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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning to all. Temp here is currently 32F and we are having a light snow mixed with some rain. That will probably freeze later. And snow is supposed to get heavier by mid afternoon. We shall see. I plan to go shovel a path for little Naughty dog since he is not happy right now. Since it is cold and wet, I will devote today to working on clearing out a file cabinet that has lots of stuff in it I no longer need to keep. And laundry including a throw rug that seems to getting blessed by the Chi. Also need to make a few phone calls that will probably mean being on hold for some time. Better bring out a good book. From the shelter side, I have not heard if Mama dog has had her pups. Our Thrift Store Manager is in the last week of employment (she is retiring and looking forward to it) and wouldn't you know... she has Covid. Her husband had it about a week ago. Drat. Susan
  2. Good morning. I feel like I am sliding full tilt to the New Year. Our weather is sunny today but beginning Tuesday night we go under a winter storm watch with periods of rain and snow arriving and lasting, with a few short breaks, until around Jan. 3. I will head out to the store tomorrow morning early to pick up a few items to carry me through although always have soups available. And some things that don't have to be heated. Also need to be sure I have dog food.... and speaking of dogs ------ Yesterday's dinner turned out well. There were 9 of us with lots and lots of food. However, I managed to inadvertently create some drama and at the same time test out the fall detector on my Medical alert system and no, I did not fall. When I left home to go to dinner, I did not wear the device and I very carefully put it in the charger which I thought was high enough to be safe. Evidently the cord was dangling down, and some little dog of the Chihuahua variety pulled it down and carried it off to his bed on the sofa. That registered with the device as a "fall alert" and after the people who answer those things tried to reach me via the device and phone, they began calling my contact list. First two did not answer and fortunately I was having dinner with the third who was very surprised to get a call telling her I needed help since I was sitting at her table eating a very good meal. We did get it all straight and I let the other two people know I was ok. When I got home it took me about an hour to find the device which, surprisingly, still works. I have moved the charger to a higher, more secure location and I will have to say that I am pleased with the way that the alert system did work.....have apologized to all who got calls.... have explained to the Chihuahua that he is not to steal things but I think that last fell on deaf ears. Susan
  3. Good morning from sunny and chilly, but not too cold, Durango. It was 16F when dogs and I walked this morning. And it felt positively balmy since there was no wind. All the family that was headed to my sister's made it in ahead of the bad weather and hopefully the two local family members will get there today. They plan to stay over tonight since that includes the youngest member, age 7. Martha is going to have a very full house with some of them bringing their own air mattresses. Glad I went in October when we could have a more quiet and meaningful visit. Spotted Mama dog has gone to a foster maternity home as we do not like pups to be born in the shelter. We now await word of the blessed event. She is a wonderfully sweet dog, although a bit large, and I know she and puppies will find good homes. In the office maternity pool I picked a date of Dec. 30 for puppy births, and I am guessing 7 puppies. Now we wait and see. The staff has promised a prize to the lotto winner.... I just hope it is not a puppy. Off to sort and make the pies and bread for tomorrow. Our current count is 9, but there are a couple that are problematical. Next week should be very quiet. The only real thing on my schedule is getting my hair cut. And it is supposed to stay in the 40's until the weekend. Susan
  4. It is sunny here, no wind and the temperature at 10am is 28F. Highs for the next few days are forecast to be in the low 40s. While we need moisture, I am glad the storm and the cold is holding east of us. I am late this morning.... I woke up in the night, could not sleep so got up and did a few things around the house. Crawled back into bed about 5:30 and slept in. The dogs cooperated. Just having my first cup of coffee now. I think it will be a slow day. One of my chores this morning before returning to bed was to clip together a set of doggie steps so little Monty can get up on the sofa. It was a Christmas present to him and to me since I was getting tired of lifting him up 4 or 5 times an evening. Bandit jumps up there and Monty wants to be with "his" Bandit. Managed to get the steps put together with no damage to fingers and a minimum of cursing. Today will be rearranging some furniture in my spare bedroom and, hopefully, putting some of the stuff stored in there in a trash. I also will make a quick trip the shelter to check on an expectant Mama dog. We are taking bets on when and how many. She is huge. Would rather be cruising. Susan
  5. Good morning. And a bright and sunny morning it is.... and surprisingly warm. The storm is holding east and north of us here.... and the temperature when I walked the dogs was a balmy 27F. Much warmer than the past weeks. It is supposed to stay that way through Christmas and then next week the pattern will change. Living in a high desert on the edge of mountains does have its perks at times. Anyway, looks like our weather will be nice throughout the holiday weekend.... but if you are planning to leave town there may be some problems on some of the passes. Little else from here. Bon Voyage to all those lucky enough to be sailing. Your pictures and descriptions are what is keeping me going at this time. I have started counting down the days until I am off of the BoD at the shelter and can plan my time at sea. Susan
  6. Good morning. It was actually warmer this morning - by about 12 degrees - than it has been. While we are due to get another drop in temps, the bulk of the bad weather, both cold and snow, is supposed to stay north and east of us. Denver is going to be miserable. Dogs seemed to enjoy their walk. The chicken looks really good. I think I am about meatloafed out. My schedule for today includes hauling stuff to recycling and thrift store. Not a very exciting day. I think I have all I need for Christmas dinner so I am going to avoid all stores. The number of dinner guests fluctuates daily between 6 and 8. Glad Diane is hosting.... she has a house and a large table. At my condo we would be sitting in doggie beds. Roy, hope that test result was residual from previous exposures. Life does get complicated these days. For those cruising, please keep the reports and pictures coming. They are much appreciated for those of us landlocked at this time. Susan
  7. I am so glad you checked in. I was thinking of you the other day and wondered what had happened to you. I too am feeling the cold more than usual.... it must be the increased humidity. The Western Slope being dry and cold does not bode well for summer. Susan
  8. Good morning. I was up early this morning and made a quick run to the store before the crowds. Was in and out in about 30 minutes and will not have to go back until just before New Year. Got everything I needed. The dogs did not enjoy their early walk and Bandit will have to go out again shortly but by then it will at be somewhat warmer. Have been to Sydney several times and always enjoy it. Scheduled again for 2024.... maybe. Will pass on the cocktail. And my meal for tonight will be left over meatloaf.@dfishThanks for the suggestion on the kale. I do eat it, but don't really like it. Will try it crispy. @smitty34877Glad you got home so quickly and hope the hip heals with little difficulty or pain. I have had several friends have the operation and all have been very happy with the results. @grapau27What a terrible accident for Pauline's friend's DD. It must have been a terrible shock to all. They keep telling us it will warm up, but so far it really hasn't. I notice by Christmas and after the forecast is for highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's and high teens. That will be an improvement. Off to review the travels of others and dream. Susan
  9. Glad kitty was found. it does happen. This is why tell people to get their pets microchipped. It at least improves the chances of the a pet being returned.
  10. I think all of us who sailed with her will miss her. Susan
  11. Good morning to all. Still very cold here but we are supposed to move into a slow warming trend with temps reaching to the 40's this coming week. I hope. Dogs and I rushed in and out this morning but we will walk again in about a hour as the sun is warming things up. Haven't been to Adelaide. The meals both sound really good, but I am fixing a meatloaf today which will then feed me for a few days. I plan to do my final Christmas meal shopping tomorrow morning early. Don't need much and maybe I can beat the rush. I watched the ships sail from Ft. Lauderdale yesterday. It really put me in the mood for getting away again. My day will come. Susan
  12. Another really cold morning- just 3F when we went out at 7:30 but it is supposed to begin a slow warm up. Both dogs were cooperative and we will go out later when it gets up into the 20's and the sun is shinning. Mid-week we have high hopes of getting up to 40F. Will feel like a real heat wave. @smitty34877glad to hear that everything is a go for you hip and that you will be home so quickly. And Happy Travels to all those starting our for wonderful Holiday cruises. I look forward to tagging along in my dreams. Except for the group Christmas meal planned for Christmas day, I intend to take it very easy this week. Will be spending a good deal of time on the phone with various family members. My nieces and nephews are very good about checking in around the holidays. Today's meals both sound good. Have not been to Guam. Another place to put on the overgrowing list. Susan
  13. Up early this morning. I have a meeting at 9:30 and then need to go out to the shelter to look at something in the files. Also need to walk the chihuahua again. It was too cold for him earlier. Right now he is curled up in his bed. Pictures all look lovely..... and warm. Back later. Susan
  14. Agreed. No dogs should be running loose. They can all get in trouble. The terriers that I used to have could easily mistake a small pet animal for a rodent. And here a dog chasing livestock, or wild game, can be shot. However, at least in our area, few dogs go after people as frequently as pit bulls seem to.... if they are running free. In the case of our jogger.... he was in a public area and the dog was in its own yard and went for him by going under the fence and with those jaws it did far more damage than say a spaniel would do.
  15. Don't get me started. The majority of the dogs in shelters here are Pitties. And I will be the first to admit there are some really nice ones.... but many are from breeders who did not select their breeding stock for disposition, and a fair number are aggressive. And those jaws are strong. We just had to euthanize one who dug out under a fence to attack a jogger. On the other side of that.... that particular owner has a long history with us of irresponsible dog ownership. We would love it if he were prohibited from dog ownership for awhile. Anyway, sweet though some are... and some breeds classified under the heading of Pit Bull are shown in AKC performance and conformation with no issues being around people and other dogs .... I still would not have one. Off the soap box now. Susan
  16. Good morning. @kazuGlad to hear you are on your way. Cold here. This dog walking at below 0F is not fun, but at least both dogs went quickly this morning. They are fast learners. My biggest problem is wrestling them into coats. Bandit does not really need his, but little Monty just stand still and shakes if out without his and he can do that for a long time. I think his little feet are cold but there is nothing I can do about that. This morning we were in luck as there was a large bare spot of lawn for Monty to utilize so his little tush did not have to touch snow. And that is more information than you probably wanted to know.... but it shows how boring my life is right now. Everyone take care. Keep those pictures of ports, past and present, coming. Susan
  17. Good morning from a very cold Durango. Temp was -1F when the dogs and I ventured out and Monty Chihuahua refused to walk at all. And a do mean refused. He just stood in one spot an shivered even with his warmy coat on. I think his little feet were just too cold.There was a lot of ice, so we came back rather quickly. They are both sleeping right now and I will try again in about an hour when the sun has done its magic. High today is forecast at 28F and if we hit freezing as a high in the next week or so I will count myself lucky. Usually the really cold does not hit until January. Nothing much on my agenda for today except working on sorting file cabinets which badly need to have outdated stuff tossed. Have a scheduled dental appointment this afternoon so I also need to chip the ice off my car. Or maybe the sun will do the work for me. Hope all of you heading out for cruises make it. January should be interesting reading on the Boards if the internet on the ships will just cooperate. Susan
  18. Actually, some of those passes are much scarier in the summer. In the winter, once the road is scrapped it is sort of like a toboggan run. And there is no view to distract you since you can't see over. Still, I try to avoid them.
  19. The snow has arrived here. A bit late, but I had time to give the dogs a good walk before the flakes began to fall. We are not supposed to get much in town but the passes and all roads out of town will be bad. Fortunately I am not going anywhere. Wolf Creek Pass will get about 12".... the northern passes around 10". One thing about the snows of winter.... most of those passes do not have many guard rails. When the snow is piled up, you could not go off it you wanted to. Hope all of you make it to your various cruises. I will be anxiously following any blogs. @grapau27Glad your surgery went well and it was less extensive than you anticipated. @kazuI know how you feel about uncertainty...especially when it comes to travel plans. Fingers crossed. Susan
  20. Wow!!!! I just don't have the patience or the skill to make them look so good. My decorating is really minimal. Susan
  21. If you have left the crew gratuity in place, they do get to keep what you give the separately. If you removed it... they must turn in to the pool. Don't know what they do for a partial reduction.
  22. @kazuHope you make it to your cruise. I know about this winter travel stuff. A number of years ago I was trying to get to the Princedam for the GSA. Our weather was on and off snow and the roads around me kept closing so I could not drive out. I had to take my 4 dogs to their kennel and then catch a flight. Some people on my roll call were taking bets as to whether or not I would make it (I did). I allowed extra time but was a nervous wreck by the time I got to Ft. Lauderdale. I needed the extra time before the cruise just to settle my nerves. I swore I would never cruise in Jan again... but guess who is signed up for a cruise in Jan. 2024. It is sunny here right now and is supposed to be fairly warm with the storm headed our way. Tomorrow may be a totally different story. I went to the store yesterday and stocked up on the basics.... don't think we will get much snow, but the ice scares me. Back to house cleaning and maybe watching a game this afternoon..... or reading. Susan
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