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Everything posted by Eric&Pam

  1. We didn't ask for cookies & milk. We mentioned that we normally had them at home each night in conversation. As for only wanting to argue, that's not the case at all. #1: I don't want an agent to get in trouble for not doing something they didn't have to do or couldn't do for whatever reason. #2: I'd like to stop the furthering of the assumption that Mega Rock Stars can ask for and get whatever they want. I've pretty much chipped away at most of the OPs complaints except for not getting back about the allergies. And with that, I'm going to walk away from this. Time to start packing so I can compare a normal rock star experience to our past mega experience.
  2. He mentioned several times the verbiage that an agent would be at their service. "no matter the ask"
  3. They are still at your service, are they not? Nowhere do they say, "we'll do anything you want". Saying no to a request they are unable to fulfill doesn't mean they are no longer at your service. Do you really think one should be able to request absolutely anything and they should be forced to say yes because they paid thousands of dollars? Like it or not, there's clearly going to be times when they will have to say no. Should they re-word things so it's not open to misinterpretation? Maybe, but I'd want to know just how many more people have complained about not getting things that aren't listed before I decide.
  4. What are they doing consistently? I've seen an occasional mention of dinner from venues being brought to suites, but not consistently. Again, if something's not listed as an official benefit, or other lines do it, I don't understand how someone can expect it or get upset when it doesn't happen for them. A wise old man once told me, "Never expect anything, and you'll never be disappointed".
  5. The only thing I find wrong is that they didn't call you back on the allergy thing. As for expectations...is asking the agent to cut up all of your food and feed it to you like a baby still considered reasonable using your argument? (I sincerely hope not) Agents have, and will continue to say "no" when they have to. So, is VV's advertising misleading? You can ask for the moon, the agent can say "no" and still be "at your service". There's just so much that they can/will do. Nowhere do they say they'll do everything you ask.
  6. Bar tabs can only be used for drinks. Loot can be used for drinks and anything else. DBE early boarding is around 1:30pm. Ignore the time on your app. Your friends will not be able to board early with you unless they also have DBE. For premium internet, just sign up for it on the ship, and any charge for it will be credited in a day or 2. If not, speak to sailor services. I'm not sure how the bottle of bubbly works, it may be a simple bar credit, or the bottle may already be in your cabin. Ask on board if nobody here has an answer for you. Enjoy your cruise!
  7. What other lines offer means nothing. One doesn’t kvetch about the service and amenities on Delta compared to Ethiad’s. They booked Delta, they get Delta. I’m going to assume that you’ve watched every single review on YouTube, Reddit and the like and have done the math to be able to claim that the majority of them have reported receiving these non-advertised extras. Without seeing the numbers, I’m doubtful. Im an agent, and I book for numerous lines, and I have zero problems with valid complaints. Nor will I dismiss a complaint about a genuine problem. (In the past I’ve even given the heads-up to crew/mgmt about things I’ve read online) I’ve personally complained about the food and service on Virgin sailings when I’ve needed to, and have met with management so they could address the issue at hand, but I never complained that somebody else got something that I didn’t. Virgin has been great about addressing issues when they are notified about them, at least that’s been the case for us and several other sailors I know. They have listened and responded well to feedback over the past 3 years, both good and bad.
  8. Expectations and what's considerd reasonable are both very subjective. Where do you draw the line? I think the extra treatment depends on things like how you treat your agent, and if you've slipped them a few dead presidents ($). I'd hate to see someone get in trouble because they did something extra for someone, and not for someone else.
  9. We buy 6 cards for the savings, and handle 3 each.
  10. No, but you can sometimes buy them in one of the shops on board. They're not always available for sale. These are the robes in suites. We wanted to purchase them, but wanted new ones not knowing how many other guests had worn these in the past, so we first checked in the shops, and they were out of stock, however our Rock Star Agent was able to secure two new ones for us. The cost is $75 each.
  11. We were Megas and requested Woodford Reserve instead of the Johnny Walker Black that was already in the room. She brought us a full 750ml, of Woodford, not the 375ml half bottle, like the others in the bar, and left the JWB as well. As for the bridge tour, waiting until the 3rd day to ask may have been the problem, as they usually only offer bridge tour time for Megas, and it may have already occurred. It's best to ask on the first day,although some could argue that you shouldn't have to ask at all. It's also up to the captain if the tours are offered at all, and their decision could be based on any number of factors.
  12. Everything is indeed modular, and quick to connect once installed. The hardest part will be removing the railing on the balcony, and any beams separating what was once 2 cabins. Here's the deck plan for deck 11 showing the suites in light purple.
  13. There will be plenty of dining times when you board, and plenty of people to help you book your reservations. Go to Razzle Dazzle when you board, and they will have people to help you.
  14. No mention of a different technique here, just upmarket design details. https://cruiseshipinteriors-expo.com/prefab-cabin-design-in-cruise/
  15. Cabins are pre-fabricated. They will pull the old ones out,and insert the new ones.
  16. You won't have to guess as the daily program will state, "Bingo With the Diva", "Bingo With The Hostess", or "Bingo With The Happenings Cast". The longer your sailing, the more sessions you'll have.
  17. With very few solo cabins, I can't see solos ever being the cornerstone. Sure they gave a break on the solo supplements early on, but that was just to fill cabins. They can double their cash flow now by filling them with 2 sailors instead of one.
  18. Suites will be added to deck 11, not the previously rumored deck 13. Scarlet Lady’s dry dock will add over 20 Rockstar cabins, expanding the Rockstar options for sailors and replacing Central Sea Terrace cabins. My guess is that they'll do the same on the other ships as well. Demand is high. https://vvinsider.com/scarlet-lady-dry-dock-adding-rockstar-suites/
  19. Same here. lol Then I'm on the Valiant for Halloween and later that week onto the Rotterdam for 9 days. "Tis the season! 😎
  20. There is more than enough agent to fill the ship. As posted earlier, 4000 RSVPd for 1000 cabins. This sailing isn't available for booking by the public.
  21. We don't do fancy anymore, too much work, so we had a couple of baseball jerseys made.
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