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Everything posted by Yurita

  1. Cruise: 3/1/2024 Ship: Apex Cabin #: 10249 Aqua class Deck #: 10 Cabin Location: Mid-Aft Balcony Type: Infinite Balcony Size: Standard Aqua Balcony Obstruction: None Balcony Overhang?: no Magic Carpet Issues?: did not hear Noise Issues?: Yes. Very loud metal dragging noise from midnight to 5am. Also sounds similar to multiple heavy duty drawers closing one after another. Impossible to sleep. Met our neighbors from 11249 during a shore excursion. Same complaint . Very loud cabins at night. Noise reported to Front Desk and it did get better the last couple of nights. They sent security a couple of times to check noise status. Wind Issues?: no Connecting Cabin? No Suite Details: Bed by bathroom . Sofa by Balcony. Advantages/Problems/Comments: Noisy at night. Would not consider again due to noise Would You Book It Again?: no, especially being light sleepers.
  2. I booked after final payment. Jean87: The Internet + wifi is significantly more if I add it to my cruise. I’ll try calling Celebrity one time and try explaining the situation. Thank you!
  3. Hello everyone; is it possible to switch from the Cruise only fare to the all inclusive? I called Celebrity a few minutes ago and asked how much it would be to switch, but the agent gave me a quote $800 more than what I see online. Is the all Inclusive package only available when you book? Can I switch now or is it too late? thanks everyone! have a great evening!
  4. Thank you Tierun, that makes me feel better!
  5. Hello, I am looking at booking the Celebrity Apex. Unfortunately, the sailing is next month and mainly Guaranteed cabins are available at point. i have booked Guaranteed cabins with RCCL before and have never have a problem switching location once my cabin is assigned (as long as I’m switching within the same category). Is this the same when it comes to Celebrity? Thank you in advanced!
  6. Good morning everyone! I will be celebrating my 40th Birthday on the Seascape. Yesterday all suites with whirlpools opened up at the same time and they are all available. Has anyone ever stayed in one of these cabins? Is the extra money worth it? 7 day cruise, 2 days at sea.
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