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Everything posted by br_luv2travl

  1. For Security purposes they take your pic as you embark, and then my Avatar is a dog ... those who need to know my location can identify me. For travelling, my husband and I use eScott vests from Amazon. It has secure pockets inside for passports, credit cards and large pockets for phones or tablets, We find them very useful for our travels and I do not need a handbag / backpack / waist bag. I was fingerprinted at age 6 for my government ID and the newer versions as I got older (even my passport from that country has my fingerprint). To get my Green Card, I have been fingerprinted, photographed and background check, likewise for Nexus Card. And for different jobs in healthcare, I had to be fingerprinted, background check and drug screen. As for being located, Google Maps TImeline shows me where I have been with times, this has proven useful for a claim to DB to show them the delay to their trains, I missed my connection and require reimbursement. So I feel like an old pro ... and it does not bother me any more, I feel it is to my advantage should anything happen to me. I am more concerned about Identity Theft and all the personal information that has become public knowlege, as in when you purchase property and all the scammers that follow that and send you tons of junk mail. BTW, there are devices out there that can read your cards if they are not in RFID envelopes/wallets.
  2. At the end of August, Argentina did away with the "Declaracion Jurada", which required vaccination status, PCR result and medical insurance. Here is the official requirements for entry to Argentina. The page was in Spanish and is translated into English by Google (?). https://cbarc.cancilleria.gob.ar/es/01-requisitos-de-ingreso-la-argentina#:~:text=SE HAN DEJADO DE REQUERIR,SERÁN EXCEPTUADOS DE REALIZAR AISLAMIENTO. Hope this helps ... alternatively, go to the Argentine Embassy or Consulate site in your country of residence.
  3. Agree with above. On Calle Florida and other pedestrian streets, you will be hearing people calling out 'cambio, cambio dolares" .... not to sure how safe these are; the locals go to a "cave" (cueva as they call it). There are a lot of people who would be willing to buy your dollars at a better rate than a bank - banks are the last place. Check the rates before you exchange!!! I frequently travel to Buenos Aires as I have family and friends there, and my last visit was last month.
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