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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good afternoon. It is 27F here.... we may make it to freezing. It is supposed to warm up (sort of) the next few days. This morning was spent taking the Chi into the vet to see if he has some pain issues since he tends to scream when I pick him up some times. So far the tests point to behavior rather than physical but we will continue to monitor. He was fine at the vet's office and allowed himself to be poked and prodded... then yelled as we were leaving. Wish I knew more of his history. I like Baklava but should not eat it... so a very small helping, please. For those of you who usually post, but are going to cut back or even disappear for a while due to cruising.... have a great time. Those of us land locked will survive.... I hope. We have an open house at the shelter tonight to celebrate the renovations. Thankfully just about everything is done except a couple minor tweaks... and an issue with the gutters. Susan
  2. Mine had gotten heavy use. It traveled the world with me... from Greenland to Antarctica. I have many books on it, some of which I have not read. The transfer was seamless. Susan
  3. My Kindle, which was about 12 years old, died a few weeks ago when I was flying home after visiting family. After consultation with Amazon, has now been officially declared deceased.... and I purchased a new one .... but I really miss my old friend. All my books transferred. Susan
  4. Good morning. Still cold here in the mornings, but hey this is Colorado. 13F when dogs and I ventured out at 7:30. It may make it out of the 30's this afternoon but I doubt it. The Chihuahua hates it!!! I have bought him a little puffy coat that zips up the back so I don't have to try to put his head through anything or lift his skinny little legs, but he hates that too. He needs to live in a warmer climate. My fridge is pretty well cleaned out, but only because I have not been to the store recently. Will make a stop this afternoon when I head back from the shelter and restock. Am not a fan of either kale or cauliflower but I might try it along with other roasted veggies. A couple of @dfish offerings looked interesting. And along other lines, Deb.... I know about changing routing numbers and direct deposits. It was a real hassle when my account got hacked and they had to assign me all new numbers for checking, savings, and credit card. Fortunately I slid just under the wires with the pension fund and social security which do involve direct deposit. Auto deposit is great until it isn't. Love the pictures of warm climates although it sounds like it might be little too warm.... but I guess we can't have everything. I have one cruise booked well into the future.... will have to see if my plans change and I find something near to time. Susan
  5. Good morning. We got an unscheduled light snow last night. And ice!!! Dogs and I walked very carefully and they were happy to come in. I did manage to wrestle Monty into his coat. We will go out later after the melt which may be awhile.... it is only 17 right now. I might actually like today's meal, but don't think I will make it. Tonight will be salmon and veggies. Off to the wars at the shelter. May can not come soon enough. The animals are wonderful... our BOD not so much. Susan
  6. Good morning to all.... barely. I started reading and then had to take a call from the shelter regarding and issue with a vicious dog. Not something I can handle but I referred them on to someone who can .... and I sincerely hope this is the last I hear of it. Am wearing my poppy pin today. My Father served in the Navy in WWII. He fortunately had a long life afterward. He was determined to go and he worked hard to get high blood pressure down so he could pass the physical. He was not at sea... he was an officer stationed in London and working on the German surrender terms. Have been to Manaus in 2015 on the Princendam. I enjoyed the stop and I did walk around and felt safe although I did not venture far by myself. Weather here is cold in the mornings... was 15F when dogs and I went out about 7:30. High will be in the low 40's. But the forecast is dry. Snow making is underway at Purgatory.... and Wolf Creek has about 46 inches and skiing has begun. @NextOneglad the AF was caught early. One doctor suspected I had it but EKG showed nothing and I wore a heart monitor for a couple of weeks which also was negative. Scary stuff. Reading about all the cruises is making me restless. Susan
  7. I would be ranting too. Sounds like left hand and right hand are not communicating. Hope you can get some rest and glad you arrived with a suitcase in hand. Susan
  8. The whole article is from 2/22.... but people on board have reported the rescue. Someone just did not look at the date on the article.
  9. Good morning. Sunny here, but cold. 23F when the dogs and I went on a forced march. They are now settled into their beds. Will have to drag them out again in about an hour. It is only supposed to make it into the low 40's today. The Chi hates to wear a coat, so I will take him out for short excursions and then walk Bandit further. That should keep me busy this morning. I think I would like the meal today although it is a bit carby. Would have to go light on the rice. Have been to the destination but no pictures.... it was not a terribly good day but I would like to go back. Glad to see the ships arriving in Ft. Lauderdale and so very sorry to hear about the condo issues for @JAM37. Lenda, hope the transfer goes easily today. Take care all. Lady Luck seems to be all over the place these days.
  10. I can only agree with these sentiments. I know this has been a hard trip for you.... even harder than you anticipated. I hope the remaining cruise home is gentle and peaceful.
  11. Good news. Thanks for letting us know and we will continue our prayers for a bit to be on the safe side. Susan
  12. Oh no!!! Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way that it all goes smoothly and he is soon headed back to rehab. Take care and please keep us posted. Susan
  13. Good morning. Bright and sunny here today and much warmer than it has been. Dogs and I enjoyed a longer walk. It is much easier when I am not hauling a shivering chihuahua behind me. I dropped my ballot in the drop box the end of last week and a quick check this morning tells me that it has been received and counted. The worst thing about all those nasty political ads here in Durango is that they are not even Colorado. We are in the New Mexico TV market area and so I am deluged with the nastiness of people I can't even vote for or against. I have to read the political news for Colorado in the papers I get. Am going to have to make some hard decisions in the next few weeks regarding the shelter and also whether or not I hold on to a cruise that I have booked. It may just be too long (and too many $$). On the one hand.... and on the other hand..... Whatever I decide I am going to just have to live with it. Or maybe I just run away to today's destination.... it looks really inviting. I tend to go for longer cruises since getting out of Durango to any port is difficult. But, I have to consider my age, my sister's age and the dog boarding issue. Or maybe I will just push decisions down the road a bit. In confusion, Susan
  14. I think the numbness is typical although "they" won't admit it. I still have some numb areas. No pain though. I am so careful about sun now - I may be overdoing it. Susan
  15. I try very hard not to hug a bear..... but they keep leaving calling cards in my backyard. No one ever told me I would spend my retirement pooper-scooping after a bear!!! Susan
  16. Good afternoon. I did remember to set clocks back.... all except the car but Subaru has made that easy to do... just need to remember to do it. Just now getting around to looking at CC... day has just sort of gotten away from me. I am getting the stink-eye from the dogs who think supper should be served and why am I late. Love potato and lentil soup, but don't get it often. Not sure what I am going to eat tonight. I need to make a shopping run. Cheers to all who are now on their way from Barcelona. Have a great cruise. @marshhawkSorry to hear about your friend and so glad her dog was placed successfully. I do worry about mine if something were to happen to me, but I know I have many friends who would help out. I see so many sad, sad cases at the shelter. Susan
  17. Good afternoon. Late today as 1) I slept in and 2) I had to mad dash to the shelter for a meeting which went well for a change. It was cold and frosty this morning but yesterday's light snow is already gone. We only got 1 and 1/2 inches . We may have another storm next week. The High Country did much better than we did with the snowfall and Wolf Creek ski area opened today with 28 inches. Not too shabby for this early in the season and the snow can stay up there as far as I am concerned. Been to today's destination, but driving, not cruising. Just finished up the Chinese take-away that I got a few days ago. Hope everyone that is boarding cruises today made it easily and with no complications. I hope that medical issues stabilize, or even better, improve for all affected. The guardian angels need to stop partying and get back on the job. Susan
  18. @kazuIt this point all I can do is wish you an uneventful voyage home with remaining family and with members of daily family. Take care and take it easy. Susan
  19. Got up this morning and looked out at snow on the ridge across the road from me.... so the snow level dropped to about 6800 feet overnight. Took the dogs out and they did their business very quickly - even the chihuahua -but the temps are dropping and I see snow outside my window. Hopefully it will be light. And hopefully he will use the patio potty this afternoon. This when I begin to think of cruises to warmer climes. Have been to St.Thomas, but no pictures available. I and as to drinks, I love a good stout. I see the gang is gathering in Barcelona.... should be a nice cruise back. @kazu (drat - no blue bubble) hope you foot is healing. On the world cruise I did on the QE2 there was a woman who had broken her foot a couple days before sailing. Boy was she bummed. Take care all. Am off to the doggie wars. I will be very glad when my term on the BOD is up in mid-May. Susan
  20. Whew!!! Glad to be able to sign in this morning. Dogs and I walked early and felt warmer than it has been but the according to the weather gurus the storm is approaching. They are forecasting up to 30 inches at Wolf Creek and the high mountains. Again, I suspect we will get rain or a mix, but no one seems to have any idea how much. Will set up the chihuahua potty station this morning. Then deal with a shelter personnel issue.... one of our key people has announced resignation effective really soon but now is not responding to my attempts to contact. I will probably have to go out there this morning - sooner rather than later. The drink is one of my favorites and I like acorn squash. Have very limited experience with Japan and have not been to that port. Need to remedy the situation. Susan
  21. I had my heartfelt best wishes. I hope he can get stabilized and return home. Susan
  22. Sounds like he is making progress which is great news. Sleep and the PT should really do wonders. Susan
  23. Finally back on. CC should not do that to us without warning.Hope you have all survived. We are under a winter storm watch for Thursday although I think we will get mostly rain but I am hastily moving stuff about. I need to set up a patio "business" area for the chihuahua who thinks he will melt in rain..... and if there is snow I will never get him off the porch. More tomorrow.... take care all. Susan
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