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Everything posted by dfish

  1. The hot smoked salmon is pretty raw, so be prepared. I would go with the marinated lobster. The dessert choices are a toss up to me. I usually don't order dessert.
  2. @cruising sister I am so sorry to hear of baby Murphy's increasing suffering. I think your niece was quite brave and loving making the decisions she did. The surgeon had no business doing what he did. I hope she follows the advice of the palliative care team.
  3. Good morning, everyone! The heat has finally broken and we are looking forward to pleasant temperatures from this point forward. Today's high is 70, much improved over 90. The AC was having a hard time keeping up yesterday and I'm wondering if we need to have it looked at. The fan was working, but the air coming out was not as cool as it should have been. Good news is that it can wait a bit before we need to do anything. Today's meal is one I would have declined until after reading a bit about chickpeas. I might give it a try as a side dish. Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, have been grown and eaten in Middle Eastern countries for thousands of years. Their nutty taste and grainy texture pair well with many other foods and ingredients. As a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, chickpeas may offer a variety of health benefits, such as aiding weight management, improving digestion, and reducing your risk of disease. Additionally, this legume is high in protein and makes an excellent replacement for meat in many vegetarian and vegan dishes. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/chickpeas-nutrition-benefits This first recipe is quick and easy and so fresh! If you want to add a traditional source of protein, go ahead. They suggest chicken or shrimp. I think some of today's salami would go well with it. https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/the-easiest-chopped-chickpea-greek-salad/ This recipe has a slight variation in the dressing for the salad. Ingredients can vary according to your taste. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/greek-chickpea-salad/ This one caught my attention and made me think I should try this recipe. Roasted tomatoes add so much flavor and crispy chickpeas sound like a real treat. https://www.lastingredient.com/chickpea-greek-salad/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  4. Good morning, everyone! It is quiet in the house this morning and I'll have to get used to that again. It will be hot here today with a forecast of 90F. Tomorrow we will get some relief and then temps go down to a comfortable range. Today's meal is one you can easily adapt to your tastes. I like my pizzas loaded with stuff and could do that with these recipes. You can be all into it and make your own crust or you can use a pre made crust you buy at the grocery store. It is all up to you! This one is really easy - premade crust and premade sauce. Ready in 5 minutes. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/easy-skillet-neapolitan-margherita-pizza/ This one sounds dangerous to make! It says no oven needed, but I think I'd rather use the oven that get the blow torch out. https://www.seriouseats.com/skillet-neapolitan-pizza-no-kneading-or-oven-recipe Here's a pepperoni version for those who want meat on their pizza. I'm sure you can add the veggies you want as well. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/cast-iron-pizza-5428725 Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. I remember that conversation on the steps of the Frontenac. Two kindred souls discussing concerns for children in their lives. We tell River often that she can tell us anything and she's welcome at any time. I think River's mom has too many emotional problems to deal with along with plain old immaturity. She has no idea about child development and expects them to act like little adults. We will be here for her as much as we can be. Thank you all for your concern and understanding. I hate to air dirty laundry, but I had to get that off my chest.
  6. Good afternoon, everyone! Wow, we had a busy day. We left at 10 am to take River home. We first went to visit her great-grandmother, Sue's ex-mother-in-law. We spent several hours there visiting as Virginia was enthralled by River. Sue's ex came over to see her as well and that surprised me. He didn't show that much interest in his son when he was that age. Now he wants to have River come visit for the weekend. We finally left there and drove to Reed City to drop River off at her other grandma's restaurant. Her mother was supposed to meet us there, but she called and said she was 25 minutes away. Not sure where she was as she only lives 5 minutes from the restaurant. After all that we drove home and walked in the door at 5:15 pm. I felt guilty leaving River with her mother. Her mom has developed a real hard edge to her personality and is pretty mean when she talks to the kids. She had her newborn and her 2 year old with her. When the 2 year old fussed a bit she threatened to take her to the bathroom and tan her bottom. We've called protective services in the past, but it is just our word against hers. I guess we have to witness the violence and the kids have to have visible bruises before they do anything. We have heard that CPS has been out to their home 8 times in the past few months. It is a scary situation. We will try to get River more often. @Crazy For Cats I am so sorry to hear about your DM's fall. Healing thoughts sent her way. @Lady Hudson Congratulations on the new great grandson! @cruising sister your grandchildren are adorable. @marshhawk Good luck to both you and Chuck on leaving the smokes alone. I hope you both like the beef souvlaki. Keep cool, everyone!
  7. @RMLincoln Maureen, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. May warm memories help bring you peace. I am glad you arrived in New York safely. Enjoy your travels!
  8. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a hot one today here in mid-Michigan. Temps are expected to reach 90 F. We are trying the energy company's suggestion to pre-cool the house in the morning hours and then turn the air off between 2-6 pm when the energy rates are the highest. They also say you can just turn the thermostat up to 80 during those hours if you can't bear to turn it off. We've done that before and it does work, reducing energy consumption during the expensive part of the day. Yesterday's trip to the splash park with the cousins was a big success. Griffin didn't make it as he fell asleep and took a nap at home, but Samson and River had a great time playing with each other. We then went for ice cream and that was dinner. Just snacks last night. Right before bed River lost a tooth that had been really loose all weekend. We had to scramble around to figure out the going rate for the Tooth Fairy. River claimed the Tooth Fairy regularly left her $10. That wasn't happening. Our Tooth Fairy is on an austerity budget. Her mom said she gets $2-3. We settled on $5 as we found a $5 bill. Neither of us had ones and the only other denomination we had were twenties. Good days to celebrate and good food and beverage suggestions. I think I'd like to try the drink and the wine. Maybe even the chicken patties. The seasonings and vegetables used are slightly different in each recipe, so you can choose the combination that you like the best. Or, make up your own! https://www.aheadofthyme.com/mediterranean-chicken-patties/ This next one uses feta cheese instead of yogurt and a lemon aioli instead of tzatziki sauce. https://celebrationgeneration.com/mediterranean-chicken-burgers/ This one includes some chopped red bell pepper. https://laughingspatula.com/greek-chicken-burgers/ I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  9. I, too, am having problems. I go to excursions and the excursion page loads and then goes to a blank white screen. Everything else goes directly to a blank white screen. It doesn't matter which browser I use or which device. Frustrating. I keep leaving feedback on the tab they have.
  10. Good morning, everyone! @Crazy For Cats and @luvteaching It is going to be a hot one today here in mid-Michigan. We are planning to meet River's cousins, Samson and Griffin, at the spray park this afternoon and dinner may very well be ice cream. I'm going to pass on the soba noodles today, but for those of you who would like them, I found several recipes. This first recipe gives you the framework for the dish - noodles and veggies. It really doesn't matter which veggies you use. You can be quite creative there! https://sixhungryfeet.com/vegan-soba-noodle-salad/ This next recipe uses a peanut sauce for the dressing. I like anything with peanut butter in it. https://frommybowl.com/soba-noodle-salad-peanut-sauce/ And here's one for the heat lovers as it adds in red pepper flakes. A little bite to it might be good! https://simple-veganista.com/soba-cucumber-noodles/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. Good afternoon, all. We had a nice visit to the dog park this morning and River had fun playing on the playground equipment. After that we went to Lowe's and bought some fall flowers to adorn the palace. I also installed a new thermostat as the previous one gave up the ghost. The palace has zone heating so each zone has its own thermostat. Now we can heat the kitchen, dining room, and family room. I'm getting pretty handy around the house. @Cruising-along So sorry that Covid has made a visit to DDIL. Let's hope it is just a sore throat. When Sue had it that is all she had. Two days of sore throat and 5 days of boredom until she tested negative. @Live4cruises I'm glad to hear that Nicholas is making such great forward progress. That is what we all want for our Dailyites. I sure hope you can take that cruise. @Cruzin Terri The big hurdle is over. The floors are repaired. You can take as long as you want putting things back. Enjoy your birthday celebration. Something for the garden club:
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is shaping up to be a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. We will probably hit the Farmer's Market this morning, perhaps the dog park as well. This afternoon will see Sue and River working on the fairy garden. They got some miniature bird houses yesterday that the fairies will love and they are going to paint and decorate today. @kazu Jacqui, it sounds like you are on the right path with your elbow. I sure hope this works and you return to full mobility and no pain. @Crazy For Cats Sorry about the flight interruptions. They seem to be more and more common. Out of our 4 flights this summer, only one took off as scheduled. Today's meal is very similar to the beef souvlaki we had recently. I think it is mainly a switch on the meat, but perhaps a slight variation on seasonings as well. I'm not a lamb fan, but seasoned and cooked well is ok and I would try this. Here's one to get us started. https://www.mygreekdish.com/recipe/greek-lamb-souvlaki-recipe-skewers-with-pita-bread/ This one is very similar to the first. It uses Italian seasoning in place of some of the herbs in the first one. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/greek-lamb-souvlaki-skewers/ This one turns the heat up a bit with some crushed red pepper flakes for those who like that. https://www.sugarsaltmagic.com/greek-lamb-kebabs-lamb-souvlaki/ This reminds me to add an item to our list for today. We need a new gas canister for the grill. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, everyone! @Cruzin Terri I hope your day is special and fun! River arrived last night with enough energy for the whole city. She's in first grade and learning to read now. She did quite well sounding out words when we read her bedtime story. Today we're meeting DS Mary Jo at the dog park, then going to the Barbie movie, then hosting Farkle. Busy day! Today's meal sounds good to me. If you don't like curry, just leave that part out. Our first recipe comes from Bon Appetit. It may be behind a paywall for some of you, so here it is: The slow-roasting method that turns salmon all buttery and luxurious works equally well on the whole wide delicious world of flaky white fish, from cod to haddock. Here we give vegetables a head start in a hot oven before turning the heat way down, laying the fish on top, and letting everything finish cooking together. The result: an entire (healthy!) dinner in one pan. We call for fennel, potatoes, and red onion here, but you can swap in any seasonal vegetable that you love to eat in roasted form. As long as all your veg pieces are roughly the same size, you’re golden. Try: sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower florets, or butternut squash. 1 fennel bulb, sliced 1 large red onion, cut through root end into 8 wedges 1 lb. baby Yukon Gold potatoes, halved if large 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt 4 Tbsp. unsalted butter 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 ½" piece ginger, peeled, finely chopped 1 tsp. curry powder 1¼ lb. piece cod, hake, haddock, or pollock Mint (for serving) Preparation 1. Step 1 Preheat oven to 425°. Toss fennel, onion, potatoes, and oil in a 3-qt. baking dish to coat; season with salt. Roast, tossing once, until vegetables are browned and softened, 35–40 minutes. Step 2 Meanwhile, melt butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Mix in garlic, ginger, curry powder, and a pinch of salt. Simmer until color intensifies, about 1 minute. Remove from heat. Step 3 Season fish with salt and lay on top of cooked vegetables. Drizzle fish with curry butter. Reduce oven temperature to 350° and bake fish until flesh easily flakes apart with a fork, 12–15 minutes. Step 4 Serve vegetables and fish with mint scattered over. This next recipe is similar, but different enough to take a look at. https://www.kisses-for-breakfast.com/seared-halibut-recipe-in-curry-butter-sauce/ And here is one more variation: https://www.chefsplate.com/recipes/curry-butter-roasted-fish-5fe274556bc7a3422b6394f6 Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  14. That reminds me of Cowboy Caviar. I love that! https://www.spendwithpennies.com/cowboy-caviar/ Wow! That does sound nice and easy!
  15. That's because I left it out. Not enough coffee this morning. Here it is: https://www.spendwithpennies.com/summer-corn-salad/
  16. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly start to the day at 47 degrees. It is supposed to warm up to mid 70s. It was supposed to do that yesterday, but never did. Miss River will be here tonight and stay till Monday so we have a lot of fun activities planned for her. I'm glad to get the reports from the Dailyites in the path of Idalia. Thank you to all for letting us know you're ok. I hope things go well for @marshhawk's DH @catmando today. Today's meal is more of a side dish. You could probably add some chicken to make it a full meal. The recipes vary in the additional ingredients and seasonings. https://therecipecritic.com/summer-corn-salad/ This one adds in cucumbers, but you could also use zucchini, peppers, avocados, carrots, etc. And here's one with a little bite for those who like some spice in their lives. https://cookieandkate.com/garden-fresh-corn-salad/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  17. Thank you, Sharon, for letting us know. Warm thoughts and feelings to you, your DM, and your uncle.
  18. Good morning, everyone! It is a beautiful morning in mid-Michigan. We will have moderate temperatures today and tomorrow, but the weekend is heating up with 90+ temps. I guess we'll be turning on the AC. Nothing planned but the Farmer's Market this morning. It is almost as good as a candy store. Today's meal is a good one. I didn't think I would like fish tacos until I tried one. I am a total convert! There is a restaurant in town that has great fish tacos. They are an appetizer, but it is big enough to be a meal. I get them and an order of brussels sprouts and I am a happy camper. I really like this first recipe because according to the picture, I don't have to attempt to keep the piece of fish whole. I can crumble it to my heart's content. Lime crema is great on fish even without the taco part. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/2016/08/easy-fish-tacos-lime-crema/ This one has different seasoning, but that's ok! It is worth a try. https://natashaskitchen.com/fish-tacos-recipe/ This last one sounds delicious with blackened salmon and jalapeño lime crema. I think that is a winning flavor combination. https://littlespicejar.com/blackened-salmon-tacos-jalapeno-lime-crema/ Wishing you all a wonderful day. Stay safe Florida Dailyites and Terri.
  19. Good evening! We just had a bit of a deluge here. Of course it came just after I put the meat on the grill. We didn't have the beef kababs. I did chicken instead. I'm glad so many people liked the meal today. Remember you can do the same or similar with chicken and pork as well. @0106 Tina, my vegetable basket is well seasoned. I use it a lot. I love veggies on the grill. Last night we had summer squash and zucchini on the grill. Asparagus is good, too. I do use the basket for brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower. Oh, and green beans. Today was pamper day at the salon. My tootsies feel so much better after a good soak, massage and scrubbing. And I think I lost 5 pounds with the haircut. That made up for having to put the check for property taxes in the mail. My niece, who lives near Sarasota, reports that they are at a relative's home in Tennessee to outwait the storm. They weren't worried about damage to the house but didn't want to go through prolonged power outages with a toddler. Joe can work from home, so they are in good shape. @Cruzin Terri I think you were really smart to return home. If the storm follows you home we can hope it is greatly weakened by traveling over land. @luvteaching Karen, I hope this cruise is wonderful for you. I am glad you got so much accomplished during your DS's visit. Anyone who could teach 6th grade for 32 years must be strong and ornery! @Seasick Sailor Have you found a new calling in life? Puppy sitting? @ger_77 What a story! That young man was very fortunate, but it must have been scary for all involved.
  20. It would make an interesting study. I don't know how long I had mine as it was found in a scan for back issues. I kept wailing to my endocrinologist that I was gaining weight while cutting calories and exercising more and she just said I wasn't being truthful with myself about how much I was eating. Turns out I had a lot of help from the cortisol. The endocrinologist up here said I was classic Cushing's. I could have posed for the picture of the body type. @JazzyV is right that most are found accidentally. Many more people have them, but don't know because they don't cause a problem or no one ever checks for them.
  21. Good morning, everyone! It isn't quite as chilly this morning, but it is nice and sunny. We have thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon. I am so sore from all the weeding and gardening the past few days. I did get a lot done out there, but there is more yet to be done. I'm taking today off and will resume tomorrow. Today I am going to City Hall to pay our property taxes and then have pedicure and hair appointments this afternoon. So, pamper day with some Aleve for the aches and pains. @StLouisCruisers Congratulations on 5* status. I am still a long way off on that. @Denise T I had my adrenal mass removed in May. It had gotten to a size that the surgeon said it needed to be taken out. In addition it was hormonal - sending out tons more cortisol than a person needs or wants. It is important to keep an eye on it, although most are never discovered and never cause a problem. The drink sounds good to me. I'll have to put that on my list of what I want to try next time I'm on a BHB. I don't keep alcohol in the house, just an occasional bottle of wine. I have one bottle now that my sister gave me a couple of months ago. I'll get around to drinking it eventually. Today's meal was one of my favorites as a kid. I remember watching my dad skewer the meat to put on the grill. I especially loved the grilled vegetables. Generally, the cooking method is the same for all. What varies are the vegetables used and the marinade seasoning. I know Dad used one heavy on the garlic and lemon. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/souvlaki-beef-shish-kebabs/ This next one has a marinade that is more Greek than Italian and also uses tzatziki sauce for dipping. We never had the sauce, but the marinade sounds more like Dad's. They are using mainly peppers and onions for the vegetables. We also used mushrooms and tomatoes. The veggies were so popular with the family that Dad made extra skewers full of them for us. https://www.mygreekdish.com/recipe/marinated-greek-beef-souvlaki-skewers-kabobs/ This last one is a very simple marinade and sometimes they are the best. It doesn't call for veggies on the skewer, but you can always add them in. https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/beef-souvlaki-kebabs-with-tzatziki-sauce/ Enjoy! Wishing all the Dailyites the best of days!
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