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Everything posted by NorthernCouple

  1. We sail on the Merivaglia in the YC in July. We look forward to hearing about your experience. It sounds like being in YC made embarkation easier. It looks like quite the line for the general population. Our kids are too young to be in their own cabin. We will have to keep ours in the YC with us. 🙂 Look forward to hearing how it works out for yours outside the YC.
  2. Well, I am not a fast runner. Perhaps, they will think that I am power walking.
  3. Honestly, I expected: Close the door behind you. Wear pants/skirt/shorts/dress/bathing suit. Don't barf on the carpet. Don't pee in the pool. Keep your kids under control. Don't fall overboard. Be nice to the staff, but not too nice (don't hit on staff). (perhaps this should be #1) Except for #1, your statement seems to cover it. Did I miss anything?
  4. Ok, I'm curious. What is the topic for "THE TALK"? I hate to ruin the surprise but.... or is this like fight club...1st rule of the Yacht Club is....
  5. This makes sense. I feel like there should be a genuine way to show appreciation beyond just money. It would be interesting to know if MSC has an employee feedback program where they get benefits if customers write something.
  6. Certainly, you are correct, but it lacks personal gratitude. I think about the Japanese tradition - Omiyage where you give something to show true appreciation. "Omiyage is an important part of gift-giving culture for those who like to travel. Translated, the word means ‘local product’, and involves bringing back locally purchased items and souvenirs for your friends and family from the places you’ve visited. This is partly why localized items are so popular in Japan – uniquely flavored KitKats for every Japanese prefecture, for instance. Omiyage is not exactly the same as a typical souvenir though. Omiyage is solely bought for others"
  7. I never would have guessed that it would be so hard to do a cardio workout between 6 and 7am. Makes me wonder how busy the gym will be at 7am. It would be nice if they put at least 1 spin bike out in the main workout area. Has anyone done the 7am Sunrise Stretching? Worth it? What is the story on "No crew gifts allowed."? How did this go wrong? I'm sure there is a reason.
  8. Thank-you for your responses. Definitely disappointing to hear such a late open time to the gym - impacts my planning for family time. Also a shame to hear about the spin bikes - kinda ridiculous and a waste. Without clips, I'm not eager to even sign up for a class. Think the butler can put a spin bike in our cabin? 🤣 I presume that I could use the running track at 6am? or is this somehow closed too?
  9. Our family is going on a 7 day cruise on the Meraviglia in July. We are very fortunate to being sailing in the Duplex Suite with the Yacht Club. We have 2 kids. I typically get up early in the morning, work out for 1-2 hrs, and then join the family for the rest of the day. Is it possible to get bunk beds in the Duplex? Can you get hot breakfast options delivered to the room? How early can you get breakfast delivered? When does the gym open? When there isn't a spin class going, is there any issue using the spin bikes? I thought I saw someone say that staff wouldn't let them use the bikes outside of a class. Do the bikes have SPD clips? Does the spa still have a smoothie bar? Where can you get smoothies for kids (not just mocktails but maybe healthier options)? Is the spa 18+ or are teens allowed? Other than money, any ideas for small gifts for cruise ship staff to say thank-you? What would be valuable? Thanks,
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