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Everything posted by dfish

  1. We did that last summer on the Zaandam. Our waiter learned quickly and after I gave my order he always responded, "And a plate of vegetables."
  2. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts during your upcoming surgery. Best wishes for a successful outcome and quick recovery. That's good to know! Thanks!
  3. The pharmacist said the physician told her that. But, we don't know if the pharmacist really talked to the physician or just said she did to bolster her own viewpoint. Since the physician in question is Lenda's @Quartzsite Cruiser, I would suggest that Lenda ask him/her about it. But, do get the vaccine.
  4. I often get the Bad Request message. It doesn't seem to matter which browser I use, which device I use, whether I've rebooted or not, whether I've cleared cookies or caches or not.
  5. Good morning, everyone. It is another chilly, rainy start to the day here in mid-Michigan. It isn't going to warm up much but the rain should stop by early afternoon. My doctor visit ran long yesterday, mostly because this guy likes to talk. We covered a lot of ground and eventually did get around to health issues. I do have a ventral hernia and am being referred to a surgeon for repair. He also referred me to the Spine and Pain clinic for my back and hip pain. He agrees that the pain around my hip is most likely nerve pain as it isn't in the hip itself. So, now I just have to wait until I hear from both offices to set up appointments. Meatloaf is a favorite of mine. Mom made great meatloaf. She added some tomato paste into the meat mixture and onion soup mix. @Cruising-along Carolyn would have to leave that out due to the sodium content. Some Worcestershire sauce is included as well. It was always a family favorite. What is your favorite meatloaf recipe? We'll get started with this one. https://www.thewholesomedish.com/the-best-classic-meatloaf/ This recipe says the key to a great meatloaf is milk. It also uses Italian seasoning. https://www.budgetbytes.com/classic-homemade-meatloaf/ Mom never put a tomato topping on her meatloaf. Dad didn't like desecrating a wonderful meatloaf with ketchup, so we didn't have that part of it. But, it does seem to be a staple of the "classic" meatloaf. This last recipe also uses milk in it and it sautes the onions before mixing them with the ground meat. https://selfproclaimedfoodie.com/grannys-classic-meatloaf-recipe/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly, rainy morning here in mid-Michigan. It doesn't look like there will be any improvement in that situation during the day as the rain is supposed to last all day and the high is 52F. @mamaofami I'm so sorry to hear of Sam's setback. I hope this latest issue is resolved quickly. Today's meal is an interesting one. Bon Appetit usually has unique recipes and this is one of them. Romesco (Catalan pronunciation: is a tomato-based sauce that originated from Valls, province of Tarragona, in Catalonia, Spain. The fishermen in this area made this sauce to be eaten with fish. There is no single correct recipe, rather many variations. In general, romesco sauce is a rich and piquant purée made from sweet dried Spanish peppers along with tomato, garlic, almonds, vinegar, and oil, pounded with breadcrumbs as a binder. Here is the recipe from Bon Appetit: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/cod-romesco-sauce-hazelnuts-lemon-parsley ROMESCO Step 1 Preheat oven to 350º. Toast hazelnuts on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until golden brown and fragrant, 7–10 minutes; let cool. Smash hazelnuts in a mortar and pestle until very coarsely ground. (Alternatively, you can crush using the bottom of a mug or small saucepan.) Transfer to a small bowl. Stir in 2 Tbsp. oil and season with salt; set aside. Step 2 Place a rack in upper third of oven and heat broiler. Broil peppers and tomatoes, skin side up, on a rimmed baking sheet, turning peppers occasionally, until charred all around and flesh is soft, 12–15 minutes. Step 3 Slip off tomato skins; discard. Transfer peppers to a medium bowl and cover with plastic wrap so they can steam a bit (this extends the cooking and also makes the charred peels easier to remove). Peel peppers (flesh should feel slippery) and discard seeds; coarsely chop. Transfer peppers and tomatoes to a mortar and pestle and smash, covering the mortar slightly with your hands to prevent juices from splattering everywhere, until mixture achieves a saucy consistency. (You can also do this by pulsing in a food processor.) Step 4 Transfer romesco sauce to a clean medium bowl. Add garlic, vinegar, paprika, cayenne, and remaining ¼ cup oil; season with salt and let sit 15 minutes. FISH AND ASSEMBLY Step 5 Preheat oven to 350°. Place fish a rimmed baking sheet and rub with with 2 Tbsp. oil; season with salt on both sides. Bake fish until cooked through and a paring knife can easily slip through flesh, 10–12 minutes. Top with zest while fish is hot. Step 6 Toss parsley, lemon juice, a drizzle of oil, and a pinch of salt in a small bowl. Spoon romesco onto plates, then spoon reserved oily hazelnuts over sauce. Arrange fish over, then top with parsley mixture. For those with a paywall greeting that the kitchen is closed, the ingredients can be found here: https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Cod-with-Romesco-Sauce-Hazelnuts-Lemon-and-Parsley-Bon-Appetit Here is a similar recipe. https://www.theartofeating.info/new-page-3/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  7. I'm thinking we'll have lots of volunteers for the taste testing. I don't mind compiling it.
  8. Vanessa, I have a quilt that I started in 2007 and finished in 2020 while recuperating from knee replacement surgery. I worked on it in small segments of time. As soon as my hands stiffened up, I took a break. Picked it up again later on. I would work on it while watching TV. The break might be just laying it in my lap and then 20 minutes later starting to sew a bit more. The current quilt will not be hand done. I'm using the sewing machine to piece it and will send it out for quilting as it is too big for my machine. Now, it may take me a couple of years to finish the binding on it because that has to be hand sewn. I have an appointment tomorrow with my PCP concerning the hernia and the hip pain. I want a referral to the Spine and Pain clinic and think they will be able to help. I'll probably get a referral to my friend, the surgeon. He's an endocrine surgeon but also does general surgery. He's going to start thinking of me as a bad penny. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry about the fishing car. You got great service from that car and now it is time for it to rest. @Nickelpenny Sorry about the dryer. I hope the appliance gremlin is not about to make another round of visits. Hearing all the cookbook talk, I think we should assemble a Daily Cookbook. What do you think?
  9. Good morning, everyone! It is currently a chilly - 39F - but sunny morning in mid-Michigan. Last night was spent in sympathy with @JazzyV, my twin sister. It was hip pain and general insomnia that kept me up most of the night. @cruising sister I hope it is a wonderful day for you! @marshhawk Annie and Chuck, safe travels and enjoy Rome. I finished cutting out the pieces for my next quilt and today I will start sewing. I can only do it for about 20 minutes at a time as my back will start screaming. That forces me up and walking, not a bad thing. I'm giving the gym a rest until my hip settles down a bit and the Dr. says it is ok with this hernia I have. I have decided it is a hernia. If I press in on it, it pops and gurgles. Fun, fun, fun! Today's meal is fitting since we are in soup and stew season. That is one of my favorites. I made a big batch of chicken soup a few days ago and we are eating off that. Next week I'll make a different kind. Maybe this one. https://www.cookingclassy.com/taco-soup/ This one looks pretty simple to make. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/simple-taco-soup/ So does this one. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/beef-taco-soup/ Customize your soup like you customize your tacos! Enjoy! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  10. Vanessa, I am really having a night of sympathy for you. My right hip does the same thing. I can't lay on my left side as it pulls on the right hip and causes worse pain. If I get up and walk around for a minute or two I can go back to bed and maybe sleep. Surprisingly, I can lay on my right side with no issue. I am with you on avoiding back surgery.
  11. @JazzyV I agree that we are twins. I think of you when I limp around the house. It gets worse as the day goes on. Are you waking up due to pain or just fretful sleep? I used to wake up every hour or so throughout the night. After I had that adrenal tumor removed, it got better, but not good. So I added in a small dose of magnesium. My leg cramps have decreased and I am sleeping better. @Cruzin Terri Yay on the sleep!
  12. The sewing machine doesn't bother my hip at all. My back does get sore from being bent over it, though, so I sew in short spurts. I think the hip pain is a nerve. It is settling down and easier to isolate the source and it is a nerve that run down the backside into the thigh. Somedays you just can't win.
  13. Good morning, everyone! It is a typical fall day here in mid-Michigan. Partly sunny with a high of 57F. My kind of weather. I pulled something near my right hip recently and walking is pretty painful. So, I am taking it easy for the next couple of days. We are having Farkle Friday tonight because Sue and I are going downstate for a program on Friday. We are having Beef Noodle Casserole from Paul Prudhomme's Seasoned America. I've made it before and it is very flavorful. Today's meal sounds interesting. I know many don't like curry, but I'd be willing to try this. Our first recipe is made with all gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo-friendly ingredients. https://rachlmansfield.com/healthy-thai-turkey-meatballs-in-coconut-curry/ Here's another version from Ahead of Thyme. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/thai-turkey-meatballs-in-coconut-curry/ This one looks pretty easy to do. https://themodernproper.com/turkey-meatballs-in-a-creamy-red-curry-sauce Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  14. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly 43F here in mid-Michigan this morning. Rain is in the forecast for this afternoon. Busy day today as well. I have two Zoom meetings and a pedicure in between them. No rest for the wicked here! This first recipe combines a creamy, cheesy pasta sauce with a bruschetta topping. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/chicken-penne-pasta/ This recipe uses tomato sauce in the pasta sauce and for ease a rotisserie chicken. https://www.crazyforcrust.com/chicken-penne-pasta-30-minute-meal/ This last recipe uses tomatoes in the sauce and everyone's favorite, bacon! https://www.saltandlavender.com/chicken-penne-pasta/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  15. That is what my sister has so I am familiar. It is still better than a sedan, but I hear you on the difficulties getting in and out. I have a Chevy Equinox. I think with the weather change this week my joints are particularly painful. I'm hoping they get used to the colder weather quickly.
  16. For our Canadian Dailyites And our little buddy here reminds us that we all have something to be thankful for.
  17. Good morning, everyone! We have another chilly start to the day here in mid-Michigan. It is currently 40F and the high for today is 52F with mostly cloudy skies. Yes, we are heading into Gray Sky season. Not a lot on the agenda today. I'll head to the gym and then work a little more to get the fabric all cut for my quilt. In case you were wondering about the meal of the day today, that last word is shiitake mushrooms. And, I'm sure they are very good in this dish. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/warm-lentil-salad-with-butternut-squash-and-shiitake-mushrooms/ This next salad looks good enough to eat. Oh, wait, that is what we're supposed to do with it. https://desireerd.com/roasted-shiitake-and-lentil-salad/ This last one doesn't have the butternut squash in it, but you could easily add it in. It looked too good to pass up. https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/spiced-lentils-mushrooms-and-greens Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  18. A few years back I had the pain from my gall bladder that woke me up every morning at 4:00 am. Now that the gall bladder is gone, my right hip wakes me up with pain. That is a strange one because the hip isn't painful any other time of day. It doesn't hurt when I walk or sit. Just when I want to sleep. X-rays show no problem with the hip. Last night I ended up putting a pain patch on my lower back so I could sleep. That helped immensely. Do you find that your hands stiffen up as well? Mine do, so I can only sew for short periods and then have to take a break. But, my teenage brain says go for it, so I do.
  19. The car issue is why I got rid of the sedan and got the SUV. It is so much easier.
  20. Steroid shots may help. I was doing acupuncture before the pandemic and that was helping, but it all got shut down during the pandemic and we never started up again. I have an appointment this week and I'm asking to be referred to the spine and pain clinic here in town. We'll take it from there. The walker is probably a good idea for a while longer. I know when I had both knee replacements I didn't use the walker at home, just a cane. My house was too small for the walker and it really just got in the way.
  21. I think in my case, it is get used to it. My problems all stem from my back. I only have two discs that are not damaged or destroyed. That goes from the neck down to the tailbone. I have arthritis and scoliosis. The stenosis is a problem when walking, but nerve ablation and using walking poles helps with that. There is no surgery for my back as the damage is too extensive. Pain medications are so so with it. Even though it hurts, the best thing for me is to keep moving, so I do. I don't do the 10 mile hikes anymore, but I can go around the block. As much as my body doesn't want to do the hiking, my mind does! That is the difficult part.
  22. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry to read about your pain issues. I think I've been having sympathy pains for you lately. Mine are in the upper thigh of the right leg. I don't know if I pulled something or what. Getting out of bed in the morning is a real ordeal as I am so stiff from being flat all night. It is really painful. I try to walk it off, but that is getting harder to do. I've been cutting fabric for a new quilt, but can only cut for about 20 minutes and have to take a break as my back and neck start screaming. Do you suppose we are just aging and trying to deny it? I know I'm trying to deny it. I looked at the pictures of Split today and read about walking here, there, everywhere and I just can't do that anymore. I think I'll have to be content with ship tours on a bus.
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