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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. I have a similar error on my account but it did not stop me from doing check in yesterday
  2. I've been looking at Boston where I've stayed a few times before. Holy smoke! Prices are insane!
  3. Being in Europe I have no experience of CruiseFIRST, but I did buy a CruiseNEXT from someone very recently. It was supposed to expire end of this year, but I had a cruise to apply it to, so no prroblem. When it arrived in my account it had been extended one year. I asked my PCC if he had anything to do with it, but he hadn't and said it was done automatically. Go figure...
  4. I really don't get it. Yes, NCL prices are high, but are they really higher than the competition? For me as a solo traveller it's a clear "no" to that! I admit, I haven't compared anything but inside cabins and maybe that makes a difference. But I cruise NCL because it's the most bang for bucks for ME! Apart from the price issue, there is of course the itineraries. I'm not into Bahamas or (most of) Caribean and I'm Europe based. That may also make a difference. Have you guys done any land vacations lately? Wow! Prices a insane there as well! On both sides of the Atlantic. Hotel prices has skyrocketed in many places. Eating out has become way more expensive and so on. Edit: When I say land vacation I don't mean resort/staying in one place but actually travel around for example northern Europe (and no, Belgium, Netherlands and so on is not northern Europe! Says the Swede... 😉
  5. It's inclusive of tax and tips. But we don't get the super low sail away prices so that comparison can't be made. But let's not discuss that in this topic.
  6. Oh trust me, they charge their customers one way or the other! Cruise price, package price... They charge! Us Europeans actually do pay the package separately. It's around €20/day.
  7. THANK YOU! That's very useful info for me since I don't drink much alcohol. (At least not during daytime in port...)
  8. Thought about this too! The items you reclaim VAT for must be taken out of the country. Good luck claiming that the drinks you've had ARE taken out of the country in your body. 😄
  9. Thanks for useful information! Just wondering about the "alcohol" part. Did you have any non-alcoholic drinks that sisn't get charged, or did you just use that wording meaning drinks in general, alcohol or not?
  10. I've done one-way. No problem!
  11. If you haven't done Teppanyaki, that's a good choice. If you HAVE done it recently, maybe something else would be better. Moderno is nice with a great "starter/sallad/soup" table apart from the meat. Le Bistro is nice too and I would choose it over Cagneys if I can't do both
  12. But then you wouldn't see them unless you were looking. Are you sure there aren't ducks in those places as well as the ones in plain sight? 😉 (I have no idea! I don't get the duck craze and haven't seen any, but then I haven't been looking.)
  13. Well, they DID give you a lot of it! OK, the manager didn't handle it well, but i would just move on, happy about the small extras I actually did get.
  14. I do hope they won't start considering things like Deal or No Deal a show that can replace "real" shows! Not that What the World Needs Now was a great show, but at least it was song and dance by professionals!
  15. Didn't it change into the US site when you clicked it? It changed to my non-UK site anyway. Either way, can't imagine it would be any different for US and this is what it says: What is a guarantee stateroom? A Guarantee stateroom (GTY) is one where there is no stateroom number assigned at the time of booking. A stateroom may be assigned any time after final payment has been received, up to the day of sailing. A Guarantee stateroom guarantees you a stateroom in the category you have paid for (Inside, Oceanview etc.). It does not guarantee deck, location or specific bed arrangements. Once the stateroom has been assigned, there will be no changes.
  16. But it's FUN to do some coloring! 😁
  17. I'll probably do that too! 😄 And thanks for the color list!
  18. Found a post with NCL tag colors! Post 5 on page one of this topic
  19. I had a wonderful steward on my latest cruise back in July. We always had a short chat when we met in the corridor and she quickly learned about my habits. I'm a solo traveller and I keep my cabin tidy (like @Notamegagirl) so there really isn't much to do there for the steward. And this steward quickly picked up on that and when she saw the "green light" on the door it seemed she popped in and did most (or all) of the housekeeping even if it wasn't "my turn". I honestly can't see why you'd need housekeeping twice, even if ther's more than one person in the room, unless it's needed to set up those extra beds. But then I haven't cruised with teenagers... or toddlers... or...
  20. A portable water filter probably would work. But as you say, for the last majority of people I doubt It would be necessary.
  21. Actually there is a slight chloride smell/taste in the stateroom water. The buffet water goes through a filter removing that. The smell/taste is very slight and city people used to chloride in water probably won't even notice. Us that are used to non-choride crystal clear water do.
  22. I don't know anything about the boxed water. I do however know that the water in the buffet is excellent! And free! Many say it's better than the one in the box. Refill a bottle/travel mug and keep it in the fridge.
  23. Yep! That's me as well! I don't particularly like to spend a long time having dinner unless the dinner itself is a "social event". I get frustrated if service takes too long. But if someon else likes to take their time, fine with me!
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