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Everything posted by dfish

  1. It is always something with a house. Our gas log fireplace suddenly decided not to light. We tried lighting it manually, but no go. We're saving that for tomorrow. She probably enjoys just having you close by. She's at that age where the friends take precedence, but the security of having Nonni and Papa close by is needed. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Congratulations! Welcome to the Daily thread, Rob and Sue. Glad to have you join us. Cute kids. Smart cat. Thanks for letting us know, Vanessa. I like, I like, I like! @StLouisCruisers Congratulations to Ren and Colton. @Cruising-along We will always miss our Dads. There are times when we can feel their presence. Sue and I did 3.5 miles out at the nature center today. Great hiking weather.
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a great day in mid-Michigan today. Sunny skies and temps into the mid 50s have inspired us to head to the Chippewa Nature Center and do some hiking. You have to do it while you can. Once the snow starts in earnest I will be back at the gym. We had a nice visit yesterday from Sister Barb and her DH on their way from their lake house to the condo near Detroit. They are celebrating Thanksgiving with their kids today. Sister Mary Jo showed up with her new puppy, Rita. Everyone enjoyed themselves and Rita found a new friend in Sue. I love onion soup. This first recipe says the key to a good onion soup is in the beef stock you use. If you don't like the taste of the beef stock, don't use it. I personally don't make enough beef dishes to have the scraps to make my own stock, so I'll have to rely on the grocery store stuff, but some is better than others. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/french_onion_soup/ The next most important thing in making a good onion soup is to be patient and caramelize those onions well. Don't just soften them. Get them to that rich, caramel color. And, be sure to deglaze the pan you cooked them in. There is a lot of flavor there! https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/classic-french-onion-soup/ This last recipe is Tyler Florence's contribution from the Food Network. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/tyler-florence/french-onion-soup-recipe2-1947434 Lastly, you can also make onion soup with red onions. It adds a nice twist to the dish. https://www.myrelationshipwithfood.com/red-onion-soup/ Prayers for those who are ailing and especially that Carol @mamaofami does not catch Covid. Cheers to those celebrating, especially on a BHB. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  3. FYI, I found a mound of sugar on the kitchen floor left over from my pie baking on Wednesday. I thought I had vacuumed it all up, but I guess I missed some. Sigh @JazzyV I am glad you arrived safely and God Bless the neighbor who sent the food. Hugs and warm thoughts for BFF's DF.
  4. We joined you in watching the Lions lose. But, the bright side is that they didn't get blown out.
  5. Good morning, all! I slept so well last night. Must have been from all the work of yesterday, but it was happy work. Thank you to all who shared Thanksgiving traditions and recipes. We won't be joining in the Black Friday madness. Today is decorate the house for Christmas day. We have the pencil tree in the living room done. Now on to the big tree by the sliding doors in the dining room. Today's meal sounds like something I would really like. Adjust the recipe to your liking. https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/grilled-branzino-with-cilantro-mint-relish-51179220 I only found one version of the cilantro mint recipe, but there are some nice recipes that are close. This one sounds really good. https://somethingnewfordinner.com/recipe/grilled-branzino-fish-with-lime-and-herbs/ Or there is this one with a Mediterranean flair. https://www.unicornsinthekitchen.com/mediterranean-grilled-branzino-recipe/ As for me, I'm having leftover stuffing for breakfast. We'll see how the day goes. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. I'm sure waiting on the wine was the problem. Motion tends to be more fluid with the addition of wine and you would have knocked over the cinnamon once and then just scooped it up as you needed it. I also chuckled about the earlier story about the appliance gremlins. Let them go for the commercial appliances for a while. And if they are going to hit one of mine, please make it the fridge. This one is ok, but not my favorite design. Just throw out that cucumber stuff. And tell the mixer how good it was to work when plugged in properly.
  7. I am loving all the Thanksgiving stories. @rafinmd Roy, your Thanksgiving meal looks ok by me. Key Lime Pie always makes everything better. It does sound like you have planned for next year much better. I, too, like wax beans much better than green beans. They are hard to find here. @kochleffel That wine sounds good. And I love schnitzel. @marshhawk So, what happened with the Autumn/Harvest Gold mixer? I have a new one coming tomorrow. We had to whip cream by hand with a whisk. I have new appreciation for my great grandmother's era. Your chicken story made me laugh. @Quartzsite Cruiser here's hoping the gingerbread dough turned out just fine. And that you aren't wearing too much of the flour on your dark brown jeans. Here's some pics from our dinner tonight. @Seasick Sailor the brussels sprouts and cauliflower were a hit! My new kitchen made cooking a large meal so much easier. I actually had places to put things! This dish was a winner. And we all enjoyed relaxing around the fire.
  8. The sauerkraut sounds divine and DB and DS agree that it would be a great addition to the Thanksgiving table. I do have German ancestry although my great grandmother insisted we were not German, we were Austrian. But, we all love sauerkraut. I am so sorry you have to cancel, but you have to follow your heart in these matters. You can always rebook a cruise for later, but a DF is a one and only. Blessings to you and your BFF. @kazu Jacqui, birthday remembrances for Jose today. I know he'd rather be with you. We're getting to crunch time on the cooking so I guess I'd better get to work!
  9. Good morning, everyone! We are looking forward to a lovely relaxing day today. For those who are cooking and hosting, I hope you will share a picture of the dinner you prepare. Today's meal is a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. What is traditional depends on your family heritage as well as the region of the country you live in. If you'd like, share a recipe of one of your favorite traditional Thanksgiving dishes!
  10. Good evening, everyone. Sue arrived from the woods up north and we had a busy, busy day. I already had picked up the turkey and made the stuffing. They are both in the garage - the turkey in a cooler and the stuffing in a pot taped shut in case there are critters about. Sue and I hit the bank, the post office, and Peel and Pare, a kitchen shop. She stocked up on coffee and I replaced the measuring cups that never jumped out at me and also got some hot pads, towels for glassware, and a drying mat. Then we made caramel apple pie. Now, a huge confession. The caramel apple pie smelled so good that is what we had for dinner. We had to whip the cream by hand because the mixer went in the trash after I blew it out last night. But, we did it! Our grandmothers did that all the time. That's how they beat egg whites as well. Wishing all who are celebrating a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.
  11. I hope you recover quickly with no lingering after effects. @bennybear Sorry about the cancer spots, but thankfully it was found and can be dealt with. @marshhawk I would be fired quickly from your job. I can't ask for money, especially that much money. I hate when people make the assumption that I have that kind of money sitting around looking for something to do. I would be tempted to never donate again. But, something else in your post struck terror in my heart. I started and went through the great appliance breakdown during the pandemic. Thank goodness for those stimulus checks! But, now I am in a new house with different appliances and I could start all over! Pray that doesn't happen. @Vict0riann In case I forget tomorrow with the hustle and bustle:
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is supposed to be a brilliantly sunny day here in mid-Michigan. I'm heading out to pick up the turkey and then making the stuffing and an apple caramel crumb pie. @Seasick Sailor I am going to make that brussels sprout/cauliflower dish. It sounds so good! Today's meal will end our run on butternut squash. At least till next year. But, there are many good options for a side dish for tomorrow's table for those of us looking to freshen up the offerings a bit. This meal can be made with butternut squash, acorn squash, delicata squash, sweet potatoes, or even carrots. https://foolproofliving.com/roasted-butternut-squash-salad-with-bulgur-and-tahini-dressing/ This next one is a great vegan addition to the menu. It is a sheet pan recipe so only one pan to wash! https://thefamilyfoodkitchen.com/delicata-squash-salad/ This last one is an adaption of the first one by America's Test Kitchen. I enjoyed the special meals ATK did on the Koningsdam before that partnership ended. https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/09/27/recipe-americas-test-kitchens-roasted-butternut-squash-salad-with-creamy-tahini-dressing/ Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  13. Messy painter/baker checking in. Not only am I a messy baker, I am a dangerous one. I managed to kill my hand mixer and blow a circuit in the kitchen. The electric in the kitchen is working again, the pie smells great and the mixer is in the trash. It was time to replace it anyways. It is from the Harvest Gold era. I also can't find my measuring cups. I remember seeing them, but have no clue where I put them. Now that I don't need them I should go back through the cupboards and they will probably jump out at me. Also missing in action is my Harvest Gold crock pot aka slow cooker. And my alarm clock. Not high on anyone's list for walking off with them, but annoying all the same. One pie down, one to go. Tomorrow I will make the stuffing and store it overnight in the garage along with the turkey. I pick that up at the butcher's tomorrow. Sue and I will make a run to Peel and Pare, a local kitchen goods store that also has the best coffee. Then we're coming home and peeling apples. When tomorrow's prep work is done we are binge watching The Crown season 4 since Sue hasn't seen it. Remember, she's the Luddite that won't get WiFi. She also only gets 3 stations on her TV.
  14. YEAH!!! Large item pickup just came by and removed the kitty litter container sculpture. I will now have to think of another descriptor for the house to give to visitors.
  15. Good morning, everyone! No early morning errands today. I'm going to take advantage of the warm up in temperatures to get in a nice outdoor walk. Then, I'll start making pies. Today's meal continues our run on butternut squash. I do think the butternut squash could be replaced by acorn squash or even sweet potatoes. I think I would like the seasonings and flavors in this dish, but the carbs are a deterrent to me. I can handle one of the main ingredients, but all three put me over the top. https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/butternut-squash-chickpea-lentil-moroccan-stew/ This next one looks even better. Without the chickpeas the carb count comes down, so maybe a couple of bites? https://www.eatwell101.com/coconut-butternut-lentil-stew-recipe This next one uses a combination of brown and green lentils and says you can substitute pumpkin for the butternut squash, or even (horrors!) carrots. https://www.supperwithmichelle.com/2016/11/butternut-squash-and-lentil-stew/ This last one is from the American Heart Association and claims the title of Healthy. Still, there are a few too many carbs for me. https://recipes.heart.org/en/recipes/moroccan-lentil-stew-with-butternut-squash Here's hoping one of these works. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  16. I was thinking the same thing. I want to paint my bedroom so I can fix all the nail holes that now stand out. And, I don't like the color. And what else do you do in the winter? Hey, you're allowed to cheat now and then.
  17. I am familiar with Ariel. My parents used to get Ariel for special occasions. I use it to make hot spiced wine for the holidays. Just one request: bring a white as well for Carolyn @Cruising-along and me. Ladies, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @Cruising-along @superoma @ger_77 and any other member of messy painters guild, I think we should have a virtual baking get together, complete with cardboardeaux.
  18. @Quartzsite Cruiser and @Cruising-along it makes sense that messy painters would also be messy bakers. I used to bake for Christmas but haven't done any in recent years. My mom always talked about the cookies her grandmother made, so I tried to make some of the same. She didn't have the recipes, so I did my best. She loved springerle, so I made those. I also made a German spice cookie. Each year I tried another butter cookie recipe, but none were as good as her memory of Nanny Huener's. Maybe since I don't have to drive anywhere over the holidays, I'll toss some flower on the kitchen floor and make some cookies. Hopefully, @marshhawk will come through and provide us with the cardboardeaux so needed to have the baking turn out as well as the painting.
  19. I didn't bother to check them all. Some had a little bit in them and others looked empty, but there were too many to bother with.
  20. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly start to the day in mid-Michigan, but it is supposed to warm to the 40's. That will be welcome. That is good news! Any idea what caused the outage? Busy morning planned here. I have to stop by the credit union and write checks from my Ohio account to my Michigan account. I can transfer funds electronically but the Ohio credit union only allows a transfer of $750 per day. I want this done a little sooner than that would allow. After that I am taking my brother in for blood work and seeing if I can get an appointment. I dropped off my paperwork three weeks ago and they said they would call me, but haven't. I'm running out of medication. Then, I'm stopping by the grocery store for the last minute shopping before Thanksgiving. I figured DB would want to stop there on the way home as well. We seem to be focused on butternut squash lately. I love the squash as well as acorn squash. The first recipe is a Thai red curry. Remember that curry doesn't have to be really hot. https://littlespicejar.com/thai-butternut-squash-red-curry/ Today's meal should be a pleaser for the vegetarians/vegans in the family. https://www.noracooks.com/butternut-squash-curry/ If you have carnivores among you, you can have a bowl of shredded chicken or shrimp for them to add to the curry. https://healthynibblesandbits.com/vegan-butternut-squash-curry-with-spinach/ Time to get moving! Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  21. That is exactly what we used to do. We were going from Midland to Binghamton, NY. To go around the lake was several hundred miles longer and with 6 active kids in the car that was a no go. We always cut across Canada and were delighted to know we were international travelers. Niagara Falls was a highlight of the trip. I forgot to mention that they, like the previous owners of my Ohio house, left us enough paint to open a paint store. They could have used some of that kitty litter to dry it up and put that out on the curb. Next month! The neighbor lady next door found it quite entertaining to watch them walk the cat. I am curious about DS and DDIL's house. It is always fun to remodel and decorate when you first move in. We will be doing some painting here, but I don't think we need to remodel. Just freshen up. Previous owners put nails in where ever they could find a space, so we need to take care of those and then paint. @JazzyV When is your trip? I hope these issues resolve before then. @0106 Tina, I am glad you had a great cruise! You certainly earned it. @rafinmd I'm glad you made it to your destination safely tonight. Safe travels the rest of the way home.
  22. Charles de Gaulle is no picnic either. I was in an aircast and on crutches. The Frankfort airport arranged for wheelchair transport to the gate and also said they had put in a request for a wheelchair at de Gaulle. On the plane the flight attendant confirmed the wheel chair request on the ground in Paris. But, when I got off the plane all the wheel chair attendants stood there with a smile on their faces shaking their head no. I barely made my next flight. I had to go through security again and the woman there was horrible. She took away my crutches and took off the air cast and left me standing there on one foot. Then she got mad when I said I needed help to stand there on one foot with my arms straight out so she could wand me. That experience provoked a letter writing campaign on my part.
  23. @Cruising-along The previous owners left a lot of curious things behind. I found a file - the kind you use to break out of jail - in the front coat closet. There were empty Pepsi cans here and there. I found out from the neighbors that the woman used to walk her cat around the backyard on a leash. The first thing Sue and I did was scrub down the bathrooms - it was obvious they had not been cleaned. Then we scrubbed down the kitchen and the fridge. Technically they met the requirement of broom swept clean because they didn't leave behind piles of trash all over the house. Just stuff in the garage and out on the front lawn. I've been missing you and Henry. I really enjoyed getting to know you both better on our cruise. @Sharon in AZ so sorry to hear you've been so sick. I sure hope you do continue on the path of recovery. Don't do too much! @Crazy For Cats Last summer our Norway trip was booked under one booking number but we still got our free bottle of champagne the 2nd week. It was technically a b2b. Donna and I had a glass for sail away and then we shared it with the neighbors.
  24. Welcome home, Jacqui! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Madeira is certainly beautiful.
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