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Everything posted by bethfelk

  1. Apologies for the lack of updates last night, partied a bit too hard again. I met some friends at the Red Frog whom I went to Havana with for the LGBTQ meetup, but it didn’t really appear to be much going on. So we had a drink in Havana then went to alchemy. And I crashed after dinner. This morning we are about to get off and go to the beach now
  2. Three dots and a dash then a shark tooth from red frog. Shark tooth was bought by a new friend who end up not liking so give to me, I promise her to buy lemon drop shot tonight at the club if I make it that late. I love making new friends on cruises
  3. Doctors special (in a walking glass) from Dr Ink. Sweeter than I thought from the description but really good
  4. Huge shoutout to the woman who came up to us at Alchemy and told me in front of my mom how kind and helpful I was to her at the club while extremely drunk. Doing wonders for my reputation😂
  5. Deal closer for my mom and remedy for me from Alchemy. Kinda annoyed on the remedy bc she put coconut syrup which it doesn’t say on the menu and I don’t like coconut(it only says Malibu which would be a tolerable amount of coconut for me). But I’m sure I will suffer through😂
  6. Lunching now. I have ordered gf pizza from the pizza place and waiting now while my mom goes to get the BBQ. Drinks we have from watering hole for me a planters punch and for my mom a watermelon crush. Protip for my fellow special diet cruisers, get a drink before you order your special food, it makes the wait feel much less shorter
  7. We ended up deciding to move inside, at a table by Alchemy now.
  8. Two shark bites preloaded into my tumbler lol (bc I like their drinks better than the serenity bar) and now we are migrating to serenity
  9. Zombie for me, Wikiwiki for my mom but specially made in a bigger glass with more mixer so it tastes less strong lol
  10. I got hit by one of the automatic doors and it startled me into dropped my plate of cookies I had wrapped up lol. The plate surprisingly did not shatter but the gf cookies did😂
  11. Cheese grits, French toast, and gluten free cookies (I took these to go I will eat later for a snack). Cornhole was fun but short lived bc we didn’t do good😂. Rn at “explain a movie badly” trivia and then we will go to guess that song at 10:30.
  12. Latte w/ light vanilla from Marina Bar. I first went to Java Blue but line was way too long. So then I went to Havana which I thought was supposed to be open for coffee maybe not this early? Then I went to Marina and almost no wait. Plan is breakfast as soon as the MDR opens then try to make the cornhole tournament at 9:30
  13. In for the night now bc I’m exhausted. Tbh the Soulbound show gets a thumb down from me technical difficulties notwithstanding. It did a great job of showcasing the casts talents and it was fun visually but the plot was extremely unclear/made zero sense. Imo they need to either have no plot and just vibe, or have a plot that makes sense, but they did neither. If they just added a little more dialogue to make it clear what’s happening it would be a great show I think
  14. No clue what’s happening now. Show has been stopped, they first told us to evacuate but then to stay seated. There’s some kind of wire coming out of the ceiling? Idk if you can see it in the pic. Very weird. Surely this is not part of the show? Would be a very bad show if that’s the case bc it’s adding nothing and people are leaving
  15. At the show now, Soul Bond. Voodoo doctor is walking around ominously
  16. For dessert I had the apple crumble. It was ok but too sweet imo. I wish the crust part had more of a buttery/salty flavor
  17. For my main I had the gluten free pasta “Alfredo.” It was really good I wouldn’t call it Alfredo bc it was very mushroomy
  18. None of the gf appetizers sounded enticing to me so I fell back on an old standby, my fry course. When I was younger I was an extremely picky eater and I would have my fry course for appetizer every single night lol. But now only if I don’t like the options
  19. The gluten free bread is really good. Different recipe than on radiance in March. Also we are late dinner, which is not our preference but weren’t able to switch
  20. I only brought enough liquid IV for one a day but I have called in the reinforcements now😂
  21. Kyndall just said the dining staff will cook over 60,000 meals today alone?? Surely that can’t be true? I know people eat a lot on cruises but surely the average is not 10 a day?
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