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Posts posted by Debathome

  1. Jo, Glad you are feeling better and were able to make it to the city for the show.


    Candi, most places in Ontario have the nutrition guide available on request. It is a scary eye opener to read some of them over. Foods that you think would be safe bets can sometimes turn out to be the ones with the hidden calories or loaded in sodium. We eat out often and it is hard to make the right choices all of the time. For fast food on the run, I stick to Subway veggie sandwiches or salads with dressings on the side and like Candi, chili or soups. Those options aren't always available though.


    I have a very sick son at home this weekend. He is down with the flu. He has not moved from his sick bed or even been able to stay awake for more than a short while at a time since Friday night. We've been trying to keep him drinking fluids and eating a bit but he is still feverish. If there's no imporvement by tomorrow, we will be calling our physician to see what she recommends.


    Today it is milder out there but they are warning of ice storms around the city. I think it is a good day to stay indoors and get to my chores.


    Have a nice relaxing Sunday all.

  2. The show last night was fabulous. The whole evening was a really relaxing, joyful one. I really needed a night out and it was perfect.


    I did find out how you can turn off the e-mail alerts. At the top of the FB page is "SETTINGS" go into this and at the top of this page you will see the title "Notifications". Click on here to allow you to change your email alerts. I just unchecked everything. Don't forget to go to the bottom of the page and hit "save settings", you should be free of those pesty e-mails from FB. (hopefully!)

  3. Hi All.


    Yes, please do keep it up here as well. I don't want to discuss my weight problems so that the world (and family) can see! :eek::D


    It is cold but the winds make it brutal cold here right now.


    Jo, It is tonight that I am off to see Il Divo. It should be a fun evening. I've been a fan for a long while but never seen them live.

    Congrats on the steady weight loss. Quite the feat at this time of year.


    I didn't fare so well at W.W. this week. Stayed the same. I expected it and as long as I don't gain over the holidays, I am fine with it. I will try harder in the new year. Unlike Candy, I can't deprive myself, I do not have nearly that much will power. I will enjoy my wine and little treats over the next few week but hopefully I will moderate it and try and step up the exercises. I have been trying to stay exact to program all this week because tonight we are eating out and tomorrow I have a wine and cheese party so hopefully if not a loss, at least not a gain. Fingers crossed. ;)


    I didn't even do my regular Christmas baking this year. I knew if I baked, I ate. It is mostly given away to neighbors and family so this year they'll be getting a bottle of wine instead and will probably sigh in relief that they don't have to pretend to enjoy my baking! :D


    Candi, I know the feeling. It is true, I feel more sluggish and slow on almost all of the workouts. I really do think it is the cold. I will have to try warming up better pre workout. Even my fingers typing are awkward when it's colder up here in the evening.

    I also agree about the e-mail alerts. I didn't get them for a long while but then with the recent updates had to re-enter my address and they've begun again. I am hoping there is some way to turn this feature off. I will let you know if I find it.


    I am off work already today. Must go get ready, we are heading downtown early to squeeze some shopping in there as well. Have a great weekend. Behave everyone! ;)

  4. Found Jody, sent off a message, you'll get it if it's the right one!! :D

    We'll all hook up through there.

    I never thought I'd see the day where I was speaking on line to people that I hardly knew. Go figure. My kids think it is so lame to have their mom on FB. :p


    I did my work out but I can't beleive that I am still getting pain and some cramping in my leg so I try not to overdo it and don't get much of a workout. Don't even break a sweat. Keeping to the low impact, small movement stuff.

    I think Candi's refering to her little Mii person. Mine looks downright devasted when I don't do as well on my exercises. She hangs her head in shame. :D

  5. Candi, Too funny! :D

    P90X, isn't that the one that has you doing knuckle push ups and hanging from the rafters?? That looks like a killer. :p:eek:

    Do you do Zumba at home? If so, what do you use? A d.v.d?


    I am trying to figure out how to hook up on FB. I am a friend on the Facebook Cruise Critic page. If you go there and look up 'friends', go to the bottom of page six and there are only two Debby's with a Y. I am the one with three names. Good luck.

    When and if you do, send me a message so that I know who you are. I don't let just anyone on my page unless I confirm I've asked you. ;)


    Jo, don't feel badly, you're not the only one. I am going through the menopausal thing and this week things have been brutal. Nothing helps get me through like something sweet. I have been picking at things here and there. I hate to see the consequences.

  6. Hi Jo, I never realized there would be that many Debby's with a Y. :eek:

    I wouldn't like to give out my full name on the boards.

    Yes, I do have all my cruises listed. Are you by any chance on the Cruise Critic FB page? I could look for you on there.

    We'll get hooked up somehow. Do you play lexulous by any chance. Any other's on FB?

  7. Hi Ladies, Yes, I have been terribly busy but most everything is done regarding the holidays. Gifts purchased and wrapped. Money cards stuffed. Tree up, house decorated and food prepared. I usually do a ton of baking but this year I have decided not to do it. If I bake it, I will eat it. My family won't eat many sweets, I usually bake to give away but this year we will hand out wine to the neighbor's instead.


    Candi, I am glad that mom managed to score a Wii. It's great that she is so enthusiastic about staying active.


    Jods, I'm sorry that you got sick but if you had to get the flu, at least one good thing came of it! 8 pounds, wow, that would take me weeks to lose. I hope that you are feeling stronger and much like your old self now.


    Hi Jo, Did you say you were on Facebook? Look for me under Debby (with a Y) Three names. ;)

  8. Jods, I spoke too soon. One of the parents of a child in our daycare came down with H1N1. I just saw him the other night at the Holiday train event. None of us, nor many of the children have had the shot. Everyone in our community is very cautious of getting it (the vaccine) and not all of the physicians are recommending or giving it. Now that it has struck close to home, that may change a few minds.

    I'm glad to hear that you are feeling stronger. It's good that it's near the weekend and you can rest up a few extra days so that you don't overdo it too quickly.

    Candi, good luck on picking up the deal at Wal Mart!

  9. thumbnail.aspx?q=1437480586271&id=c1a8b78e960e71dd0e4a70b5bc08e03c&url=http%3a%2f%2fmedia.bigoo.ws%2fcontent%2f32%2f287632%2fHope-You-Feel-Better-Soon.gif

    Jods, Sorry to hear about the bug getting you. How long have you been down with it? I don't know of anyone personally that has had it but I've heard it isn't fun. Don't feel guilty about resting, it's really the only thing you can do, so take advantage and keep your feet up until you feel stronger, you don't want it getting any worse.

    Hope your feeling stronger soon!

  10. Welcome CandiBar, Yummy name btw!


    Congrats on your weight loss and continued success!!

    I love the yoga but hate that it doesn't progress smoothly either. I do find that from doing it, I tend to stand much straighter and have more flexibility.


    I have pulled me calf muscle again. I thought it was totally healed. I've been dancing, walking, doing the stretch and Yoga on Wii, and thought it was healed. Yesterday I was running through the mall and felt it tighten up and this morning it was swollen and sore again. I am going to baby it today and hope that it isn't like last time.


    When I first hooked up, my kids joked about putting the control through the t.v. and we laughed about it. Around the second day, I swung my arms overhead (doing the hula hoop) and hit the chain that hangs from the overhead fan which had a crystal bead hanging from it. The crystal broke in half and went flying across the room. I have been more careful since then but still managed to break a ball decorated on the tree the other day. :p


    Sue, sorry I missed you!! I hope you are enjoying a fabulous cruise. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  11. Jo, Welcome home!

    Do you mean to say that they have Wii onboard?? Wow. Glad to hear that it was a great cruise, is there any other kind?? Nice to have you back.

    Yes, the weather here has been glorious. I can't believe that we are having better temps in mid November than we've had for months and no rain at all! Loving it!

    Sharon, I agree, keep the snow and give me this weather anytime!


    I've been busy lately as well. Things start to get hectic from now until the new year. I totally blew any hope of weight loss this week. We went out on a dinner cruise and although there was lots of dancing there's no way I burnt up the calories from the holiday buffet dinner and birthday cake we enjoyed. (not to mention the wine and champagne).


    I did get back to my walking last week and things seem to be fine although when I overdo it, my leg does get tight, but not painful, so I think I am good to go on the Wii. I have begun the Yoga but nothing more strenuous. Tonight I will get back into the other areas.


    I put up my Christmas tree yesterday as I am having my annual ladies party next Saturday. I usually do a formal sit down dinner but I am keeping the menu lighter as a few of the girl's are watching their weight as well. It is the drinking and nibbling at parties that are my downfall.


    Jods, that guy's a keeper!

    Are you having family stay with you over the weekend or are you doing the Thanksgiving dinner?


    Sue, good luck at the in laws. Just think how great you'll look in your bikini in Miami! ;)

  12. Dang, I missed wishing Jo a Bon Voyage. :( I am sure she is having a wonderful time.


    It's been crazy busy around here with jobs around the house and getting ready for a couple of house parties we are hosting. The holiday season is coming around so quickly, I can't get organized.

    My leg is much better. I can't believe how those few days of staying off it, improved the movement and pain. I have only just now begun doing my walks again and I will be getting back on the Wii in a couple of days. :)


    Sue, Lucky you on your upcoming cruise. It is the perfect time to get away. Which ports are you heading to?

    Congrats on the health improvements. Without a doubt the exercise does help in so many ways.


    Jods, you had better be good if you want to see that gift under the Christmas tree! :D

    Hope you are all having a great week! Deb.

  13. Rose, I can't blame it on the Wii although it was involved. I had it out and was getting ready to do the run when a couple of our little kids came into the room. I was on the floor, not the pad, and starting goofing off pretending to run as fast as I could in a squat position, head down and in speedy motion. It was totally my stupidity. I hadn't warmed up yet or stretched and it was early morn so I should have known better. It cramped and hurt but I thought I could just walk it out and kept ignoring it for two weeks. Every night it would be so painful but in the morning it wouldn't be too bad that I couldn't go about my business. I should have heeded the signs and taken it easier. I re-injured it again on Sunday running up the stairs. So now I am trying to keep it up and walk on it as little as possible but you know that's not going to happen when I run a daycare out of my home.

    So all of you have to do an extra couple of minutes on the Wii for me okay?? ;):D

  14. Well it wasn't too bad news at the doc's. She sent me to emergency because she was concerned with the amount of swelling and thought it might be a clot because I had one years ago. After ultra sound and tests, it turns out it is just what I thought. I have a torn calf muscle and because I wasn't treating it well, it got worse. I have to keep it iced and elevated for 2-3 days and then I should be good as new. So, no wii'ing for me for a week at least.


    Jods, I'd say not gaining weight while staying out of town is a win situation. I have about the same time frame and amount that I want to lose as well. We leave April 10th which is 22 weeks away and I want to lose 15-20 by then. It's going to be hard with the holidays coming up but I am hoping in the New Year, I can really get down to business.

    If I can maintain I'll be happy, as long as I don't gain.


    Rose, it was a glorious weekend here as well. Glad you had a workout and got things accomplished at the same time!


    Sue, Congrats!!! I love your wii'ing all the way home line. :D


    Jo, I'll have to remember that line about the wash. ;)


    Have a great evening gals.

  15. Sue, I'd say you had a pretty good workout without doing the Wii this weekend!

    I have still not been able to exercise at all. My calf muscle hasn't improved and I am afraid that I have been doing it more damage by walking on it so tomorrow I have an appointment at the doc's office. Today it went into a spasm and caused me to trip going up the stairs. I broke half my toenail. Can't have that happening when I am carrying around one of my daycare babes.

    Wish me luck.

  16. I agree Jo, we're all here to chat and encourage each other along. It's nice to hear how everyone else is doing and get tips and egged on to try new things.


    I am fairly new to this thread and the Wii as well. I've found everyone on here easy to talk to and quite welcoming.


    Sharon, someone on one of the other threads said that they picked up different Wii games on sale at over half price at Rogers Video Store. I think that is just a Canadian outlet but you might want to try the video chains where you live.


    HCBI~ Welcome to Wii and to the thread. I have no idea about anything other than the Fit. I am so not a video gamer and know nothing about it. I just know that the Fit is easy to use and follow. Congrats on your upcoming cruise. I wish I was cruising at this time of year.


    Clio, 'allo, 'allo! Not sure that we are so much a club as a chatty group who are all trying to drop a few pounds before cruising. How come it is so easy to put on and hard to take off??

    I can get lots of rotations on the hula if I put my arms up and make small, fast circles with my hips but I cannot for the life of me catch those rings.


    Good luck to everyone and have fun working out.

  17. Linda, I just purchased my Wii and am having fun with it so far. I still haven't opened up 1/2 the things on there so it should hold my interest for a little while longer.

    Noticed you on the Canada eh? thread. Glad to have you join us.


    Went to W.W. tonight and lost another pound and a bit. I'll take it. I didn't think it would be a good weigh in since I haven't been working out and had a few extra glasses of wine on Halloween. ;)

    Hopefully I will get back to routine and my Wii this week.

  18. Whoa! I had lots of catching up to do. You've been a chatty bunch. I love it! :)


    I haven't been Wii'ing lately. Last week I pulled a calf muscle goofing around on the Wii and then I went for a long hike and hurt it again rolling off of a small hill, so I have been laying off the exercising. It feels like one of those leg cramps that wake you in the night. A tight knot in the calf. Nothing seems to be helping, I think I am going to have to get a deep tissue massage for it so I haven't been popping by.


    Babymomma, I hope that you are feeling better by now and the cold has run it's course.


    Jo, Glad to see you over on the Canada eh? thread. I told you it was a nice group of people. ;)

    (and any other Canadians that would like to come on by, you know where we are....)

    Congrats on reaching your latest goal. clap.gif


    Rose~ Welcome!! Good job on getting all hooked up. I didn't even attempt it myself. We can leave ours hooked up at the front of the t.v. but when I want to use it, I have to switch over from t.v. to video 3. If you have a button like that, try it and see if it works.


    Sue. Great job on the three pounds!! Gosh, I wish I could keep that up for a few weeks. Every pound lost, I feel better but I don't know why my body and mind sabatoge each other. I haven't stuck to the diet this week. Although I haven't 'cheated' I haven't tracked or kept tally and it just seemed to get away from me. Are you doing any other plan besides the Wii?

    I totally agree with you about wearing shoes. Even if it is just a light, soft soled shoe, it helps.


    Jods, I hope you are enjoying your hotel stay and Dallas. It's not as easy when you're away from home. I know I wouldn't bother going to the hotel gym so I am really impressed with your determination. Good luck!


    Bardstown, I haven't had any problem with my ankles bothering me but like Sue said, try the shoes and see if it makes any difference. Be careful to use your whole foot and palm and toes not just your heel. Wii warned me of that same thing in the beginning.


    Snuggles. Love your graphics!! It's great that you've kept off the 20 lbs. Any tips?? Good luck, I hope you reach your goal and spoil yourself with a nice massage. Sounds good right about now.


    Wishing everyone a great week. Deb.

  19. Jo, Yes, I have begun the Weight Watcher's program as well. It was there that I first learned about the Wii. I have only been going about 5 weeks now.

    Good for you doing your workout. I opted to go for a big hike as I had to walk one of the little ones to school this morning, I decided to carry on and walk to the grocer's which is about 20 blocks away. I have two large stores within a couple of blocks but I needed some Blue Menu products from Loblaw's which is farther. I am hoping to get to my Yoga and strength after work this evening.


    Do you know there is a Canada Eh? thread in the Floataway? Many of us, from all over Canada, have met up either cruising, or at Face to Faces all over the place. Some of us have really become close friends. We also intermingle with the Americans from the Ten Reason's thread getting together yearly for a large weekend gathering. You should pop on by and say hello. They are a really nice group and would love to have you stop in. :)


    Okay, I had better get back to work. I am not yet retired and have a few more years of work ahead of me. I am counting down the days....

  20. Jo, Yes I know the street. She is literally one street over and then right at the top, whereas we are at the bottom. A ten minute walk from us.

    Most of my family (aunts, cousins, sisters) on my mother's side, live near or around Bellville, Madoc, Napanee. Up in your neck of the woods. It is a small world.

    Okay, honestly, did you Wii or curl up and watch t.v.? It's that kind of miserable morning here. A stay in Jammies kind of day but unfortunately I had to dress for work.


    Jods, Lucky you getting to go to Dallas where it's nice and warm right now (as long as you don't get the rains). We are planning our annual Face to Face with other C.C. members in San Antonio next year. I've never been to Texas and really looking forward to it.


    Well ladies with your help, and I mean that sincerely, I managed to lose 3 pounds this week according to the Weight Watcher's scale (the only one I am going by) last night. That makes it almost 10 pounds in the last few weeks since I began. I would like to lose at least another 15 by the time my cruise rolls around in April. Now it starts getting busy with parties and celebrations around here, that's why I joined now instead of waiting for the new year. I know I am going to be enjoying the holiday treats but if I can stay to program now, it won't be so bad when those few added pounds show up.

  21. Hello Ladies

    Jo, the world is even smaller. I live two streets over from High Park!! As a matter of fact, I was there walking home from Bloor St. this morning!! Now it would be just crazy if I knew your sister in law. Without giving too much away on the boards, can I ask what street??


    I try not to weigh myself too often. It drives me crazy. Last week Wii said I was up and yesterday it said I was down 6 pounds!! If only that were true! I think it has to do with time of day and clothing. It keeps asking me to weigh in at the same time of day but it is impossible with my schedule.

    I didn't stretch or anything before running yesterday and pulled the calf muscle. Ouch. I woke to it still bothering me so I went for a long hike today instead of getting on the board.


    I can do the hula but darn if I can't catch those extra hoops. I have tried leaning, stopping, arms up, arms down, everything. I noticed that even when I lean, my avatar doesn't. Beats me how I am supposed to get them. Now I just swing away going for as many circles as possible.

    Forget the Island. I can't get out of the gate!! I am so frustrated because I see which way to go and lean the opposite no matter how many times I've tried it! :o

    I really prefer the Yoga, running, and strength training.


    Sue, and I thought we began our celebrations early! Nice that you all have the chance to get together before the family heads south.

    I actually recieved a Xmas card the other day. My husband e-mailed his freind in England to ask what's up. We thought maybe he was ill or knew something we didn't. Turns out there are talks of postal strike and they just wanted to be sure to get them out before it happens. I am one of those that love the holidays. I was prepared last year for this year! :D

  22. Hello Gang! Made it back from Buffalo. I might not be any lighter but my wallet sure is! We did lots of shopping. I LOVE those American sales. I even picked up some Xmas gifts.

    I did manage to stick to my diet much to my sister's dismay when I pored over the menu and even produced my calorie counter. They thought it was a joke but I kept to it all weekend.


    Jo, all of the Olive Garden have closed across Canada. Have been for a few years now. :( Do you mean the one near Sherway Gardens? What a small world, we shop there all the time.

    Sorry to hear about your 'weight gain'. I hate those dang scales. Do you not go by the Wii scale? It might be good news. ;)


    Do you know that I have never heard of or even knew that any of these games/exercise tools existed? Had never heard of EA or Dance Dance Revolution although that one sounds like fun.


    I had better get back to my Wii tomorrow. My instructor is going to be pi$$ed that I've been away for a few days. I am in for a scolding. :p

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