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Posts posted by North2Alaska

  1. Looking for some help both with where to dive and who to go with in Grand Cayman. I got an incredible deal over the weekend for a 5 day cruise and going to use the trip to scout out a spot for a future trip. I'm a Dive Master and have done multiple trips in the Keys, but the only diving I've done outside of the US has been in cold water.


    I love diving reefs, wrecks and walls. The Kittiwake is on the top of a lot of lists, but since it's not been down for long I'm thinking there won't be a lot of coral or sea life. We're only in port from 7am - 4pm (mid February). Based on the limited time I have on this trip, where would you dive? Second, who would you go with? I'd like to find a boat that is more like to have other experienced divers who manage air better so I get the most bottom time. Based on what I've checked on so far, it looks like it might be hard to find a decent shop. btw, I'll be bringing my own gear.


    Really looking forward to some guidance an this one. If there is a good thread, please point me the way. I've done several searches, but a lot the results seem to be geared more to Discovery or new OW divers.



  2. Our past three trips we've rented from Avis, partly due to somewhat older, negative reviews for Sourdough, and it's worked out great. It looks like there might be about a $50 savings by going through Sourdough and they are supposed to be open earlier than 8am and big plus with a short stay. I know those cars are older, but I'd would really like to know what recent experiences anyone has had. Thanks! CC is the best!

  3. We've used Murray's guide the past two years and paid for the updated version for this year's trip. It's extremely helpful and easy to use. He's marks every spot by the mile maker so it's very easy to find what you're looking for.


    We find it's better to drive straight out to Emerald lake and then make all of the scenic stops on the way back. Otherwise you might use up all of your time and miss Emerald lake (which is very beautiful).

  4. :( :( [quote name='KarinaGW']It wasn't advertised heavily on the Explorer either. I read it on Page 2 of Day 1's Cruise Compass under Food & Drink. I think I saw a sign or two, but that's pretty much it.[/quote]

    I checked with RCI and this was their response:

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    I'm sorry you receive misinformation. We do not offer a Champagne card.

    Thank you for choosing Royal Caribbean International.

    Sandra Brent
    Customer Service Representative:( :confused:
  5. I "stole" the official door sign and have adapted it so that you can put your name on right in the Adobe .pdf file and print it out. No double brinting or anything.


    I have placed a copy of it on a couple of quicky web pages


    http://www.geocities.com/bassnote_1 or on




    click one or the other, these guys don't allow a lot of traffic so if you can't access it there, then just email me and I will be happy to send ya'll a copy! I am casting around for a place that will allow me to hot link the thing right to a post.





    Thanks!!!! It worked great!

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