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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. No. With that said we rarely buy each other gifts for any holiday. We just consider what we want/need at the time and buy it. When others ask what we got each other for Christmas or a birthday etc we just mention a cruise close to that date. We like spending on what we personally like not what we think the other will like. Example, I have had fishing lures given to me because people knew I loved fishing. Most of the times I didn't use them. Not the right kind.
  2. We had no expectations of seeing this in North Central Arkansas but our neighbors texted us to come out and see. Our DD in Central Arkansas took this one. And a neighbor of hers took this one. Not the same as the northern states however still nice.
  3. I haven't either but been considering it. Not many options here. About all that's available is frozen tails from the grocery store. Whole lobster sounds great! When I was a child we lived in Massachusetts for a year. My dad often prepared whole lobster. Happy Birthday 🎂 to DD!
  4. While on Icon a guy sat next to me in the wheelchair area at a show. Found out that he needed his wheelchair because someone the day before road a scooter over his foot and broke it.
  5. We just went through a drive-thru. When we got to the window Sharon said sorry if I asked to many questions. He replied, No problem. Ask as many as you what.. .... so I asked, How many seconds are in a year? He was thinking real hard trying to figure it out and then I said ........ 12 ...... There's January 2nd, February 2nd...... He was laughing and asked if I liked any Sundaes. I answered all Sundays. He ended up giving me a free hot fudge sundae and said keep the jokes coming!
  6. I thought yesterday's show was a waste of time! They didn't let us know the results of the challenge. With 2 eliminations, they could of at least shown one.
  7. I love Low Country Broil. We considered making it when Sharon's mom was here earlier but didn't. Glad to hear you enjoyed the trip. And thanks for sharing picks of the area. Great memories of a nice place!
  8. What's that hanging in the closet 🤔 Is that what people used to call dress shirts? 😆 Your room looks great. Have a great time!
  9. I knew you would not give up! That's just not you! Great to see the pics showing up. Tell Brittany and Phoebe we said hi. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the trip!
  10. Denny, don't feel like you need to make collages to cut down on size. We all love to see photos. The collages are very small on phones and harder to enjoy. You can not over post cruise pics here! Try posting jpeg individually from your phone or laptop.
  11. @CruiszBug. Hey Denny It might just be me but on my Samsung your 1st and 2nd post no pics show. On my MacBook pro pics don't show on all 4 post.
  12. I was able to make it down to the garden today before the rain comes the next couple days. I noticed the garlic is producing scapes. This usually happens 2 to 3 weeks before garlic is ready harvest. The larger tomatoes are starting. I am guessing 3 to 4 weeks and we will be back to eating tomato and bacon sandwiches! Delicious tomatoes..... And Cherokee Purple.... Pepper plants doing good. I have lost 1 out of 28 pepper plants. And I think I mentioned starting some tomato seeds to early. I had to put some in grow bags. Here is an example. The are taking off.
  13. I had just downloaded the video and noticed this one. Glad you got it "repaired". I love this! It's fun to enjoy life with grandkids! Learning to make pasta will stay with them forever. I was remembering the clothes hanger trick the other day. Wish I would of tried it. I am not cooking like I used to anymore.
  14. It looks like a pb&j. Her family are big into eating plenty of fruit and veggies. I think it is funny when they are here and one of the kids ask if they can have a snack. When we say yes, they go grab a cup of apple sauce or peaches! They are being raised to be healthy eaters!
  15. We all seem to enjoy sharing food pics. Kenzie wanted to share one with Sharon today! I like how she arranged the cucumber slices!
  16. As I was catching up on post I noticed we have the same clock and similar color wall! As for Hilton Head, I loved it there! Lots to do. Have you been there? Looking forward to pics. Tell our friend I said hi. He seems like a great person. As for your concerns, here is what helps me. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. This has kept me from playing monopoly a few times. Arguing rarely changes anything so why waste time. Consider renting a bike while there. We loved riding bikes there. Easy to get around. Also if a topic comes up and you want to avoid it say, Be back in awhile and go jump on the bike! Try to enjoy the 5 days. Lots to see and enjoy. Have a safe trip!
  17. Our deck garden is doing good. Sharon and family put together 5 grow bags for me to enjoy on the deck! We just found tomatoes forming on them! We held back 7 plants in case any failed that we planted almost 3 weeks ago. With all looking good we put the 7 extra in grow bags. 2 will go to each of the 3 DDs and 1 to a friend. Sharon is not letting the Rollator go to waste! 😆
  18. I started out doing newspaper and than I had an app. Speaking of iPad, I have been considering getting a new iPad Pro. My old one was the 1st generation iPad Pro. I was just about to pull the trigger last week and then noticed they were about to offer a new one. It's supposed to be announced May 7th. I have been enjoying my latest MacBook pro however I am not using Photoshop much. The iPad pro is much lighter and will have the new M3 chip. I will give the MacBook pro to my DD who's laptop needs replaced.
  19. During tribal you could see him going back and forth. I kept saying play it, play it! Don't keep it! I wanted him to stay. He had a high chance to win another challenge and a chance to find the idol again when they re-hide it. I thought it was smart for the others to blindside him. If he would of made it to the end he would of easily won. Also the longer the game goes the harder it gets to get someone like him off.
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