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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. I don't have any experience one way or the other of this. But surely the cruiseline is in their full right to set their own rules what to allow and not? I live in EU and I have no knowledge of businesses not being able to set (and enforce) their own restrictions. (Of course they can't allow anything that wouldn't be allowed otherwise, but restrict - surely!)
  2. Lots of food but not a lot of tasty snacks in my opinion!
  3. While I do sympathize with you hassle with the cancellations and stuff, this part I really don't get. What is so horrible about waiting for 5 hours for the others to arrive? Agonizing??? Really... At least they have company for support in their "agony". (And as much as I symphathize with the cancellation hassles, the last years have been extremely trying for pretty much everybody. Individuals and companies.)
  4. Aahh... Makes perfect sense! Tried to figure out what it was supposed to be but apprently failed... 😮
  5. 1. Yes 2. Don't know what "shat beverages" are, but you can have beverage package drinks in restaurants. (They are not free without the package) 3. It's up to you if you want to tip anyone. Not mandatory. 4. Yes. On my recent 12-day cruise upgrade was offered for around $70 after a couple of days. (I had used some of minutes but had plenty left and did not upgrade)
  6. Interesting that UK FAS are the same in pounds as the EU prices in Euro. Even though the pound isn't far off 20% higher than Euro. Being in EU I'm not complaining though. And I did manage to get half price FAS on my October cruise. 😄
  7. This was my thought as well (as a non-english/us/Canada person). After all "grilled cheese" really is an odd name for a sandwich if you leave out the word sandwich! Having said that, if they didn't know they should have asked! How they came up with that interpretation I would like to know though. Or maybe not...
  8. "Fortunately" I'm a meat eater. At home I'm mostly vegetarian, but on this cruise it would have been a challenge! As a meat eater I could actually always find something nice in the buffet (often the carving station). But I definitely passed on most meat/chicken offers. As a Scandinavian most desserts (even in speciality restaurants) were not to my taste/liking (seems Americans were happier with them - after all us Scandis are used to "world's best cake"-quality, real cream and real Danishes.). The so called cobblers are nice (but are they actually cobblers?), but what's the deal with chocolate sauce with them?? (If vanilla sauce wasn't offered I took a little soft-ice. Not that the NCL ice, soft or scope is great on any ship, but it's not awful either.)
  9. Thanks for pointing out this! I was beginning to wonder if I was imagining the chlorine smell of the bathroom tap water when reading that so many say it's great! The buffet water is great though!
  10. Not entirely true. It's not dark and it does have a window. Sort of anyway. (Was not able to attach photo, but it's a large window to one corridor that in turn has a good sea view)
  11. You do not have to pay any extra gratuities for drinks and food. Just the regular "service fee". Bottled water is not included but the water in the buffet is very good. Really , very good! Bring a refillable bottle or big mug and fill it there (from a clean glass). There is ice if you don't find the water cold enough. They pour iced water in the dining rooms. The casino on Star is situated where you'll have no reason to enter it except for playing or the bar. I have only noticed cigarette smell from smokers, nowhere on the ship (unless there is a smoker nearby...) What is good or bad entertainment is a matter of taste. I have found it "good enough". At least the shows I mentioned.
  12. Like @YVRteacher I'm at Star now. Unfortunately I have to agree to at least some of the complaints. I have very little to compare with, but food does not seem very good. So far I've eaten in Aqua, Teppanyaki and Versailles and of course buffet. In Aqua food was good, service not great though. In Versailles neither food nor service was great that particular day. Not horrible, but not great. Buffet... My main complaint actually is that it's so badly/oddly organised! There is decent food to be found there if you eat meat and fish (vegetarian options very limited), but it takes some looking around. Carving station usually s relatively safe bet. Quite often hard to find seats. I don't care much about activities, but now I know what OP means with the three violins... As for the shows, I liked Band on the run and the ballroom dancing couple. The White magic show was entertaining, but not really my cup of tea (still liked the guy!). The Burt Bacharach show will close in October and I doubt it will be missed much. Something I do like is the library! Loved sitting there reading on our sea days! I'm a little bit sad that my next cruise (October) is Star as well. It's not horrible but it's not great. Fortunately I cruise for the destinations, not the ship. It would be great if both were fantastic, but now I know that won't happen. Fingers crossed destinations will be as good as they have been on this cruise! (But the guy handing out tender tickets needs an alarm clock! Both times when I've been there to get. tickets he's been late and someone has had to call him. Tendering in general seems to have been working well though.)
  13. As I've already said: I applied a second one on my October cruise. So it's not 120 days for Europe guests. I'm not in UK though. I don't think anyone seen T&C for anything but US
  14. Your driver's license may be worth nothing as far as ID outside of your own country.
  15. Never ever even thought about my driver's licence since there is absolutely no requirement to even have one ANYWHERE unless renting a car!
  16. I'm guessing these T&C are from US site. Can't find any for Europe. But, as I said, I applied a second one to a sail-away inside existing booking. One that sails less in than 4 months (Oct 13), but (of course) has not reached final payment day (30 days before departure in my case). Leaving for Iceland/Norway this weekend and will buy certificates for upcoming cruise(s) onboard.
  17. Yep. I managed to apply a second certificate to my October Cruise. (I am in Europe so final pay isn't until 30 day before sailing)
  18. What I've heard: Double Cruisenext on all cabins until end of August. New bookings. But isn't that what they always say, and yet it can be applied to existing ones. Sure hope so!
  19. Sounds really strange! I'm a solo traveller and I had a family inside on Spirit in May. Can't imagine there would be special rules for oceanviews.
  20. The handful or two times I've used chat has been great. Only minor, easy stuff though. If it's important/big my PCC gets an email instead. He's great!
  21. I know it was there June 28 because I replied to a question about it then. Before that? No idea!
  22. I doubt it's really about emergency channels. Rather them being a nuisance to other passengers and possibly crew. As I understand it more advanced/powerful models have been confiscated in many cases because they can interfere with crew radios (and those emergency channels?). Simple ones have been ok. But to make things easier and not getting into pointless discussions they now simply say "no walkie talkies".
  23. Can't say when because it's not something I have had any interst in, but I saw it some weeks ago when someone asked elsewhere about using them. Edit: And since it's on the prohibited items list and ha been so for everyone that has checked in for any upcoming cruise (and therefor claimed to have read the list) I imagine it is effective now.
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