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Everything posted by ceeceeDee

  1. Yes, that be they! Aside from my dancing shoes, they are the most comfortable pair of shoes I own.
  2. Oh dear. A Karen in the wild!!!!!!!!! What IS it with these people?! Were they never taught manners as a child? And do they really think that being obnoxious is going to make people want to help them? If I were a part of her family (heaven forbid), I would have dragged her away and told her to stop acting like a badly brought up toddler!!! She's just an embarrassment to herself. I won't tolerate rudeness especially from family (not that my family is ever rude (at least not in my hearing!). And there is NO excuse for profanity and name calling. Sheez! Stick her in a wheel chair and 'accidentally miss the gang plank' 😠
  3. Yes, for that price I would want a FULL English breakfast with orange juice and a bottomless cup of coffee at the very least.
  4. I have a pair of grey ones which I bought in 2016 and they're still going strong. Admittedly looking a bit tired, but I now only wear them when our Labrador takes me for a walk.πŸ€— I bought a new lace up pair when we were in Florida in 2019. Still look like new because I save them to wear exclusively on cruises. Love them. They're very comfortable and wear extremely well.
  5. Seems like cruise ships aren't the only ones nickel and dime-ing! Just saw this on a news feed. I don't think even P&O have sunk quite this low!!
  6. Actually, you probably were 'on trend'. I recall a boyfriend back in the day who invariably wore his Adidas with a suit and dress shoes with jeans!πŸ™„πŸ™‚ Fashion does tend to be cyclic, John.πŸ˜‚
  7. I put away my first $5 todayπŸ€—
  8. Many years ago I had a favourite pair of strappy heels which I kept for 'special occasions'. Having small children at the time, we rarely went out for dinner (which rated as a special occasion at the time). Anyway, my MIL was visiting and offered to mind the ankle biters whilst we went out. Obviously the shock was too much for my shoes, the straps disintegrated on the way to the restaurant.πŸ™„ I ended up being the barefoot countessa!πŸ˜‚
  9. Haven't flown Hawaiian but really were quite impressed with Alaska Airline when we were last in the States. I'm sure I read somewhere that the two are amalgamating but still flying under their own banners. Hope the standards don't go down.
  10. We tend to let our hair down a bit depending on the amount of OBC. Top of our 'must do' list is always dinner at a specialty restaurant. Other than that we play it by ear.
  11. That's disappointing that you had to go to all that trouble. Covid caused so many problems and so much confusion. Good for you going to toe to toe and exercising your rights, Jean.
  12. Last of the big spenders, eh Jean?πŸ˜„ We'll probably have to let the moths out of the wallet on our next cruise as the OBC is less and the cruise is longer (10 days as opposed to 7) but we'll see.....
  13. Well done Air NZ. We love flying with them and always have a great experience.
  14. On our last cruise we used OBC for specialty dining, barista coffee and a couple of activities and were still running around on the last night trying to find something on which to spend the balance we had left. Did not spend a cent on board and very little on shore, probably a maximum of $120 and that included an excursion.
  15. I too have a money box into which I throw loose coins. I, too, don't use cash all that often so it takes a while to get a decent amount in the money box but every little bit helps. Also if I happen to have a win on lotto (they're always less than $30, usually around $8 so don't get excited!) that cash gets squirreled away as well and everything is put towards our next cruise. Also, on the subject of Aldi.............. at our local one if you tap your debit card there is a surcharge, if you insert it and use a pin there isn't.
  16. There was/is a standing joke in our family. 'You're having a bbq? Do you mind if we bring Ma (MIL)? She keeps the mozzies at bay'. Honestly, mozzies just loved her so the best mozzie free zone was right beside my sweet (in more ways than one apparently) late mother in law.
  17. I'm hearing you, Marion.πŸ™„ Not too much of a problem indoors, house is fully screened but be prepared to repel boarders when you open the ranch slider to access the backyard! Usually a few flies will take advantage to enter the house. Has got to the point where I spray the inside of the screen door before opening it in the hope that the flies will give it a wide berth whilst I exit. If not, it's 'take that young Harry' with the fly spray when I come back inside. Also liberal sprays of bug repellent before taking the dog down the park for a walk. And yes, I remember those flypapers hanging from the ceiling. When I was a kid my friend's mum had one over the dining room table which generally had a heap of flies stuck to it. Put me off eating there.
  18. Quite dire, actually. Apparently Energex are going to have to replace the entire grid as the damage is too extensive to repair
  19. You might find this informative, John. To be honest, we have better things to do and anyway, the cruise lines won't allow us to bring our Labrador to retrieve our 'catch'🀣 https://cruiseradio.net/everything-you-need-to-know-about-cruise-ducks/
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