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Posts posted by $hip$hape

  1. 56 minutes ago, clo said:

    AFAIK all the beaches are accessible.  I've never seen anything to suggest otherwise.  The Brazilian real is in bad shape so beneficial for US travelers.  You could easily get a room a few blocks from the beach for probably US$50.  But if I were you I'd do your suggestion and just cab it there and back.  There are tons of bar/food kiosks all the way down the beach(es).  We generally get "salcicha e cibollas."  (Hope I got that right!)  Little slices of sausage grilled with onion.  And caipirinhas of course 🙂  We'll be back in December so you're getting me in the mood 🙂


    If I can help in any other way, let me know.


    Just noticed your post.

    Our priority at this time is, the beach, and caipirinhas of course 😀

    Keep in touch?

  2. On 8/7/2019 at 1:37 PM, mamoune said:

    Hi everyone!  I am about to book a cruise on the Carnival Legend and I have the choice between a premium balcony cabin or an extended balcony cabin. 

    The premium balcony cabin is somewhat larger than a regular balcony, both the cabin and the balcony. My only concern is that it is located directly in front of an elevator. 

    Will I be bothered by the elevator noise, should I choose another location and smaller cabin? 

    Your input is very much appreciated!


    WE have found that a cabin near the lift is much more convenient. 

    And, no noise. 

    https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F_QcnsW4KvaE%2Fhqdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_QcnsW4KvaE&docid=WPJqvhMISWdpIM&tbnid=aL0F6qPxkgRdoM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwirmq3hoPbjAhWnl-AKHWb_BRsQMwhVKAIwAg..i&w=480&h=360&hl=en&bih=913&biw=1280&q=long hallway the shining&ved=0ahUKEwirmq3hoPbjAhWnl-AKHWb_BRsQMwhVKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8

    and no unnecessary long walks.😉

    • Like 1
  3. WE have been to Rio twice.

    We will be there again in November, 2019 for a short day visit, from the Viking Jupiter.

    ...just want to go to the beach for the morning, then get a couple drinks at a bar with a nice view.

    Any suggestions for maybe a day-pass at a hotel with good beach access ? 

    If not, we'll just taxi from the cruise ship port to Copacabana Beach and "wing it".😉 


  4. 1 hour ago, babs135 said:

    Why are you all 'yelling' at each other?  Quite frankly having read the last couple of pages I'm not sure I would want to share a table with any of you!!!  (Just kidding, I'm sure some of you are really very nice, it's just the others...….)

    Your post reminds me of a quote... “As far as new people, I love meeting others. Others; not you. “  😚

  5. 58 minutes ago, zitsky said:


    No children are NOT small adults.  Some know how to behave.  Many do not. 

    There is a strange effort in this country to elevate kids as if they are some kind of holy object. 

    Just let them be (well behaved) kids.


    *(Yes some kids are more mature for their age, but you can't know that when sitting at a table.)

    IMHO, Helicopter parents feel their offspring should be the center of attention on the cruise,

    and at the table.

    Me thinks, they should be left at home with grandparents.😉

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, LandlockedCruiser01 said:

     Just say something like: "I don't feel right intruding on a family meal." 

    A socially attuned host(ess) will know what it's code for, and will most likely seat you with other adults.

    Children are not allowed on Viking, our next cruise, so no problem.

    I would be more apt to say, to a hostess, 

    "Please, you sat us next to the busy galley/kitchen door yesterday.

    Could you find us a quiet corner whilst we wait?"

    Yes, we've had no problems with a change of seating.


  7. 3 hours ago, CPT Trips said:


    Easier said than done.

    If it's "any time dining", often a shared table is a result of

    not wanting to wait for a two top, to expedite seating.  

    You have no idea who will be seated with you until the host(ess) is taking you to the table.

    Do you ditch the group you get assigned to?

    Or do you tell the maitre d/ head waiter,  you want people your own age and then wait

    until an acceptable group is assembled?               

    For the OP , we have never had an awful table mate.

    Some are just more interesting than others.

    Me thinks,

    if others agreed with us at every turn,

    it would be a rather boring evening..😉

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, cruisingmimi said:

    I am wondering why the only recommendations I see are for Barcelona Day Tours and/or Spain Day Tours.  There are certainly other recommended tour companies out there.  Any other recommendations?  I am looking for other tour guides/operators.  I like to compare companies before I commit to one.  Thanks.


    I was also confused by the title of this thread. We just booked Montserrat with “In Out Barcelona “. We did it through Viator, a Trip Advisor company. We have used them in the past. Pay with credit card in USDollars

  9. 8 hours ago, Mrs f. said:

    I haven't  been to Barcelona before and am not certain where the ships berth.

    I would think our final cruise info booklet/papers that are sent will tell us which pier.  I would try also asking on your roll call.  We shall be at a hotel for a few days before our Oceania cruise. 

    Maybe email the people at Spain Day Tours and ask them?.

     I booked their montserrat/cava tour.

    To respond, 

    We have been to Barcelona a few times. The Cruise Port is very large.

    It's a wonderful city, with many specific destinations. This time we are focused on Montserrat.

    I understand. Taxi drivers have no problem finding the ship(s) since they are professionals, and the ships are large.😉

    Our Cruise Critic roll- call for the Southern Atlantic Crossing is small... not much activity.

    We will be based on the Viking Jupiter, since it's staying in port overnight.


    Again, I just find it strange that Viking does not know their assigned berth, and thought there was a web-site that showed where all the ships would be docked..


    Has anyone used this service in Barcelona "Welcome Pick-up"? They say they will pick you up at your hotel and take you on a 4 hour tour and then to the port. Thank you for any suggestion.

    Since we will be on the Viking  Jupiter, and NOT in a hotel,  where will the "pick-up point" be?

    I'm told vendors are not allowed inside the secure port facilities, only taxis..

  11. 14 minutes ago, njhorseman said:



    I think it's most reasonable to interpret "on the cruise" as not equating equate to a need to bring it ashore. The examples given of why you should bring it on the cruise, "in case of an emergency, such as an unexpected medical air evacuation or the ship docking at an alternate port in an emergency" intrinsically have nothing to do with being ashore, but rather with cruising in and of itself. 


    Also those of us who have been traveling long enough may recall that prior versions of the State Department website specifically recommended not carrying your passport on your person,

    but rather leaving it in a secure place such as a safe.

    That was a general recommendation applicable to all foreign travel.😶

    OP... Please.

    If you are just another tourist (and not doing something illicit) 

    Just go with the flow.

    Also, They also don't care what's in your 7 day pill case, unless U are a drug smuggler.

  12. 1 hour ago, Shmoo here said:

    Same here. 

    Passport stays on board, in the safe. 

    We use driver's license with ship's card to re board ship.


    UNLESS it's required that we take our passport ashore.  There are a few places we had to.

    Most ports only request that you have a photo ID and your ship card.

    But leave your cash or some other form  of money for souvenirs before you leave.😶

  13. On 6/25/2019 at 9:14 AM, Mrs f. said:

    So glad you liked the tour. Looks like the same one I have booked for November. Montserrat and Cava.

    We will also be in Barcelona in November, 2019, for a cruise on the Viking Jupiter,

    and are focused on a Montserrat tour.

    Does anyone know of a web-site, where we may see the docking times and terminals for each ship?

    I understand that local tour companies are not allowed access to the Port, only Taxis.


    Viking reps say they do not know where the Jupiter will be docked.(?)

    This just seems odd to me, since most ships have assigned docking space many months in advance.

    Is this something that is peculiar to Barcelona, like last minute parking?🙂


  14. 4 hours ago, Cruisingirl2012 said:

    Once we had a couple sit at our table of 8 and on the first night said "we are not suppose to be sitting with a group of people, this is not what i requested".  By the end of the week, they were thankful they sat with all of us 🙂


    We once sat with a couple (sister-in-law and a friend that said cruises were boring).

    Yes. By the end of the cruise, he said he'd like to do this again.😶

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, electro said:

    Thanks Slidergirl!

    I have to say, in all my travels, I have never heard the term kippie bag,

    and I lived in and flew out of the US for 4 years.

    Yes, Slidergirl...


    Just trying to remember life back in the 50s and 60s 😊

    Image result for ma and pa kettle gif flight

  16. 43 minutes ago, slidergirl said:

    1.  Yes, New Mexico IS a state.

    2.  The GE Card is #4 on your list of acceptable IDs.

    3.  Barking at clueless tourists to take off their shoes

    and take out their Kippie bags

    does no more than speaking politely.

    Dear Slidergirl,

    WE are in the process of getting our GE (Global Entry) Cards.

    Since you are here, could you mention the top # three forms of "acceptable" ID ?


  17. 3 hours ago, CPT Trips said:


    Yep! That's me on aircraft.

    With the short turnaround times there is no way planes get cleaned. 

    I also ask the TSA staffer to change gloves before poking around in my CPAP or other carry-on. 

    I also use hand wipes after returning the menu to wait staff. Hang out by the podium and see whether they are even wiped down, let alone cleaned. 


    In someway, a related story...

    Memories; Hot summer day, waiting with me 7 year old grandson

    in a long que at an amusement park ride.

    Looked down to see him running his tongue along the handrail. 😮


    BTW, 3 years later, we are both doing fine.


    • Haha 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, MicCanberra said:

    Are you sure you posted that on this thread, doesn't sound too aweful to me. Perhaps it was the other thread about nice tablemates.

    I work retail. Maybe I am amazed at how people from all over the world next stopping taking care of you.

  19. 30 minutes ago, C-Dragons said:

    I can’t remember which ship we were on but a couple of years ago

    my Dh ordered the burger in Luminae. 

    He couldn’t even swallow the first bite.

    There were similar complaints from other guests around us who had ordered the burgers. 

    We spoke to the Maitre D’ who apologized and explained that X decided to bring different cuts of beef on board and have the galley crew grind it to make the “signature” Luminae burgers,

    rather than serving guests pre-prepared patties. 

    Well apparently someone messed up and gristle ended up in the burgers, lots of it. 

    I don't know what changed (perhaps better quality control)

    but we have always had great burgers in Luminae since that first fiasco.



    Nice post!

    I remember, in me past life, of being so hungry,                                                                                                                                                    l  was looking for peanut butter left on lids of tin containers in a trash dump in Viet Nam. 

    "would have eaten "signature " gristle at first bite. 

    I know this is not the same but, thanks for the memories.

    Squint your eyes a bit closer.

    Hopefully, everyone does not eat all the words that you say.

  20. 22 minutes ago, K32682 said:


    You will find cruisers from all cultures.

    Expecting everyone to adhere strictly to the cultural norms of the ship's country of registry

    might be unreasonably.  

    Proper table manners are not universally agreed upon.  

    "Free food."

    We have found it interesting.

    One can only eat so much.

    Before the end of our cruises we find,

    less is more. 

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