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Everything posted by ceeceeDee

  1. Oh, pity the poor cabin steward trying to clean the ceiling!!! Most stewards I've come across are fairly slight in stature. I'm 5'1" (155cm), so I can really relate!!!😂
  2. I suggest you contact your credit card company and enquire. From what I've read, some credit card insurance does cover both comprehensive medical (including evac) and covid related. But, of course, each bank is different. Well worth asking AMEX the question.
  3. Haven't come across that one, sorry. I usually go for a $500 excess to keep the premium down and gamble I won't have to claim. Been lucky so far. (Mind you, I budget for the $500 just in case 🙂).
  4. You haven't met Hillary🤣 However, I also didn't meet your corgi, so let's just agree that the hair drop is/was excessive.🙂
  5. My understanding is that international insurance is required for cruises, even 'domestic' ones. That was the case when we recently cruised up the Queensland coast and back.
  6. Labradors are worse (they're bigger, so more hair to shed 😂). When Hills 'blows' her coat twice a year it comes out in the clumps. The rest of the time we find 'drifts' of hair up against the skirting boards and furniture and I sweep and vacuum several times a day!!! The hair really shows up - chocolate hair, white tiles you get the picture. Even our lab breeder friends can't believe how much hair she sheds (they look after her when we cruise). Honestly, she should be bald!!!🤭
  7. Love Terry Pratchett! He had such a quick wit. The one that tickled my fancy the most was a character describing a gastric upset as dire rear!!!🤣 very apt.
  8. Awww, what a sweet corgi girl. You were correct the first time it's Cavoodle.
  9. Put 'designer' in front of anything and the price goes through the roof!🙄 Mind you most of the 'oodle' crosses are adorable and smart as a whip.
  10. Thank you, John, for pandering to my request. It looks great!!! Well worth the effort and I'm sure Hilary is thrilled.
  11. He's adorable!!! Definitely up for a rumble. That pose is what's known as a 'play bow'. BTW have you had a chance to try the digging holes deterrent yet?
  12. Agree the American spelling is creeping in everywhere! I majored in English, so it tends to annoy me somewhat. There is a valid reason why Madam has two LLs in her name. We wanted to incorporate the breeder's kennel name (Hillcrest) into her name so that's how the LLs came about. Anyway, without further ado......... May I introduce my personal trainer and all round good girl, Hillary.
  13. Awww, know all about those big brown eyes. Her ladyship only dug one hole when she was a pup. A very knowledgeable guy told me to put her poop in the hole and that would deter her. Did the trick immediately and she never dug again. BTW, my girl's name means 'happy and cheerful' (sums up a Lab's personality). You would be familiar with it as someone very close to you has the same name, though our's is spelt with two l's 🙂
  14. Oh, wow!!!!!!!! Also wish my lawn looked as good as yours. However, a certain labrador kills off patches when she toilets. Small price to pay for the pleasure of having a chocolate angel in the family.
  15. This is one of our monsters. BTW I'm keen to see your yew bewt garden edging, John🙂
  16. We have broms (among other things) but they are looked after by a neighbour who owns a nursery, so I freely admit I know what I'm looking at (kinda) but am definitely not a gardener.
  17. I'm a bit slow today but I finally got the joke, Geoff! Duh!😂
  18. Not sure we're allowed to give specific companies on this forum. However, may I suggest that if you have private health insurance or are a member of an automobile club (you know the road side assist ones), they often give discounts on travel insurance for members and as I suggested elsewhere some credit cards offer free travel insurance. Other than that, perhaps do research or use one of those comparison sites. Sorry I can't be more specific.
  19. You never know. We almost always cruise out of Brisbane.
  20. Yes, I'm vice president of a theatre company on the Gold Coast and work in theatres from Northern NSW to Brisbane. I also work in film and TV, though that has been on a bit of a hiatus with the recent writers' strike in the US. Australia was affected as American production companies all downed tools on filming in Oz. Hopefully things will pick up again soon. We'd like to meet you too, John and Hilary. Maybe on a cruise one day...................?
  21. Darren builds awesome theatre sets (he's won awards for them). Unfortunately all I end up with are photos and memories as I can't bring them home. If he builds a staircase on stage it's rock solid. Doesn't move an inch even with several cast members charging up and down it and the English drawing room he did for one of my shows was so beautiful that I nearly cried when we had to pull it down at the end of the play's run.
  22. LOVE it John.😆 BTW you nailed the husband's handbook. Don't even attempt to speak to wife until she has had her morning caffeine and above all else, the correct answer to everything is ALWAYS 'Yes, dear'. Believe me, Darren learnt that very early in the piece!!!!😂 He was a bit hard to train, but a rolled up newspaper worked wonders!🤣
  23. Yes, guys, A Day In The Life of The Fool On The Hill and there's just Something about an Octopus's Garden, Because You Never Give Your Money, you're Mean Mr Mustard!
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