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Everything posted by maclover

  1. Google is, most of the times, you best friend
  2. I’m not a cheerleader (still need to sail for the first time) I trust that if you write to MSC requesting an accommodation based on whatever personal preference that’s not related to a genuine disability need, they won’t rightly point you to fill that form.
  3. @Momto3girlsintheCarolinas I’m not dying to know what’s wrong with you, just some context would be appreciated to get the full picture. There are two different scenarios here. One is about disability One is about diversity/inclusion (that I’m getting it’s your case) I’m just making wild examples If someone is on a wheelchair, that person need to be accommodated in a table where wheelchair can easily fit If someone is claustrophobic, not necessarily it’s a right to be seated next to a window The fact that 4 other cruise lines accommodated your request is quite irrelevant. I usually never have an issue on requesting late checkout in hotel when I need that, still I wouldn’t single out in a review the specific hotel that wouldn’t grant me, even if in a previous email exchange they pointed me to deal with it at front desk upon arrival.
  4. It's important to get the full picture. While I'm not addressing this specific case, as we don't have all the details, disabilities are a significant topic that every major company (including those in Italy, where I live) takes very seriously. I work in a customer-facing company, and believe it or not, there are insensitive individuals who pretend to be disabled to gain extra services intended for those who genuinely need them. I'm not here to debate what should be considered a disability or not, how it should be proven but trust me, when you're on the other side of the wall, it can be very difficult to manage cases that aren't immediately clear. For example, I've seen numerous requests from people claiming disability to skip lines at major events. If someone is in a wheelchair, it's quite obvious. However, if someone is severely visually impaired, it’s not as apparent and it’s not that clear why line should be skipped
  5. I always wondered what’s the point to look for reviews after booking Unless you’re willing to forfeit your money and cancel, what choice do you have other than starting the cruise with a negative impression fueled by second hands reviewers?
  6. I think a quick search can answer all of your questions as they are pretty common ones
  7. Best way is to do before departure: you can find upgrade options under your booking For pricing, it depends on the specific ship and cruise length.But consider ~12€/day from Easy to Easy Plus
  8. It seems that I’m not the only one confused here as you had to clarify few times about what you got already and what you are looking for
  9. I honestly don’t understand the point here you weren’t able to get on the ship, hence travel had been fully refunded. as a goodwill gesture you were promised a 50% FCC that will eventually come. bear in mind that MSC wasn’t at fault as it was Spanish authority to block the ship from leaving as it turned out that few passengers from South America had fake visas now, insurance paid 60% of your expenses and are you still looking to get the other 40% fully covered? Like a completely free holiday?
  10. @alserrod Apologies if I take the liberty to correct you. The first image was taken from the terrace of Fondaco dei Tedeschi, a mall located right next to the Rialto Bridge. While it’s recommended to book in advance a preferred time slot, the terrace is accessible to all visitors and, quite opposite to your statement, it tends to be crowded with fast-paced guided tours, given its free accessibility and stunning views over Venice. Seeing an ambulance-boat or a fire-fighters boat speeding through Canal Grande is merely coincidental. Regarding the last image, it features Palazzo Soranzo dell'Angelo, which can be easily accessed via the side road like every other in Venice. The fact that its main entrance faces the water does not imply it's the sole point of entry. Back on topic, Venice Venice offers a plethora of attractions to explore. Whether to experience a gondola ride or to opt out is entirely subjective and based on individual preferences. @bob10173 getting on and off gondola isn’t too difficult. If you are tight on time I’d suggest you to go to the Jewish Quarter: it’s a fast (15 minutes) and easy walk from Piazzale Roma and you can find few gondolas there.
  11. Sorry. I misunderstood your request. Safe cruise
  12. Starting a trip with hopes of a free upgrade seems like setting yourself up for disappointment. With a 99% likelihood that it won't materialize, you're better off settling into your original plans from the get-go.
  13. I find the original poster's reaction to be quite exaggerated, but I do agree with him on the topic of pasta. I'm 100% Italian, living in Italy, and my wife loves spaghetti alle vongole, a dish she regularly order at restaurants, whether by the seaside or not. Unfortunately, we once received a subpar version of the dish at a place near Lake Como, which turned out to be nothing more than a tourist trap. That looked exactly like the one in the picture above GialloZafferano is undoubtedly the number one website for recipes used by Italians. You can browse through various recipes there, but trust me, no one here would consider a single clam (vongola) to be acceptable as it's merely a garnish Here link to recipes
  14. I’ve never sailed MSC (I’ll do soon) but from my research some weeks ago there’s no baby sitting service for kids younger than 3yo. you, as a parent, can access the baby-club with your kid and need to stay there too
  15. while I find awkward for people willing to escalate to a CEO for whatever issue, in this case cruise line it’s obviously not at fault for another passenger to take someone else luggage. but cruise line is at fault if, after collecting back the luggage, failed to deliver it back to the owner.
  16. I guess it’s actually too late 🤪
  17. Thank you @ConnieTact for this great live report! I’ve never cruised myself but I’ve just booked my very first trip on World Europa for this summer. Even I won’t be in YC as during peak season prices are way above my budget, I appreciate a lot your inputs. I’m quite disappointed by the wine selection though: except the barbaresco you previously posted, pretty much every wine you were offered it’s pretty standard (or even low) quality: at least here in italy you could easily find those bottle in supermarkets for less than 10€ I guess we will be offered Tavernello down in the steerage 😒 food seems to be quite another issue as I’ve read you sent back quite some dishes. While I can see in YC they will try to fix it as nicely and quickly as possible, again I’m a bit worried about what will be going on on lower decks. Again, thanks for bringing us along with you and Mr. CT
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