 years ago lol. Jupina Amor (except they’re out of the Jupina so it’s basically just a vodka pineapple😂) and espresso martini. Staying for country music trivia
  13. Bolt was fun, not something I’d feel the need to do again tho. I think it would be better if it was just a constant speed and you weren’t in charge of your own acceleration
  14. Just chilling for now and we have Bolt at 12:00
  15. Chivas from the casino bar (they didn’t have either of my favorite scotches which are Glenlivet and Glenfidditch) which I mixed with the apple juice from the casino breakfast setup. It’s weird I’m aware but I love apple juice as a mixer with scotch
  16. Spent the morning having a lame buffet breakfast (bc I forgot to preorder MDR which is my fault), losing more money in the casino lol and helping my mom pick out pictures
  17. Lobster tail (which was extremely good, def best I’ve had in a cruise ship) and my long awaited Mac and cheese
  18. At dinner now. Appetizer, but I honestly have no idea what this was. He saw how much I loved the Mac and cheese last night, so he said I would get more tonight, but then he told me it would take 20 minutes and first I get “different gf pasta”. Which is what this is. It tasted also like Mac and cheese but different than last night so idk
  19. Spent some time hanging with my new friends and having a couple drinks. Not too many, lest I disappoint my mom at dinner lol. Plan is to party decently hard with my friends tonight tho bc I should not tomorrow since I have to drive overmorrow
  20. I forgot to mention, we saw a lot of crew including Kyndall there. I am genuinely happy for her that she gets to relax and have fun on her own but tbh I am surprised, I did not realize the cruise directors ever got to get off
  21. The one thing that annoyed me a lot is they would only let you rent snorkel gear for 30 minutes once per person. I did not really care about snorkeling but I am a weak swimmer so I wanted the life jacket and he said I couldn’t have it twice. Which seems like a bad idea
  22. Overall it was really nice. Maybe we liked more than Nachi Cocom idk. I think the food was better. I had cheese nachos and we shared a flank steak. The view of the ship was cool. But their idea of a Mai Tai tasted like a cherry slush. In port I bought a bottle of vanilla for my new apartment bc I do a lot of baking
  23. As I had said we went to El Cid today. It was supposed to include wifi but I was too stupid to figure out how to activate the code they gave us. So I will update that now
  24. Ended last night with hitting the casino. Did $100 cash in on a pirate slot and did ok for a while but went to sleep when I ran out of money. Will probably play some more today and tomorrow rrow
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