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Everything posted by Cruisegirl138

  1. I called the main number with a few questions and that was one. I’m traveling with a bunch of people who all booked before me so he connected me to the group department and they switched me.
  2. I thought I saw a list somewhere. I’m just concerned with overpacking and was just wondering Incase. I thought I heard sometimes they have a deal per bag. Is that every sailing or a rarity? Thanks.
  3. Thank you. So he just downloads his own app with his own username and same reservation ID and will be able to chat with me?
  4. What is everyone’s experience? I want to be able to communicate with my son. I realize that the notifications probably won’t work but I thought I saw that you have to be 16 to be in the app. Is this true? If so, how would I be able to chat with him if he’s only 15? The internet package is way too much money. Thanks.
  5. Thanks. I was just concerned with being all the way in the front. Sounds like you were in the rear. Did you feel the motion more?
  6. Anyone ever stay in one? It’s up for bid and was debating in trying but I feel like for some reason it may be all the way in front facing forward. Am I wrong? Anyone know where these are located? Thanks.
  7. Thank you for that. Do you just use the sea pass otherwise?
  8. I have a great kid but when it comes to money and video games he doesn’t think straight lol
  9. Lol that’s awesome. I love air hockey too. yes I think the spending limit is like $500. That is obscene.
  10. Me too. I hope so. Just the fact that it said they don’t alert you when funds are low leads me to believe they’re hoping that they go crazy and the rest of it comes off your credit card LOL. So I’m hoping if I disconnect the credit card he can still use the arcade credits.
  11. Yes thank you. I plan to. But can he still use the arcade credits with his card?
  12. They have it for cheaper if you buy in advance. But I don’t think they give you a separate arcade card. I think just credit on sea pass? My son‘s a teen so he can go off on his own, but I remember reading that It does not tell you when the funds are low. And I don’t want him connect to my credit card because you know a kid in the arcade can easily run up a bill when they run out of credits. So I’m just curious for anybody had any experience with this. Thank you.
  13. Did this because all the other parties I’m traveling with have My time dining. I had 7:30 with traditional and now I have to make reservations for 8:30 and later. I feel like it’s in The middle of everything and will miss a lot. Thought the whole point was to go whenever. Can you show up earlier than your reservation? 😩
  14. Or even activities. Very hard to decide what time to do dinner or what nights to book shows in advance with no info. Preferably out of Cape Liberty NJ but even if it’s just a guide to go by from another sailing. Thanks.
  15. thanks. I just purchased the package yesterday so I guess all in lol
  16. I did a Google search a few days ago how much drinks cost on Royal and some stuff popped up. They seemed to be like $12 on average. Up to $14 maybe
  17. Oh wow that’s awesome. I did get excited for a split second
  18. You get that price now? I see $75.99. I guess could also depend on sailing
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