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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Cool and cloudy!! What a wonderful forecast. We had a lovely hard rain last night - unfortunately just when the little Bandit was about to make his final outing. I waited a bit until it let up then we both got wet. Mind you, I am not complaining. I have been able to turn our sprinkler system off for awhile - that will save water and $$. Sorry to read of all the health issues. My doctor would say it is a function of aging. Sometimes I do not like my doctor very much. I have hopes of getting the two card tables that are still in my living room folded and put away. That will be progress. Susan
  2. Happy Birthday to you both. Something special in the way of celebration, I hope. Susan
  3. Morning. Cool here and I think the day will be pleasant with temps in the 70's. I am working at home today (I hope) continuing with the sorting. I am losing interest in the project but I still need to reduce the clutter. I am going to put some things on eBay with the idea of freshening up my cruise fund - such as it is. Have not heard from any of the local covid victims yet this morning.... hope they are all doing ok. This round of it really seems to be kicker. Sorry that Tana will miss the 8th grade graduation. I know she is very disappointed as is her son. Best wishes and positive thoughts to all.... covid, gout, just plain rotten life experiences at present. Everyone needs a positive break. Enough already!!!! Susan
  4. Back from shelter and the good news is that the roof did not leak during yesterday's downpours. The bad news is that the Shelter Director and at least one of the staff have tested positive Covid. That virus will not give up!!!! Second time around for both. Have not been to today's destination. The main meal tonight will be Shrimp scampi as I work to clear out some left overs. Back to sorting. Susan
  5. Sunny today and the temps will be comfortable. But there are showers predicted for the rest of the week. We will see. I certainly enjoyed the rainy day yesterday - Bandit, not so much. Once of the friends who joined me for breakfast on Friday called to say she has been exposed to covid. Fortunately, the exposure was Friday evening. I am dropping a couple of test kits at her door later this morning. Still loading things for the thrift store - so will get moving on that. Take care all.... will check back later. Susan
  6. Sorry to hear this. I am afraid you are right about the recovery. Prayers continue. Susan
  7. Rain!!! We have RAIN!!!! Yesterday afternoon the skies darkened, the wind came up. Then thunder, lightning, and a really heavy downpour which lasted about 15 minutes. Power went off for a few minutes then was back up. It showered lightly overnight and right now we are having a slow, gentle rain which hopefully will soak in nicely. The next week or so we are projected to have showers off and on. We can certainly use it. I am assuming the shelter roof has survived the true test as I have not heard anything. I rushed the dog out early this morning before the steady rain arrived. He is very good about doing his business but slowed down to stare at two handsome bucks with nice racks who blocked our usual route. He stared and stared until I hustled him along. I could see the rain coming. Susan
  8. Well.... we are still waiting on the predicted rains. We did have a couple of very short little showers yesterday and last night, but hardly enough to wet the ground. I understand that things were much better to our north and to the south. Today is the 20th anniversary of the Missionary Ridge fire which was the largest in this area to date and the 7th largest in state history. Weather that year was very much like our current weather. So far a very uneventful day. Like others I usually eat the inside of the subs and these days I get my hamburgers with no buns. That used to be what I ordered for the dogs. Have two large boxes of "stuff" ready to leave here - one to the thrift store at the shelter and one to a scottish terrier rescue auction. I am working on it.... but I am seem slower and slower or, as a friend of mine says, it takes me longer and longer to do less and less. Best wishes and positive thoughts to all. Susan
  9. What an awful accident. Prayers are on the way. Thankfully the accident was witnessed by people who knew what to do and what not to do. Susan
  10. Good morning. We have rain in our forecast!!!! I will believe it when it happens but this time it looks like a pretty good chance and supposedly spread out over a number of days. Hope springs eternal. I love fish and chips, but will be eating lightly the rest of the day since several friends and I went out to breakfast this morning to celebrate my birthday. It was fun to get out and visit while it was still cool and it was nice to sit and visit . We plan to for lunch sometime next month. Not exactly the high life, but it will do. More later as the dog tells me I need to walk him.... now!!! at once!!! .... or else!!! Susan
  11. Good morning. Clear this morning and sunny but cooler. Temp right now is low 60's and it was in the mid-50's when Bandit and I went for our walk. Hi today will be low 80's, but we do expect some wind and some smoke from the Flagstaff fires later this morning. There is still rain in our forecast for the weekend. Hope springs eternal. We could do without the lightning. @Rowsby - sorry to hear about your kitty. He lived to a good age with you. We are never ready for them to go. Have to head to the shelter in a bit. Our Thrift Store is being hit badly with Covid and we may need to close for a couple of days. No one to work the registers or the intake. Bummer. Work progresses on the floors on the the shelter side but the it is disrupting. The staff is getting stressed. The animals seem to take it in stride. Prayers to all who need them. Keep well, think positive, and dream of cruising if you are not doing it already (and how I envy you). Susan
  12. ..... and it continues sunny, hot and windy in Durango although it does cool off at night so sleeping is possible. I really am thinking about getting air conditioning. I love Iceland. Not sure about the meal but I think I would like it. And I am something of a Klutz of the Kitchen. Jacqui, Glad to see you back. I sincerely hope that gas leak was the last of the attacks by inanimate objects.... they seem to be getting more alarming. That does make 3 now. I have given up on gardening. I need to call our lawn service to get someone to week the Iris bed. The deer have left me those but the weeds are coming in fast and my back will no longer take it. As to the deer... it is now their yard. They stand around when I go out to get in the car or walk the dog. They leave deery messes on the lawn. I have started to give them names. I talk to them. So far they have not answered back. I need a vacation. I am still sorting and this morning ventured out early to the Post Office to send several donation packages to a scottie rescue auction. Now I am going to load out a box for our local shelter. I hesitate to take too much out there since the place is still pretty torn up with the renovations which seem to go on and on. Another month at least as we have to work in segments due to the need to stay open. And people keep dumping animals. The dogs are often between 10 months and 14 months... aged out as cute puppies. Take care all. Susan
  13. @Heartgrove - I echo this. Even when the loss is expected, it is truly hard. Prayers continue for your brother. Take care. Susan
  14. Good morning. Another hot, dry, windy day on the schedule. I plan to haul a hose around to the bushes in front and give them a bit of relief. We do have hopes for end of next week in terms of moisture but I will believe it when I see it. Last night must have been the night for inanimate objects to become vocal. This morning at 1:45 my microwave started beeping loudly. Don't know why. I punched everything I could until I hit something called "reminder" which stopped the racket. Don't know if I woke the neighbors or not. Guess I will hear about it if I did. Would love to return to Norway. Have not been to today's destination but it looks interesting. The meal of the day looks interesting also and I love coconut anything. Whether I should eat it or not is another issue. Take care all. Susan
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