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Everything posted by NorthernCouple

  1. I think that I see peanuts (how brave of them) and dried mango. I suppose it is better than caramelized onions and olives but I don't think they are giving a good impression of luxury in the YC. I should note that there is a sign saying "Salted Chips" but then there are none...that almost feels worse...
  2. As someone who does planning - I feel frustrated by this. With a 'premium' product, the YC, you don't want it ever happen where a Chardonnay drinker can't get a glass of Chardonnay. With the pandemic, "just in time" supply chains aren't working out. I would expect the MSC supply officer to have a surplus of Chardonnay 'A', and arrangements to get Chardonnay 'B' and 'C' on short notice. The waiter should have grabbed a 'premium' Chardonnay not on the list (and make sure you know it). It is far more expensive for you to have reported "I couldn't get a glass of Chardonnay." IMHO, of course.
  3. Was this truly a substitution (not on the normal list) or was it another wine by the glass under $15? Good to see that they made sure to make you happy.
  4. Definitely a disconcerting report. We will be on a 7d NYC-NYC in July. I am hoping that they will improve their HR situation in the next 4 months. The resurgence back to fully booked from the pandemic may have just caught them flat footed. It takes time to recruit and train staff in any organization. The impact on the YC still seems puzzling. I presume that this is their most profitable segment. You would think that the standards in the YC should fall last. Did you notice worse failings outside the YC? Did your butler just disappear? Were you able to reach them and ask for things? Do you think that they were supplementing other areas or just too many rooms? I was hoping to ask for unpacking, ironing, and frequent Champagne by the hot tub...but seems unlikely. I worry about the supply logistics shortage. On a 3-4 day voyage, I would think that you could emergency resupply at each port. Even OC should have some extra supplies on hand. I'm somewhat reassured that other major lines are having similar issues...otherwise I would worry about a Crystal situation...
  5. Glad to see that they have expanded beyond onions and olives. Worried that you can't find limes in the Caribbean.
  6. Supposedly, if you tap your YC card, you will get a direct elevator...no stops for other passengers.
  7. Any chance you could upload a pick of the 'hang it outside the door the night before' breakfast menu? Past posts have shown that the Aurea menu looked better than the YC.
  8. If there is something different on that planner compared to the 'gen pop', I can't find it. Kinda confirms for me that I will have to find my own entertainment.
  9. I guess YC access gets you Aurea access as well? Or just nobody noticed? This was actually a concern that I had when you mentioned that your daughters were in Aurea. Did you ever figure out their Thermal Spa access? There was another forum thread asking about this.
  10. That is a mighty nice thing to say about your husband/partner. Wonder if my wife would say the same....
  11. The good news for me....my daughter loves olives. She would clear that entire section of olives. Caramelized onions aren't going to sell to either child (or parent). I agree with offering unique Mediterranean foods but you need to balance it with the region that you are serving.
  12. Oh dear...MSC has identified you and cut off your wifi....gotta watch out when you live report.
  13. Oh, dear. Doesn't sound like a real 'Yacht Club' experience to me. Makes me worried for our July trip. MSC seems very behind on their technology such as their app. This might prevent some of the ordering snafu's. Sounds like their supply logistics needs a real upgrade....or it is intentional cost cutting. How can you be out of bottled water?
  14. Glad to hear about the beers. Looking forward to that. MSC seems to have the best beer selection which they should really advertise more. This is something that they could capitalize on and differentiate themselves from other brands. It might also endear them to the North American market which has been a struggle. Ouch on the Chateau Neuf - that is also my wife's favorite. Here's hoping that they up the limit to 16$ without raising prices.
  15. Thanks. We are hoping that if the kids have their own floor that there will be less fighting. I am doubtful. Looking forward to the hot tub and Champagne either way. With enough Champagne, the fighting might not seem too bad.
  16. Yeah…we are definitely containing any excitement that we felt towards having a ‘butler’.
  17. Sure...but can you actually get a wider selection of beer in the YC lounge or do you have to go to the Anchor bar? MSC recently increased the Premium Plus pricing but as an offset supposedly the drink price limit goes up to $16. This would be a real smart move since it pisses people off to buy the top drink package and then be handed a menu with drinks just 1$ too expensive for their package.
  18. Definitely curious if you can get them to stock beer other than Heineken. Happens that Heineken just isn't a beer that I like. Real plus if they will stock Pepsi products. @fredmdcruisers since they are in YC - all included - no price (or price already paid)
  19. Looks awesome. Enjoy. Curious if you can get any beer in the YC lounge or just Heineken? Is the new drink pricing in effect? Can you order the 16$ drinks now?
  20. Please let us know about the Duplex Suite. We will be in one ourselves in July. I hear that it is the only YC suite outside the YC doors. I'm also curious how much we will use the hot tub. Hoping to let the kids have electronics while we sip Champagne in the hot tub.
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