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Posts posted by ATG

  1. 35 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    You are correct, and that's why they pay them the big bucks.  The statement has to be "to the best of his knowledge", meaning that there are no reported cases of illness, and unless someone like a CBP agent notices sick people leaving the ship, they won't prosecute for isolated cases.


    A ship's officer's license is a professional license, just like a civil engineer or a doctor, and makes that officer legally responsible for the actions of his/her subordinates, and for the Master, for the ship as a whole, including crew and cargo (passengers).

    I know doctors carry malpractice insurance.  Is there something similar for the officers?  Would RC provide it for their captains?  Has this ever happened to a cruise ship captain?

  2. When we got ours in South Carolina, they asked to see our identification.  We used drivers license.  She input the information into her computer, including DOB and address.  I assume there is a state database.

    if someone comes down with Covid-19 on a cruise I would expect the cruise line to check their vaccination.  And if they forged it, they should be responsible for any expenses.  And they should be placed on a no sail list.

    • Like 1
  3. I grew up in a college town.  The college was known for it’s department of education.  The saying in our town was


    Them that can, do.

    Them that can’t, teach. 
    And them that can’t teach, teach teachers.


    My experience with many of the academics confirmed that common sense was not a common virtue.

  4. 18 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:

    Happy Easter everyone!  Beautiful sunny day here, with an expected high of 66F.


    Since we're now on the topic of baked potatoes (I love how this thread evolves), we follow the recipe below.  Takes about an hour in the oven but really tasty results.  I top with shredded cheddar and sour cream.


    I love America’s Test Kitchen!  I haven’t seen this one, but I’ll give it a try, with sour cream.

    • Like 3
  5. We built our home 12 years ago, so all our appliances are getting old.  We’ve been through 2 stoves and on our third.  I guess I bake a lot.  We’ve also replaced the microwave.  But the refrigerator, dishwasher, furnace/AC, washer, dryer and water heater are aging.  Since the water heater is in the basement, I got an alarm that makes a VERY loud noise if it detects leaking water.  

    I know they’ll all go at once, I guess all that money I saved not going anywhere last year will get used up.

    • Like 2
  6. Any idea when Canada/New England in October 2022 will be announced?  I have seen Boston and 1 Baltimore, but that’s it.  I was actually looking on Monday and it had Voyager going from Baltimore.  That would have been perfect.  But it changed to Enchantment.  We were booked on Freedom out of Bayonne 9/30/21.  Due to work issues we can’t go until October, so I couldn’t lift & switch.

  7. 33 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    All those I mentioned were on UK TV.

    The best British series are.

    Only Fools and Horses.


    The Bill.

    Midsummer Murders.

    Coronation Street.

    The Good Life.

    The Likely Lads.

    Steptoe and Son.

    I love Midsomer Murders and As Time Goes By.  We’ve been watching Murder, She Wrote on Pluto, the free streaming service.  They also have Midsomer Murders.  I tried an episode of Rockford Files and was amazed at how old it seemed.  In so many of those shows everybody smokes.  I didn’t remember that.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, helen haywood said:

    We returned from a short trip out of town to find our new oven conversing with us in French!  The power had glitched while we were away...but I’m surprised a Kitchen Aid would default to French!  Isn’t everything made in China?

    We had a microwave that would turn on all by itself.  The screen would say “melt butter”.  It would go for about a minute and turn itself off.  I had to unplug it when not in use until we could replace it.  Since the plug was in the cabinet over it, being less tall, I had issues reaching it.  Needless to say, it got replaced quickly.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    I remember having chicken pox. Those memories are not good ones.😐

    I managed to catch chicken pox when I was 20.  My new DH and I spent Christmas with his family and a nephew broke out Christmas Day.  So, a few weeks later I was covered in pox.  I had to call my college professors and explain why I was missing class.  They got a good laugh.

    • Like 1
  10. Worst traffic I have seen was in Rome.  Lane markers were ignored, a 4 lane road would have 3 cars going each way playing chicken.  I think red lights were seen as a challenge.


    My favorite traffic sign was in Abu Dhabi.  The pedestrian walk signs showed the time remaining and when it got to 5 seconds the little man on the sign started running.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Coralc said:

    We tried out a Sleep Number bed at a hotel with the dual controls, 2 nights. I don't know if they are all like that or if this one had a leak on both sides, or what. :classic_rolleyes: It was noisy.  I would roll over and this little quiet motor would come on, bbbbrrrrr. And then it would stop. And he would roll over or flop, and this little motor would come on, bbbbrrrrrrr. And stop. We both agreed that we don't want a bed that makes noise. That was just our experience. :classic_smile:

    We’ve had our sleep number bed for over 15 years and it is quiet unless you change the number.  It holds the air even if the electricity goes out.  We love it.  I like soft and DH likes firm, so it’s the perfect solution.  I’m thinking about getting a new one, but can’t convince myself it would be enough better to warrant the cost.

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  12. Just now, Sunshine3601 said:

    I have seen in hallways on day of embarkment people with cheapy foam toppers they bring to put on their beds.    I read on cc they just leave it there when their cruise is over unless they drove to port they take it back home.    

    As much as I would love to have one I don't think I would bother going thru all that trouble to roll it up and fit back into the storage bag they come in.

    I have an inflatable pad that rolls up to about the size of a small oatmeal box.  It helps since I like a soft mattress.  It takes a little huffing and puffing to get it blown up, but not bad.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

    It is a pleasant and sunny 52°F today.

    We have been to church this morning and our reverend David mentioned my late dad's memory (March 5th) during prayers.

    We have just had a couple of McDonald's wraps and are sitting looking out at sea.

    I hope everyone is having a lovely day.



    Graham, thanks for the beach photos for those of us who are too far away.

    I love the use of jab for a shot, so much more descriptive.  I learned a new British slang this morning.  Watching the Tottenham game the advertising sign said “cars without the faff “.  I had never come across this term and had to look it up.  The definition was something overly complicated for no reason.  Faff sounds much better than the bull s*&# I would normally use.


    So, I’ve gotten food suggestions, laughs and new vocabulary from this thread! 

    • Like 4
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  14. 21 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:


    Israel established official diplomatic relations with Dubai (non official were ongoing for years).


    Israelis are big fans of traveling abroad, and Dubai is a fascinating new destination.


    Over the years, I kept reading about the 7* Burg al Arab hotel, and, when the kids asked what I would like for my 70 b'day (on top of an unused gift for DH, courtesy of Covid, which was 70 in 2020), I said that I would like a night at this hotel (I knew it starts at 1500$ room only....).


    Now, with the surge of Covid, our airport is closed, except for humanitarian cases.


    May be in another time... or era 😢


    While we were in Abu Dhabi in 2013 we stopped at the Emirates Palace Hotel to look around.  They had a credit card vending machine that sold gold bars!  We stopped by the “snack bar” and had 2 iced teas and a coffee.  The bill before tip was over $40.  Walking through was definitely all I could afford.

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  15. In SC we are in 1a with age 65+.  Just for curiosity I looked yesterday and there were 5 locations with appointments available in the next few weeks within about 40 miles of me.  It would have taken only a few clicks to get an appointment.  We got our first shot 2 weeks ago and they gave us appointments for the second at the same place 4 weeks later while we were there.

  16. I have the September 30 sailing in 2021.  Since it’s 9 days and to Canada it had disappeared from the RC site.  We’re trying to figure out what to do so I was looking at Bayonne cruises, and our cruise now shows up for booking!  I didn’t try to put anything in, so I don’t know if it would actually have let me book.  Weird.

  17. 16 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:


    I am a big believer that birth order plays a big role. We oldest ones seem to develop a protector mentality. We can also tend to be rather bossy... or so I've been told.😇

    Absolutely the opposite in our family.  My older sister is the wishy washy one.  I’m the more assertive one (by far).

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