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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. I'll probably do that too! 😄 And thanks for the color list!
  2. Found a post with NCL tag colors! Post 5 on page one of this topic
  3. I had a wonderful steward on my latest cruise back in July. We always had a short chat when we met in the corridor and she quickly learned about my habits. I'm a solo traveller and I keep my cabin tidy (like @Notamegagirl) so there really isn't much to do there for the steward. And this steward quickly picked up on that and when she saw the "green light" on the door it seemed she popped in and did most (or all) of the housekeeping even if it wasn't "my turn". I honestly can't see why you'd need housekeeping twice, even if ther's more than one person in the room, unless it's needed to set up those extra beds. But then I haven't cruised with teenagers... or toddlers... or...
  4. A portable water filter probably would work. But as you say, for the last majority of people I doubt It would be necessary.
  5. Actually there is a slight chloride smell/taste in the stateroom water. The buffet water goes through a filter removing that. The smell/taste is very slight and city people used to chloride in water probably won't even notice. Us that are used to non-choride crystal clear water do.
  6. I don't know anything about the boxed water. I do however know that the water in the buffet is excellent! And free! Many say it's better than the one in the box. Refill a bottle/travel mug and keep it in the fridge.
  7. Yep! That's me as well! I don't particularly like to spend a long time having dinner unless the dinner itself is a "social event". I get frustrated if service takes too long. But if someon else likes to take their time, fine with me!
  8. Neither would my refillable cup touch anything. BUT I like to set a good example by using a glass. Someon that sees you or me refilling our mugs might think it's OK for them as well. And their containers or behaviour may not be as suitable.
  9. Oh! I wasn't aware that the chlorine aired away! Thanks! I do use a Brita filter can in my mining area summer house to clean the metal taste in the well water. Very efficient!
  10. I hear you and sort of agree. But I try to follow rules if the opposite might upset other people. However, I think, right or wrong, that the glass is considered "clean" until I drink from it (after all, you take ice and water without grabbing a new glass), so I refill that same glass a couple of times to fill my wide-mouth glass.
  11. I keep a small(ish) water bottle in the cabin fridge for when I get up thirsty in the middle of night/early morning. The cabin tap water does have a slight taste of chloride, but if chilled it's less noticeable. (Those that live in big cities probably are used to chloride in the water and doesn't even notice it. Us rurals might though...)
  12. You are not allowed to fill your bottle directly, but are perfectly welcome to fill a clean glass and transfer the liquid to your bottle.
  13. Well spoken! This reminded me of when I took my then 7-8 yo daughter to London. This was going to be HER trip with her calling all the shots. Except for one day that was going to be my day. It was a full day trip to Stonehenge and Bath and some other stops. I really stressed that this day was for ME, but the rest of the trip was all about her. Once back home people asked her what was the best during the trip. Guess what! Stonehenge! And the bus ride. Why do I tell you this? To point out that kids can suprise you! (Gosh, now I actually remember the bus ride guided in English. We're Swedish and I had a busy time translating pretty much EVERYTHING. One surprisingly interested kid! 😁 We now sometimes travel together in Spain. Payback time with her speaking Spanish, me not 😁)
  14. Without knowing for sure I'd be VERY surprised if NCL (or any other travel provider) didn't have an "entry requirement change"-disclaimer in the paperwork you sign when booking. And what if for example testing returns as an requirement (which I doubt very much now that Covid is more or less a "regular" flu - could be wrong though)? Well, let's get tested! If we "fail", too bad, but we really shouldn't be onboard! Sorry to be harsh, but that's how I feel!
  15. I had transfers included a couple of months ago. There weren't any vouchers as such in the eDocs, but there was some text acknowledging I did indeed have transfers and that I should show my eDocs when asked for. Flying in for embarkation I showed it at the airport and they had a list there as well (Iceland, KEF) that they checked. When disembarking I can't remember anyone checking anything at all, but I may remenber wrong.
  16. Yeah... Don't use much hand sanitizer while at home (wash my hands umpteen/day though...), but I'm packing some small bottles for my Star cruise in October now that flue season is starting. I have LOTS of disposable gloves in my workshop and I think I'll bring some of them as well to use in the buffet while grabbing my food. (Unfortunatley not everyone does the washy washy as they should. And then they go use the tongs...) I'm generally not the worrying kind, but it would suck to get ill when I have lots of fun stuff coming up! Covid or not, flue season is around the corner!
  17. There is no such thing as "free"! Someone has to pay somewhere along the line. Over here Paxlovid is actually around $800 if you were to buy it off the shelf (which you cannot do AFAIK), but covered by medical insurance if given a prescription. So "free" (or low cost) for the patient, but definitely not "free".
  18. If I, as a foreign tourist, would step into a medical facility in USA I doubt I would have been charged much less. Except maybe the Tylenol... Having said that, I'm really sorry to hear of your horrible experience. Sounds like NCL could have handled that better and with a lot more empathy.
  19. Lots of people have both the alcohol package and Starbucks package, so there shouldnt be a limit of one package. But the app probably just can't handle two packages at the same time. I would check out with one of the packages and then go back and see if I can't add the other. If that doesn't work, try the online chat!
  20. Wow! You sure read something into my post that was not intended! CC isn't just for non-EU/EEA people, and without further information unless trying to interpret the video you declare "do not travel via Oslo". I just wanted to share that it's not all bad. I DID ask about further information which you just could have provided (I'm sure I'm not the only one not fond of having to click at a video for information) without being, in my opinion, nasty (maybe unintended, same way my "disrespect" was). No disrespect at all intended. No flaunting intended. That's just not my style!
  21. Are you supposed to embark in Seattle and disembark in Miami? In that case, at least the cruises before and after this one are on the site. A good sign I suppose!
  22. LOL! Oslo is my airport of choice! (I live pretty much in the middle between ARN (Stockholm) and Oslo. Don't like ARN much but sometimes I have not choice.) Was that passport control coming off a US/International flight or getting on one?
  23. I am actually taking that cruise. I am from Sweden and I did ask my PCC for a quote for flights. It turned out the flight from New York was good for me. (Good as in well priced.) The flight to Rome was a lot more expensive than the one I had found myself. It was no problem at all just getting the return flight from New York through NCL (I'm flying into Rome early the day before the cruise and have booked accommodation in Civitavecchia. My daughter cruised out of Civitavecchia earlier this year and she arrived in Rome late at night but getting to Civitavecchia in the morning was very easy according to her.)
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