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Posts posted by Peregrina651

  1. I tried both with no takers so will just hang out here while trying to be patient in waiting for our trip.


    They both take dedication to get going and to keep going --even this thread, which goes fairly quiet between sailing seasons, needs to be prodded along to keep it on the first page during the off season. Try the tips I suggested to JP; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  2. In general, only about 3% of ocean cruisers are represented on a Cruise Critic roll call. That would be about 8 people on a Viking China river cruise. I suspect even less river cruise passengers know about Cruise Critic and thus less partcipate in a roll call.


    JP1320, here are some things that you can do to make your roll call more visible:

    1. Add the link to the roll call to your signature so that any one who sees it and is interested can easily find it. Sometimes people don't participate in a roll call becasue they can't get to it easily. They don't know where to look for it or because they don't know how to use the search function. While you are at it, add a link to this thread.
    2. See and be seen. Post in other relevant threads. You never know who is going to see your post and the link to the roll call.

    3. Keep your roll call on page one of the list of roll calls. That means you have to watch the top page of river roll calls and post whenever you drop off. If you are worried about what to say, repeat something you've read here.

    Edit your signature file in User CP. The link is in the CC header at the top of every page. If you still need help, send me an e-mail; there's a link in my signature file. I am always happy to help (but pls put Cruise Critic or Viking China in the subject line so I don't think it is trash).






  3. Hiya all, Getting very excited about our upcoming river cruise on the Dnieiper and Black Sea! I have a question: I went to the bank today to make sure all my credit cards and debit cards and alerts that we would be in Ukraine. He said to try and just use ATMs in Frankfurt and Kiev airports, as there was a LOT of fraud crime at this time in Eastern Europe. Any th oughts?


    Also, Peregrina and others, who recently took this trip 2012, were you able to use US $$ or Euros in the Ukraine? My bank guy thought that US cash might work too... Any thoughts???


    YUP, Lots of them!


    We left home with only dollars in our pockets. We did not try to buy UAH before we left because the mark up and fees we have to pay is tantamount to theft. We got hryvnias (UAH, pronounced gryvnias), the Ukrainian currency, at the Odessa airport while we waited for everyone to get their checked luggage and then a few more times along the way--always from ATM inside a bank and never from a free standing machine; the guides always knew where to find a good machine. We had no trouble getting the money and we no issues with fraud or theft of our card number. If you are careful about how and where you use your ATM card, you should have no trouble.


    We have a separate account that we use for traveling. It is not attached to our regular checking and savings accounts and it has its own ATM card. We keep only enough money to cover our trip's cash expenses --and certainly no more cash than we can afford to have stolen from us (it is not covered by insurance or by the bank; if it is stolen it is GONE). ATM/debit cards do not offer the same fraud protections that do credit cards; if some one gets your ATM card, they can wipe out your whole account. We only use a CREDIT CARD for purchases, one that does not charge a foreign transaction fee. If the card is stolen, we are protected. (On the other hand, I could get cash using my credit card but once again I refuse to have to pay the fees and interest that is charged so we travel with both credit card and ATM card).


    BTW, some of the machines charged fees--and guess what? I paid them without complaining because who wants to waste time hunting for a machine that doesn't when one is traveling.


    Personally, we tend to use only local currency when traveling and will use dollars or euros only if the vendor makes an offer in something other than the local currency (like in China, "one dollah, one dollah"). But that is a personal thing and many people disagree with me. We tipped the crew in hryvnias. I drove my husband nuts over it but we tipped in hryvnias.


    IMHO, there is no need to get euros for this trip since you are going to have to pay to get them (either a fee or higher exchange rate) and dollars will be equally as accepted by those vendors who are willing to accept foreign currency in the first place. Most places in the Euro-zone airports will accept credit cards for any purchases you might want to make during your layover/transfer (we actually did not make any).


    If you are worried about cash fraud and scams, always pay to the nearest whole number that you can. Don't spend a dollar and use a twenty because you could get 19 useless counterfeit bills in return.


    You don't have to go to your bank to let them know that you will be traveling. Just call the number on the back of your card and tell them that you will be traveling and want to make sure that you won't have any problems while you are away. While you are at it, copy down the call collect number for the bank in case you run into any problems while you are traveling.


    See wikipedia article on the hryvnia.


  4. Micky, you can always continue to hang out here. There is no rule that days you can't. And, you can find or start a roll call for your cruise. And, you can start a thread like this one for your tour provider. There is plenty to keep you busy until you leave.

  5. We must book by Wednesday.

    Viking has an excellent reputation; however, the ship that is used for Russia is under Russian dominion and there have been issues with service and with the updating of the cabins. Of course price is relative; however, one deserves good value. Remember, please, that once in Russia, there is no recourse for difficulties incurred.


    Yes, Viking has an excellent reputation and that reputation extends to its cruise in Ukraine, even though the accommodations are not the deluxe cabins that are found on most of the other ships in the Viking fleet. The Lomonosov is an older ship and its cabins reflect that. However, the style of the cabins does not affect the service on the ship or the quality of the food, which are both up to Viking's high standards.


    There are some deluxe cabins on the Lomonosov--or you can wait to sail in 2014 when there will be a different ship, the Viking Sinueus, a newly refurbished vessel with verandas in its deluxe cabins. Information about the 2014 sailings is now available on their website.


    Russia is a different country. This cruise is in Ukraine and any problems that are being reported on the cruises in Russia have nothing to do with this cruise.


    Book in haste; repent at leisure. If you have so many doubts, perhaps this is not the right cruise for you.




    Please be more specific. Your question is too general. What amenities are you talking about? Which amenities do you think are missing?


    Price is relative and trying to decide if a certain product is too expensive is a fruitless discussion. It's a personal decision. If you don't think that this cruise line is providing value for its money, then you should pick another provider or another destination. If you are looking for some reassurance then you should read the rest of this thread.


    If you have specific questions about the cruise, we will be happy to answer them for you.


    If you are concerned about this cruise line, then perhaps this article about Viking and its owner will help you.

  7. Today when I was entering it in my calendar I noticed that we'll be there on Easter (didn't realize it was so late next year). I'm used to being on HAL who always has a priest on board but realize that's very unlikely on this trip. Does anyone know if they have any type of Religious service on-board?


    I would call Viking directly to discuss it with them. It might be that with this much advanced notice that arrangements can be made but you won't know for sure unless you talk directly with Viking.





  8. We've just received Viking's new brochure for 2014 Footsteps.

    New ship

    New prices

    That's why they didn't print 2013 and 2014 together, must be better rooms on the new ship- Much more expensive.


    Right! With Pullman beds and yacht-styled showers in most of the cabins, the itinerary could not be billed--or priced--as 'deluxe.'

  9. While we are on the topic, this is the plug in your room. There might be a 110v outlet in the bathroom but I don't like using them so I don't really pay attention to them.


    If you are bringing devices with American style 3-prong grounded plugs, you will need a different adapter than the one I pictured above. It will need to have three holes for the 3 prongs but still only two prongs to fit into the socket.



  10. You will need a plug adapter for charging your electronics. Read the charging device/A/C adapter to make sure that it operates on 220V current. Most such devices these days are dual current but you should double check just to make sure that you don't need an electrical CONVERTER as well as a plug adapter. But, don't use a converter if your device is already dual current.


    This is the kind of adapter you will need. It is the prongs that are the important part not the design of the plastic part.



  11. We are considering a Viking Imperial Jewels of China cruise in 2014 - Shanghai to Beijing. Any advice as to best time of year to travel (weather)? And what direction would be best if we want to do the two night extension in Shanghai? This would be our first river cruise and first visit to China. Thanks!


    What kind of weather do you like? China climates are similar to the US, in other words temperate, although the summers are very, very hot and humid. We traveled in May, which is a transitional month and while most days were mild, there were a few days when it was hot and a few days when it very cool. We had some rain showers as well, but I guess that is to be expected somewhere in a two week period.


    IMHO, if you are doing an extension on this trip, put it at the end because otherwise you will spend most of your added days recovering from the 14 hour flight and 12 hour change in time zones. Also, by the time you reach Shanghai, you will feel more comfortable with the newness and the different-ness and feel more capable/relaxed/ready to striking off on your own.


    Otherwise, the jury is out on whether to start in Beijing or Shanghai. Those of us who have started in Shanghai swear that is the way to do it while those who went the other way swear theirs is best.


    If you start in Shanghai, then you will definitely see the pandas at the Chongqing Zoo but not the hutongs in Beijing. If you start in Beijing, you will be taken to the hutongs but most likely not the zoo; that depends on how early your flight is and how much time you have to kill before boarding the ship (and you have no control over your intra-China flights).


  12. I don't even know what a "cognate" is. I CAN read WC.


    A word that sounds or looks the same or similar in both languages--like 'problem/problema' in English, French and Spanish. Clinic, advocate (for lawyer), apothecary (apoteka) for pharmacy, cafe are just some that I remember seeing.


    Fortunately, they use WC as well and either word will get you there.


    Okay, while we are on the topic, here is the facilities run down: Odessa walking tour--the line was too long and I didn't bother; Livadia Palace --there is a free handicapped inside the palace but once you leave the building it is a pay facility; walking tour in Sevastopol I did not use but again a long line. St. Sophia, not bad. Aloupka Palace, again I didn't use them. Cossack Museum, smelly and I refused to use them. Also, the bus is equipped and I did have to get over the claustrophobia and use it--but I was desperate, very desperate. Bakhchisaray I think was also a pay facility, but I don't remember.

  13. Boy, they are much more adventuresome than we are--also younger. The countryside looks very much like the US midwest--Kansas, Iowa. The towns look like fun, but the cyrillic (spelling) would be a real challenge for us. I'm glad we are on a tour, not just trying to be on our own!!


    Actually, the alphabet is not that undaunting, if you are patient. I'm not very good at alphabets, never have been for some reason but it turns out that my husband, whose only foreign language success was FortranV, is good at them. He doesn't understand what he is reading but he can transliterate and after a while he learned the letters and went like a house afire--as long as the word was a cognate.


    Here an important word to start with, one that you will find helpful throughout your visit. Fortunately, it is a cognate, too.



  14. I am curious to know what people do with their valuables on days when we have to check out of a hotel and spend the day touring before flying or checking into the next hotel. Is it necessary to have a backpack to carry everything with you? Did you feel safe leaving these things on the buses.


    Thank you for your help.


    I felt safe leaving things on the bus but as turtles says, passports and money were with us--and jewelry was at home.

  15. Quick question - I could not find this information anywhere in our document package - When do you put the sticky paper luggage tags that you write your stateroom number on your luggage? We also got beautiful red leather like luggage tags that I will put on the checked bags before we leave for the airport.


    If you have Viking transfers to the hotel, then you have to put the tags on before you hand your luggage over to them at the airport. If you don't have transfers, then you need to have the tags on the first time you turn your bags to Viking for transport. Keep them on the bag for the entire trip so that they can match name with hotel room as well as with cabin number on the ship.


    BTW, even though we had no checked luggage, we gave our larger carry-ons to Viking for transportation to the hotel. There was no need to deal with them once we met up with Viking.

  16. Just been notified by Genvisa that the new China immigration laws require that anybody applying for a visa for China, also needs to submit a copy of their Drivers License along with the other necessary paperwork and Passport.


    Thanks for the heads up. This is a very helpful bit of information.


    But what about people who don't have a driver's license--young teens, seniors who have given up driving, those who have never gotten a license?? Someone is going to ask eventually so maybe someone who is already dealing with visas can ask and post the answer here.

  17. I am impressed. How did you manage to do just carryon.


    Because I am bound and determined NOT to check any luggage.


    The hard one to pack for is DH because his stuff is so much bigger but we do it by depending on local laundry. We take 3 bottoms each and five or six tops, one warm layer (usually by wearing it on to the plane) plus our goretex rain coats. Two pairs of comfortable walking shoes each--wear one, pack one. Our wardrobe needs are minimal.


    We don't pack a lot of extras like luggage scales, duct tape and some of the other items that I have seen on people's 'must travel with' lists.


    When in doubt, leave it out. I'm tired of dealing with more luggage than I can handle and I have learned that I can manage quite easily with less. Everything I pack gets used.


    But, as I said, we did have to buy a suitcase to get home from China because we bought a whole lot more than we had room for. My bad!

  18. Just a concern on the intra China flights. I use insulin and when you say no liquids on those flights it makes me a bit nervous. I NEVER let my insulin out of my personal posession on flights. It can go in my handbag and I can give them my carryon bag, but is that going to be a problem????


    IMHO, Cruise Critic is a great place to ask questions and share information BUT there are times when this just isn't the right place to be asking a question because it just doesn't matter what we have to say; we aren't in charge and we don't have sufficient knowledge to give you an answer. If you run into trouble with any advice that we give you on this matter, it isn't going to help you to tell the authorities, "But they told me Cruise Critic..."


    You have a legitimate problem for which you need a very precise, reliable answer. Go straight to the source. Call Viking and talk to them directly. They will tell you what you have to do, what papers you need to have with you, what precautions you need to take, etc. They can talk with the China office and ask how this should be handled and they can insure that you get all of the information that you need to make your trip safe and worry free.


    From the website: contact Viking River Cruises, Inc., at 1-877-668-4546 (1-877-66VIKING). Ask to talk to someone about special medical needs. .

  19. Hi All!




    Still can't make up my mind about suitcases. Leaning toward 1 carryon each (checked) and large tote for medicine, liquids etc....and buying a carryon or tote in china. I will probably not decide for awhile.






    We had to shop for another suitcase in China and it was just a pain. If you are planning on shopping, then IMHO, come prepared.


    We did leave home with carry-on luggage only -- one carry-on and one 'personal' item each. We did not check anything on the flights over but once in China, we turned our carry-on bags over to Viking to deal with on the intra-China legs; our 'personal' items (now two each with all the shopping we weren't going to do) came with us. Flying home we checked all our laundry and carried all our shopping on board with us--and then waited 45 minutes in the airport for our checked bags to be delivered. Never again! No more checked luggage!

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