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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Dining room was not crowded. It was all very good - Any guesses on where we ate breakfast? Monte Cristo Fritatta Starters Dessert - apple for the 3rd time - really hoping for cherry or mixed berry soon!
  2. Thank you for the positive feedback - we're crossing fingers, toes and everything we can as we really hope to dock. Hook 'em Horns!!
  3. In recognition of bartenders day, I ordered a strawberry mojito - the mint was not muddled, only placed on top. Pretty, but not what I was expecting. From Explorations Bar on NS this afternoon.
  4. Spending a few leisurely hours enjoying the forward view in Explorations. It is full up here w/few chairs available. Wait staff doing a good job of circulating to take drink orders. I got a strawberry mojito, ordered at the bar where I watched it being made. It's good, but the mint was not muddled at all - only mint present was placed on top of the glass before serving. I wasn't able to get her name (tag was angled and picture was blurry), but I will try to have the next one made by someone else.
  5. I have not discussed storage location of decorations, but will ask someone. Will be interesting to see how the response compares to what others were told (hope we all get same response).
  6. I recently had an extraction, bone implant and sinus lift in preparation for an implant, so I can relate and feel for you. Absolutely you are in my prayers.🙏
  7. All good days, yes on the meal and maybe on the drink and wine, not been to the port. Important historical days. Shoulder is still screaming although I am doing PT exercises when possible. I see the surgeon again when I get back - we'll see what he says. I think I may have posted the sunrise pictures on yesterday's thread, so apologies if you saw them already. Currently closing the gap on Ponta Delgado with more water behind us than ahead. Circulating on the bus a couple days ago, was a rumor we weren't stopping at Ponta Delgada. This morning at GS, though, a manager handed the crew member a disembarkation acknowledgement form he needs a passenger to sign. It clearly had Ponta Delgado as the place and Sunday (tomorrow) as the date. So unless something changes drastically before then, I anticipate we'll make our port in PD. Yippee!!😏 Sunrise east of Ponta Delgada Portugal as seen from my deck.
  8. Drydock Update: Deck 10 Club HAL was revamped during drydock! Will definitely make a return trip (or more) to get some pictures - here's what few I could get of the redone Kids Club, now ADA compliant as well as divided into sections to draw families (rather than just kiddos) into the space. Crew who greeted me said I could take pictures so long as I didn't get any of the kids (there were 3 present), but a more senior person who came out said no pictures. He was happy to answer questions; though, so all info is from him. Not intentionally butchering his name, but sure I'm getting it wrong - Deundrae I believe is how it's spelled. Very nice guy from Houston TX (CD Bettyann Chun is from San Fran CA, so at least 2 Americans among the crew) who is debarking in FLL and will resume duties on the Rotterdam when his next contract begins. The area is decked for Christmas beginning with the entry when you get off the mid-ship elevator. We were directed to go right past the desk to access the areas currently open to all passengers; the restricted area is to the left. Music theme is present, so it's cohesive with the rest of the ship. The area is now divided into 3 sections: High Score for older kids 12-17, Hang 10 for 3-11 yo and Kids Clubs for 3-6 yo. Only High Score (aka the family game room) is open to all ages and families from 6-10pm. There are life size interactive puzzle games, like a maze board and slide puzzles (fans of Survivor will surely recognize these) plus Skeeball and a miniature soccer game, race simulators and pinball machines. ALL ARE FREE TO PLAY!! Th High Score area has been fully decorated. The design team will be back on at a later date to install decor in the other areas; we're told they're currently painted white, but were not granted access due to age restrictions. Deundrae said he (personal opinion not official HAL statement) thinks the fact there is a no cost game room onboard not being hyped is because they're not certain the direction they want to take it and are testing the waters (pun intended?). Maybe they'll step up their marketing to families and showcase that space. Or maybe they'll feature it to increase attendance by families already onboard. He said that while it's currently open to everyone in the evenings, that could change to become families only. So it's a PIP (plan in progress). Most of the games will be familiar to children of the 70s and 80s 😊 I'll go back in the coming evenings to see if I can get more pictures.🤞 🫣
  9. I believe we're on the same trip. Left Rome Nov 26, arriving FLL Dec 10. There doesn't seem to be an excessive number of sick people out in Gen Pop, but in any given spot, I do see/hear people coughing and sneezing. The excursion buses were especially "coughy." With that said, I try to do my part to protect myself and others and hope for others to reciprocate; it's really all we can do. Thanks, @euro cruiserfor being among those and sorry you are not able to fully enjoy the cruise. Hope you feel better soon.
  10. I agree, the ship is looking great for Christmas! Can you elaborate on what you mean by "...decorations from FLL to Italy...(per two crew)" Also, when I mentioned the TV issues to Sugi (our cabin steward) he reached behind, unplugged/replugged - we have not had an issue since. The reboots GS was doing were not "sticking" but this seems to have resolved it.
  11. Of course, the times I did not have phone with me so no "proof" but each time passing by Rudi's this cruise (NS Nov 26 - Dec 10) have not seen a single table occupied. Yes, I'm sure it was open, lol.🫣 Unfortunate as it's a beautiful space. Here's hoping they either begin including it w/HIA or reimagine (do not care for that word, but thought it fitting for a discussion involving a creative space) it into a new dining venue.
  12. The casino definitely feels larger now. Of course, the fact that it's mostly been void of players each time I've gone through may contribute to that 😏
  13. Ok so ahead of that, what would you like me to to order w/the package? If I'm told no deal, they get to keep it. 🫣
  14. Pictures to (eventually) follow; I haven't been there, so I'll have to go one evening to take pictures. From the TV: Family Game Room Kids Club
  15. Good morning, Sea Day! Sunrise west of the Strait of Gibraltar heading toward the Azores as seen from my balcony.
  16. Thanks for reminding me about making requests through the Navigator - I have not done that on this cruise, but have on previous cruises. I just picked up the phone and called the CO batline (adding that to the "pesky" list as multiple times, including last night, it has rung long enough to disconnect). 🙄I will begin using the app.😏
  17. Sunrise weat is the Strait of Gibraltar as seen from my deck. Prayers and positive thoughts for all.
  18. You're receiving that message because you've already been verified for the current period (whatever that timeframe is). If you were to apply for military verification more than once, you'd get the same message. Your profile already reflects your AARP status on HALs side - you just need to call and ask them to manually add the OBC as @crystalspin said. Once they do, you'll need an updated invoice to see the OBC - it will not show in the booking.
  19. Not possible 🤭 Now, "Fun With Wine Glasses" could be the title of your next guaranteed best-selling book...
  20. The cruise with the earliest date is the only one you can access through Navigator. You can access them both online. Once the cruise starts, you can access it only through Navigator. Welcome and enjoy your cruises!
  21. Ok, here we go - things have just been "off" on this cruise; I think I mentioned that earlier. We gave it a few days thinking they just needed to get back into their routines, you know, channel their inner Stella and get their groove back since they're once again interacting w/passengers. But time hasn't helped. Nothing major, just a lot of little things starting to pile up - tonight it's the wrong breakfast hanger, so I'm waiting for the correct one. Yes, I know I can write in what I want w/a note it's for CO and they'll look it up and send what we order, but... It's approaching midnight and I think I'm ready to call it a night, so I'd like to get the card out on the door. Service is painfully slow - tonight CO was about half full, maybe a tad less. 23 minutes after receiving menus, nobody had taken our drink orders; 20 minutes later we placed our food order - maybe I'm expecting too much in thinking I should be able to place a dinner order in less than 45 min... We waited so long to get dessert we thought about leaving without it. That is not the pace we've been experiencing in there this week. Laundry took 3 days to get back - ugh!! I LOVE HAL laundry, but 3 days is long enough for me to think the honeymoon is over, lol. The broken china was vacuumed today, so we no longer have to worry about stepping on it. Last night the person delivering room service dropped banana pudding on the floor and the plate broke. She never sent anyone to clean it up, but it was cleaned up today while we were gone. Robes did not arrive until day 3 after multiple inquiries. Water is standing on the deck again because it rained today - cabin steward hasn't mopped it up yet (that was their solution day 1 🙄). Generally speaking, the food is not as good as usual. Tonight (yes, we did eventually get to eat) was really good - probably the best so far. So maybe it's either semi-decent pace or tasty food just not both? Room service food orders have not been correct once - example: bagel and lox ordered, lox rec'd - where's the bagel? Lido ran out of spinach day 2 - no idea when/if they've gotten any since we haven't been back. Took 2 days to get the TV to work - it would turn on then froze. At least it did muster before it froze so we can user our drink package. Thank goodness, cuz now that we no longer have the distraction of ports, we're going to need to drink, lol. Only one of us (2 in cabin) rec'd a key card - had to go to GS to have one made for the other person. Sink is hot water only, well except for the brief moment when you first turn it on - that's cold then heats up quickly and no matter which side you turn the lever to, there's no cold water. Would you like Hot or Hot Hot? So, all in all, nothing earth shattering that will keep me from sailing again on HAL, but the pesky little things seem to become bigger irritants when there are so many of them and put enough of them together and it starts to negatively impact my experience. Worse, or at least worse for now, is we're talking about it w/fellow passengers. So, it's grown from a pesky gnat I'm swatting at to a conversation, ugh. Hoping Stella visits soon... Update - called again asking for the CO breakfast hanger and was told her colleague had ordered it for me. Well, okay...
  22. Yes, I very much enjoyed the time there. We went to Seville - pictures to follow - it was fabulous! Did not try the sherry.
  23. Welcome to HAL!! You will not find Broadway-type productions in the theater or Silent Disco. There are presentations in the theater and other entertainment like magicians and dancers (for example).
  24. Prime rib was served last night; i don't eat it, but was told it was good.
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