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Posts posted by Debathome

  1. I am off tomorrow for a weekend of shopping in Buffalo with my sister's.

    I am hoping to be good and keep to diet but they are already planning on eating at those restaurants we don't have in Canada like Bob Evans and Olive Garden :eek: Thank goodness they both serve salad (as if!).

    Will wish you all a fabulous weekend now as I won't be back until Sunday.

    Be back on then. :)

  2. Congrats Jods and keep us posted. I haven't purchased the plus yet, was hoping for it at Xmas, :rolleyes: but might change the request to Biggest Loser depending on how I get along using the Wiil. Thanks for the info.

  3. Thanks Jods, I thought that if I did the body test over, it would just delete everything so I didn't try it. Guess I should get out the book that came with it and actually read the instructions. :o:D

    My son set me all up so I just followed his directions. I really should learn to use it properly and get full advantage.


    The other day I was all set up and doing my stretches and ready to try the running program for the first time. I was set to go and was instructed to put the hand control in my pocket. Pocket??? I'm usually in jammies when working out. Isn't that the point of doing it in your own home?? :p

  4. Hello Fellow Wii'ers!


    I find it hard to keep to a schedule for the Wii. I do find that if I work out earlier in the day, I am much better at certain things like Yoga and balance. My trainer has even pointed out to me that my shakey legs are due to it being so late at night and my being tired!


    I did the yoga, runs and some strength training on Saturday and I couldn't beleive that I was actually a little sore on Saturday night. Never thought that it would give a good enough workout but I guess I was wrong.

    Sunday we walked about 8 miles (5K walk and then shopping downtown, all on foot) We were at the park at 7 in the morning and didn't get home until almost 4, walking and moving the whole day except for about 30 min. when we grabbed a quick bite. Last night I couldn't stand without groaning and moaning.

    Will the machine give you regular (or weekly) reports? Will it tell you if you've lost a few pounds or do you have to delete and redo the info to see the new results. I am hoping that I had a loss this week although I had plenty of wine over the last three days and ate dinner out twice. We shall see how it worked out.

  5. July ~ Too funny, I will have to give the wine a try though, might make it interesting. :D


    That Jillian can be a real drill sargeant can't she? :D


    Thanks for all the info. BTW DH gave it a go and it said he was unblanced. I could have told him that!! :rolleyes:

    He didn't do half as well as he thought he would. Only tried the soccer, and he's a player and he got hit in the head more times than I, and not by the soccer balls!

  6. Hi Gang.


    I can't imagine how you bike ride on the Wii plus. :confused: but then again I am so new to all of this, I couldn't imagine half of it.


    I stepped on to my Wii last night filling in all the info.

    The machine told me I was a fat old lady. :eek::D I am actually in pretty good shape for my age and have good posture and balance but boy, I could not for the life of me figure out the movements. If I was to go left, I'd go right etc. I just can't get the hang of it. I am better on the Yoga and strength training but forget the balance. I just have to keep at it until I get the hang of it. My DH is a health nut (don't ask how we've managed to stay together for over 30 years!) He works full time and in his spare time teaches 6 spin classes a week, rides with a bike club, clocking over 100K each Saturday, plays soccer etc. etc. I am going to get him to try it out this evening and I will bet he can't do it either. Neither of us are any good at these kind of game things.


    I was laughing so hard at the soccer shots. I missed most of the balls but managed to get hit in the head by every shoe flying.

    I did enjoy what I did participate in and think that it will be something that I will keep at, especially with all of the support on this board.

    Thanks for all of the help and input from everyone. It made the decision of getting and using a Wii much easier.


    Sue, sounds like you are losing inches though!! Nice to hear that it really does help.


    Missbogota, If you already have the Wii, you can add the disc of Wii PLus for only $19.99.


    Jo, my DIL was interested in getting one as well. We've decided it might make a good Xmas gift. ;)

  7. Carole, don't be shy about claiming to be a Canadiens fan. Being from Toronto I have to support the Leafs and I do. Just wish they'd throw us a bone and give us somethig to cheer for once in a while.

    Hockeyluver, Football? What's that? :D


    My eldest son came by this morning so I had him hook up my Wii. Everything is set to go, he even made my Mii. (glasses, mole and all, and had a little too much fun doing it!:rolleyes:) I am going to read through everything this evening and tomorrow will be day one. Wish me luck.


    Have a great week all!:)


    EEEWWWWW niether ]DETROIT RED WINGS ALL THE WAY!!! We live just outside of Windsor (across the river from Detroit)


    I forgot to add the Sens in there as well but I'm happy to hear that you are not a Leaf's fan, I wouldn't want to see you disappointed yet another year.:rolleyes: You couldn't root for a Canadian team though? On second thought, wise decision. :D

  9. Jo, unfortunately my son is out of town at the moment. I thought he would be joining us for our family meal but looks like it is easier for him to stay in Collingwood where he is working. I hope that you are enjoying your Thanksgiving and if you do overdo it on the festive meal, just crank up the Wii extra time! ;)


    Hockeyluver, did you start with the Fit before the Plus? I was just wondering what the differences were, and does it just upgrade your original or is it a whole new program? Thanks for the tip about Kg. I will keep mine set up as American because I never learned those newfangled weights either. I'm so 'old school'. :D


    Bardstowntraveller, Lucky you heading off to Florida for the winter.

    I don't usually gain weight on a cruise. We try to take the stairs and stay away from the buffet but we do eat whatever we desire at dinner time, including wine. I have gained about 20 pounds over the last two years. I quit smoking, had a bout with cancer and am going through menopause. :eek: It just kind of crept up on me. I noticed it on my last cruise and one night I didn't even go to formal dinner as I was so uncomfortable in my dress. I swore that would never happen again. We have a 14 day Caribbean cruise booked for April and I swore that if I wasn't down a few pounds, I wasn't going. Nothing like cruise motivation to get you going.

    I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend. I will check back in when I have it all set up and going.


  10. Hi Guys, Okay, I did it as well. I have purchased the Wii Fit not the Fit Plus that has just come out. Someone said that if you start with the basic Fit, you can add on the Fit Plus for only $19.95 so I will begin with the basics. I will be hooking it up this weekend and since it is our Canadian Thanksgiving, I think I will be needing it!

    The Wii Fit was on sale at Costco for $69.00 (in Canada) for anyone that hasn't purchased it yet but is thinking of doing so.


    Any tips or pointers before I begin? I am totally out of the loop as far as these game systems go. The last unit I used was the old Pong tennis thing. :D Luckily I have a computer savvy son that can 'hook me up'.


    I will be coming back here to compare notes so keep posting.


    To all of our American Friends out there, Have a Happy Columbus day!


    and to all of my fellow Canadians... Go easy on the turkey!!

  11. That's it. You've talked me into it. I just read back through most of the postings. I was on the fence when a friend told me about this. I wasn't a believer but I am now! I just started a weight loss regime and need to kick it up a notch. I will check out the stores tomorrow.

    Hopefully I will be back here soon.

    Congrats on all of the weight losses. Keep it up people! :)

  12. Nope. Nothing wrong with that one, it's a creative shot. Was that taken at the pier near The Boathouse on Barbados?


    Yes, that is exactly where it was taken!


    Thank you all for making me feel comfortable in posting. I see that you all have great gear and actually know what you are doing! :) I, on the other hand, have a little 'girlie' Sony Cybershot that really has a mind of it's own. I have no idea what you are talking about in terms of composition, lighting etc. but I do know that I really enjoy looking at all of your wonderful photos. Keep them coming. Deb.

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