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Posts posted by ATG

  1. I just got back from Home Depot.  Several weeks ago I ordered a replacement over the stove microwave.  I was supposed to get it yesterday.  It came but the order was goofed up and it was delivery only.  I called HD and after several calls, the solution they came up with was for us to return the microwave to the store, receive a full refund and then order it again.  I asked if they couldn’t skip the returning part and just send the installers.  No, the computer wouldn’t allow that.  So we drove 50 minutes, spent 15 minutes explaining and getting the refund and drove 50 minutes home.  I’m going to wait until the refund clears to order again.  Don’t you love computers?  They make things easier!!!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  2. 29 minutes ago, Lionesss said:

    As I finish packing for our car trip to WDW in Florida, I have been watching the weather channel and hoping Fred behaves.  


    Years ago I used to date a man called Fred.  That did not work out.  After him I met the man of my dreams and this past Tuesday we celebrated our 30th. wedding anniversary.  Yup it was fun driving home from Columbus in a car on our anniversary.


    We originally planned to be on the Allure starting this weekend, but cancelled with all the cruise uncertainty at that time  and booked Disney.


    The drive this weekend could be wet and wild, but "It is what it is".


    We are getting up at OMG 3am. to be on the road by 4am.

    Hopefully make it to Georgia where we booked a room for the night.


    Growing up our family always did car trips, me and my brothers were the back seat drivers and Mom and Dad up front.

    We used to take a cooler and had water, pop and sandwiches at rest areas for lunch to save time and money.


    Well, reliving my childhood memories.

    I have ice ready to put in the cooler.

    Sandwiches will be made and ready to go.

    A snack bag of unhealthy treats.

    Water and pop chillin.


    Suitcases almost ready.


    If my phone behaves I will attempt to post some of our travels.


    Pray for safety.





    I remember those road trips.  We’d leave home in Indiana early in the morning and stop just south of Atlanta for the night.  Then on to Fort Pierce where my grandparents lived.  They had a 2 bedroom trailer so I got the couch.  We’d usually go for thanksgiving.  The trailer park had a carry in dinner for thanksgiving.  Imagine 40 grandmothers making their specialty.  What a great meal.  Often I’d be the only child there, so I was really pampered.  Great memories!

    • Like 5
  3. I recently made changes to our May cruise.  We had 2 cabins booked, a junior suite for our sons and the 2 bedroom grand suite for us.  Older son can’t go due to work issues.  I called travel agent to cancel junior suite and move younger son into our 2br grand suite.  RC insisted that the 2br would be reprised.  Turns out it was MUCH cheaper to move son into an interior cabin (that he won’t use) and keep gs for the 2 of us.  It was always a possibility that older son would have to cancel.  I wish I had gone ahead and set up suite for 3.  As said above, much easier to cancel one than add one.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    I have always had an appreciation for beds and showers from as far back as I can remember.🙂

    I agree.  I think I was influenced by my dad.  He believed motels had been “invented” because sane people didn’t go camping.  I have been known to state that a hotel without room service is roughing it.

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    • Haha 3
  5. 9 minutes ago, Sea Viewer said:

    Cozumel tee shirt here today. I'm really getting low on vanilla, need to visit soon!

    Mine is Ketchikan.  DH has on Cozumel.  Many of my shirts are getting raggedy, need to cruise and get some more.  I make my vanilla.  Beans purchased online and vodka.  Put in cabinet for 3 or 4 months.  I recently made a batch to use for Christmas cookies.

    • Like 4
  6. Retirement is fantastic!  But it takes some getting used to after all those years of working.  We see new retirees move into our neighborhood.  The first year they are busy doing all sorts of projects around the yard and house.  Eventually, they realize they have time, a precious thing when you’re working.  The projects get spaced out and more time is spent on the things they enjoy, whether it’s golf, reading or walking.

    Enjoy your retirement, you worked hard for it.

    • Like 4
  7. 23 minutes ago, jagsfan said:

    Mine are in Dashlane, which is a free app. 
    I’ve read in more than one place that it’s extremely encrypted and as safe as possible. Who knows?

    I also have them in a small notebook in my nightstand. I update it when I change or add passwords. If someone is at the point of reading the notebook, I’ll probably be long gone!

    I would not save them when it asks. That stores it in the website you’re using. I wouldn’t trust that. 

    My important ones (for financial sites) are written down and put in the fireproof safe that is hidden in the back of a closet.  They are there more for DH if he needs them (because I’m not around).  The non-financial ones are saved by the computer but require a fingerprint.  I change most of them every six months.  I do it every time we change from daylight savings time. That’s how I remember it.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:


    Jack and Arnie are 2 of the giants of golf, not just for their great career results, but for who they are as people.  I had the privilege of meeting Arnie briefly several years ago while playing at his Bay Hill resort in Orlando.  He was walking toward me as I was walking out of the pro shop and I thought I would quickly shake his hand, tell him what a great place Bay Hill is, and thank him for allowing non-members the chance to experience it.  Just before I reached Arnie, another guy approached him with a white hat, wanting Arnie to autograph it.  The guy went into some long speech about how he use to work for Paul Newman and how Mr. Newman hated when people approached him at random for an autograph, yada, yada, yada.  The guy was blabbering on and you could see Arnie thinking, "just give me the hat to sign".  While I was waiting for my "turn", a woman walked up and stood behind me.  Poor Arnie...just trying to get somewhere and now there's a line of people wanting to meet him.  He never once complained though.  He smiled and was gracious the whole time.


    I've been near Jack at The Memorial, near enough to hear his conversation, but never had the privilege of meeting him.  He too was incredibly polite and gracious.  What he and his wife Barbara have done for Children is amazing.  They've raised more than $100M for various Children's Hospitals.  There's a reason that today's rich and famous golfers refer to him as Mr. Nicklaus.  The respect is evident.  Arnie and his wife Winnie similarly did great charity work for children's and women's health, going all the way back to when Arnie was the national March of Dimes spokesperson.

    My Dad, an avid golfer, volunteered at a tournament.  He met Arnie and had a picture taken.  It was one of his favorites.  When we were collecting pictures for a collage for his memorial service, we knew that was one he definitely would want included.  He said Arnie was a true gentleman.

    • Like 2
  9. Definitely lower deck.  We had a crown loft suite on 17.  One night it was a little rough.  Unfortunately on 17 it swayed quite a lot.  Our sliding closet door would slide open and the automatic light come on.  A minute later it would slam closed as the ship tilted back.  We finally wedged a chair against it so it would stay closed.  Talked to friends that had a cabin on 6 and they hadn’t even noticed any movement.  

  10. 4 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    It was a fairly routine Sunday today.

    We went to church this morning then went to the beach for a couple of hours.

    It was 70°F and sunny until about 3pm and we were sitting in the garden.

    We then had 30 minutes of rain and it has brightened up now.

    We have just had bacon sandwiches and it is now 18.05 and we are watching Theresa (Long Island medium) on TV.

    I'm looking forward to the Euro final starting at 20.00 between England and Italy.

    I hope everyone is enjoying whatever they are doing today.

    Good luck to England this afternoon.  I hope the game is as exciting as the Copa America final last night.  Congratulations to Argentina and Messi for finally winning a trophy.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    Absolutely delighted.

    England win tonight.

    England v Italy in the football final on Sunday night.


    Great game and outcome.  Kane’s rebound shot was beautiful.  I’ll be rooting for them next weekend.


    Did you hear UEFA gave tickets to the final game to the paramedics that saved Erickson’s life?  I thought that was a classy thing to do.

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    • Thanks 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    It has been a warm 68°F today.

    After Wednesday Eucharist at church we called at the beach for an hour.

    This afternoon the doctors rang about a blood pressure check so I called at 3pm and had it checked.

    From there we got some ice creams,coffee and hot chocolate and sat at the beach for an hour.

    It is now 19.25pm and I am waiting for the England v Denmark Euros semi final football match to start at 20.00pm.

    Watching the pre-game now.  It’s wonderful to see Wembley almost full with fans.  I enjoyed the Italy win yesterday, I hope whoever wins today is the winner next Sunday.

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