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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! Wow, did I sleep in this morning. I don't think I've slept that late in ages. Yesterday's travel wore me out. I'm hoping the next time I make that trip it will be because of moving. @kazu Jacqui, I think it is great that you booked a cruise for over Christmas and New Years. Sue and I were going to do one but decided we wanted the cruises next summer more. $$$ is finite. Instead we will spend the holidays in our new home. We hope. The wine sounds great. I love a good Gewurtztraminer. MIght go well with one of today's chicken dishes. The only requirement for today's meal is chicken and a skillet. Skillet chicken can really be anything you want it to be. It can be a simple dish like this skillet chicken with a garlic and herb sauce made in the pan. https://www.cookingclassy.com/skillet-chicken-with-garlic-herb-butter-sauce/ Or this one with a nice spice rub for the chicken before cooking. The method described helps keep the chicken breasts moist and juicy. https://www.inspiredtaste.net/49683/skillet-chicken-breasts/ This next one looks really delicious. You might want some rice to go with it or riced cauliflower if you are watching your carbs. https://gypsyplate.com/easy-creamy-chicken-skillet/ You can make this dish anything you want, from a version of chicken pot pie......https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/chicken-biscuit-skillet/ to something that sounds fancy like these plum chicken tenders. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/skillet-plum-chicken-tenders/ If those choices aren't enough, here are 60 ways to make chicken in a skillet. https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/skillet-chicken-recipes/ Wishing everyone a great day. May those in the path of Ian remain safe. And may our new sellers accept our offer.
  2. I'd be interested in seeing that information. Can you send it to me? If someone wants to find me, they'll find me. Although, I'll be gone in a few weeks.
  3. Oh, my gosh, I used to walk past that house all the time when I was visiting Mom and Dad. Some days I'd go for long, long walks and hit almost every street in the neighborhood. Mom and Dad were through the path way over on Mason. You wouldn't have gotten the highway sounds where you were but those on Bloomfield would have. The house we looked at was on Butterfield and the highway went though the back yard. My niece and her husband and son are on their way. I told them they could come here, but they are going to Joe's aunt's house in Tennessee. I managed to fall going up the stairs and broke a hip. It can be done. However, I now always use the railing when going up or down stairs. We can always put in a double railing so there is one on each side. That is easy to do. Kind of like Spanglish? After one trip to Europe I decided I was a lazy bum and started taking Spanish classes. I even spent a few summers in Madrid living with a Spanish family. I got pretty good at one point, but haven't used it in ages. Not as much as we do. I'm going to be homeless in 38 days. My grandmother had to do stairs until she was in her 80's and sold it. It is a concern, but I don't think anyone could figure out who I was if I said I used to live at 608 Center Way in Lake Jackson, Texas. That was almost 60 years ago. That house seemed so big when I was 8, but looks so little now when I see pictures of it. I think Facebook is a bigger danger than CC for those who are scamming.
  4. It is a split level, sort of. There is a full flight of stairs between the top floor and the lowest floor. The top floor has two bedrooms, a bath and the living room. Then you go down 4 steps to the kitchen and dining room. From there you go down to the lowest level. You also go to the family room from the kitchen. If the kitchen level had a powder room I would be home free. Where did you live in Midland? I wonder if my realtor can access pictures. That conversion does sound strange. I keep forgetting what I wanted to say. Maybe I should go directly to assisted living. My niece and her husband are in Sarasota, just down the road a piece from Tampa. They are currently packing and are heading to Tennessee.
  5. Probably, but we'd have to install 3 of them. By then I won't be able to keep up with the place. '
  6. I have them now and we just aren't finding a home without them that is acceptable. They are either twice what we can afford or dumps that will take twice what we can afford to fix up. We talked about the stairs and we figure we'll get a good 15 years in the house and then we can sell it and move to the senior living apartments in town. Our brother lives there and we can try to get apartments on either side of him. He'd love it. Ok, that last sentence was in jest.
  7. Good afternoon, everyone! I am safely home from our whirlwind house hunting trip. Thank you to @0106 Tina for stepping in for me. I do appreciate that. I'm sorry for everyone experiencing health woes - I'll catch up tomorrow and be specific, but I wish everyone a speedy recovery. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad to hear you weathered the storm. We saw 5 different houses. The two that were right in our price range were quickly eliminated. One already had offers and would certainly go over asking and I wasn't willing to pay that much for it. The furnace was quite old and would need replacing soon. The windows were old and most likely a great source of heat loss. All the appliances were old and needed replacing. The third bedroom had room for a crib and not much else. No where to put guests. The fireplace didn't work and needed repairs. And the laundry was in the basement. The other one had a lovely yard, but the house was pretty much a dump. The kitchen was a gut job, there was no dining area, you had to walk through the furnace room to get to the bathroom, one of the bedrooms was locked and we couldn't see it and the there was no bathroom upstairs where the other two bedrooms were. It was quickly scratched off the list. Next we went to a nice ranch home. The layout was kind of quirky. The living room was really small and the dining room was huge. The basement was mainly finished off and had a nice big family room. Laundry was in the basement. It has been on the market for a while now as it is over priced. Then we saw one that is again overpriced for location and what you get. It is located near the highway and the noise from the highway was constant. You wouldn't be able to open windows in the summer because of the noise. The kitchen was way too small. It did have a main floor laundry, but the highway noise was a deal breaker. You might as well sit in the median and watch the cars whizz by. The last one was multi level, but stairs were limited in number at any one time. There is plenty of space. In fact Sue decided she would like to take the bottom floor for her bedroom and there is a space close by for her art studio. There is also a bedroom down there for guests. And, of course, the laundry is down there. I'll just throw it down to Sue. There was a nice large family room off the kitchen and the dining room was great with built ins. This is the one we decided to make an offer for. We are waiting to hear back. I'm sure they'll counter with a higher price. We're a little hesitant because there was an earlier offer and it was withdrawn after 9 days and the house came back on the market. We are curious as to why. I'm hoping the negotiations on this house go a bit more quickly than the drag out rejection of the other house. We shall see. Meanwhile, time to start getting ready for my cruise. I timed this well, didn't I?
  8. Good morning everyone from outside the Marion, Michigan Public Library. Fortunately, their WiFi signal is strong enough to reach the parking lot. Glad to see @kazuhas weathered the storm. Been thinking of you, Jacqui. We found a house we like and are putting in an offer. Here’s hoping this one goes through.
  9. Thank you! It is hard to house hunt from 300 miles away. But, I think we will find something this weekend. Now you can make them! They look pretty easy.
  10. You can leave me off the list and wait until we are under contract for a home in Michigan. Then we'll celebrate for sure!!!! This is a minor blip that happens with house hunting.
  11. Me, too! Although the toes are getting a bit cramped. We can shout it out together! I'll have the carboardeaux when I get home Monday night to celebrate a successful trip. I didn't think the Dailyites would go hungry as most of you are great cooks. I love the recipe sharing. DS mentioned some houses she saw on realtor.com and I looked at them and realized I couldn't let her do this alone. Ha ha ha. Or maybe I just like to be in control. I will be glad I did. Tired, but glad! Thank you so much. What would I do without my Dailyite cheerleaders! Thank you, Tina! I am leaving early tomorrow so won't be posting. I do appreciate this. I know we will. And if we don't find it right away, I can split my time between my sister and my niece. Thanks, Jack. Thank you, Vanessa. I feel better now that I am actively doing something to change the situation. I'll be sure to report next week what we found.
  12. Well, the carboardeaux will have to wait. I decided I'm going to make a quick trip up to Michigan so I can tour the houses with my sister. Meal of the Day will be on hiatus unless @0106 Tina is willing to pick it up. I'll be gone tomorrow though Monday.
  13. Yes, it does stink, but nothing I can do about it now except move on. Our realtor is putting together some homes for Sue to look at on Saturday. Me, too! Stick lots of pins in the voodoo doll for me! I wondered what that noise was! Today is turning into the day from **LL. First we lose the house, next the report on the inspection (could cost several thousands), then the window company did not replace the windows today. They just came out to measure so they could place the order. I sent them the photos of the labels and they said they had ordered the windows and they would be installed today. The guy who came out said the pictures were too blurry so they made me wait six weeks to find that out and sent him out instead of asking me to retake the pictures. Of course, there is a $99 service charge for each visit. They get you one way or the other. Now, I think I'll go back to bed and start over.
  14. I liked the looks of the last one as well. The inspection did a wrinkle. They want a foundation expert to come in because of a skanky wall in the basement. It has been like that the whole time I've lived here. I could stay with my sister, but her house is way too small for any extended period and she refuses to get wifi. It is better to let the rest of us do her internet work. I've decided I want a commission for the work I've done on the sale of her house. Renting is a possibility but it will take a bite out of my budget. My home is paid for and I have no monthly payment to make. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your DFIL. Thoughts are with you and your family. Thank you! Thanks, Joy. Thanks, Gerry. I think the seller was stringing us along and keeping us in his back pocket as insurance and so they could tell prospective buyers that there was an offer on the house. When he finally got one he liked better, he cut us loose. Thank you, Jacqui. I, too, am trying to figure out what the reason was for this. Maybe there is something better out there. I'm glad you were able to get everything under cover before Fiona hits. Hopefully, the trough will send her spinning off in a different direction. Botox was recommended to my sister for migraines and she was rejected for coverage as well.
  15. It happens more often than not. I'm not a big drinker. Except on vacation.
  16. Good morning, everyone! It is a new day and better things will happen. At least, I hope so!! Today the windows with leaky seals get replaced as they were under warranty. There's the first good thing. The other good thing is that my realtor got a text from the buyer's realtor saying the inspection went well, except for the faucet. Actually, the faucet is an easy and relatively inexpensive repair. Today's meal can be sweet or savory. I guess it depends on what you feel like having - dinner or dessert. A sopaipilla, sopapilla, sopaipa, or cachanga is a kind of fried pastry and a type of quick bread served in several regions with Spanish heritage in the Americas. The word sopaipilla is the diminutive of sopaipa, a word that entered Spanish from the Mozarabic language of Al-Andalus. The original Mozarabic word Xopaipa was used to mean bread soaked in oil. The word is derived in turn from the Germanic word suppa, which meant bread soaked in liquid. A sopaipilla is traditionally made from leavened wheat dough (or a mixture of wheat flour and masa harina) to which some shortening such as butter is added. After being allowed to rise, the dough is rolled into a sheet that is then cut into circular, square or triangular shapes, 8–10 cm in size for the longest dimension (if intended for a dessert) or 15–20 cm (if intended to be stuffed for a main course). These pieces are then deep-fried in oil, sometimes after being allowed to rise further before frying: the frying causes them to puff up, ideally forming a hollow pocket in the center. Here is your basic sopaipilla recipe. You can sprinkle confectioner's sugar on them or honey for a dessert. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/sopaipillas/ The sopaipillas above are like the ones found in the southwest US, especially in New Mexico. South American sopaipillas are a little different as seen in this next recipe: https://www.chileanfoodandgarden.com/chilean-sopaipillas/ In this next selection we see a more savory use of sopaipillas. https://www.curiouscuisiniere.com/chilean-sopaipillas-with-pebre/ If you are looking for a sugar overload, this recipe might be the one you want. Chancaca can be found on Amazon. https://www.midiariodecocina.com/sopaipillas-pasadas/ Here is an example of a stuffed sopaipilla. https://www.newmexicanfoodie.com/stuffed-sopapillas-filled-with-carne-adovada/ Just got word that we have definitely lost the house in Midland. Back to the drawing board. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  17. It is nice to think that, but we did leave a couple of things for him to find. Like we need a thin cap for the electrical panel. Dan has one and is bringing it out tomorrow. I should also have a fire proof door between the garage and the house. It is in the garage, but not in place. He could mention that! That is actually a biggie. But thank you for the kind thoughts. I think with the faucet he just was turning it the wrong way. I'll check it out tomorrow when Dan is here. That's my plan!
  18. Cardboardeaux sounds really good, but I don't have any. I'm in my jammies and it is too much effort to get dressed and go get some. I'm not sure the jerk is worth the effort to file an ethics complaint. I hope the Dr. can appeal the decision about Botox. It is expensive to pay on your own.
  19. Thanks, Vanessa. I agree about the Michigan seller. Me, too! I think that is what my realtor said. He told me he ripped the other realtor a new one for dragging this out and playing us while they waited for another offer. Thank you! We did put in a last ditch offer that met the criteria he set in his last counter. Haven't heard anything yet. Prayers for your DFIL and DF. I've been through that as well. I sure hope so! We are looking for another house. But, as my realtor noted, there really isn't much out there that is comparable. If we go comparable in cost we get some questionable properties. It is a difficult market. It will all work out. The faucet is the least of my worries. This is nothing compared to what you are going through. We'll be ok. Thank you. We'll find something. Eventually. Ray, I check realtor.com every morning and every evening. There may be 300 homes available but they are either way over our budget or less than 1000 square feet. We don't want to sit on each other's laps. We did make another offer, but haven't heard anything back. As for the faucet, I have possession of the inspector's level. He left it in my basement. He gets it back when I get a new faucet.
  20. We may have lost the house in Michigan. They got another offer. The seller dragged it out as long as he could with us in the hopes of getting another offer. My realtor is really mad. The inspector has come and gone. He was here an hour longer than scheduled. He broke the outdoor faucet in the back of the house. I used it yesterday and it was fine. But today he couldn't get it to turn off. He was probably turning it the wrong way. Hope he didn't find too much else to look at.
  21. Thanks, everyone! I am hopeful. Off to do my laps. @HAL Sailer Thank you for the good news about your DSIL. I hope all goes well for her. @kazu So happy you got the car back. It is really hard to go without.
  22. The basement stayed DRY last night during the rain! I am so excited!
  23. Good morning, everyone. A good morning it is. The basement stayed DRY during last night's storm. I think I finally came through to the other side. I can go off today during the inspection and not have totally twisted innards. Thank goodness for my neighbor, Trevor! He had already left for work when I got up, but I definitely have to let him know. Today's meal sounds good and could be a carb friendly one with low carb tortillas. Carnitas, literally meaning "little meats", is a dish of Mexican cuisine that originated in the state of Michoacán. Carnitas are made by braising or simmering pork in oil or preferably lard until tender. The process takes three to four hours, and the result is very tender and juicy meat, which is then typically served with chopped cilantro (coriander leaves), diced onion, salsa, guacamole, tortillas, and refried beans (frijoles refritos). A chipotle, or chilpotle, is a smoke-dried ripe jalapeño chili pepper used for seasoning. It is a chili used primarily in Mexican and Mexican-inspired cuisines, such as Tex-Mex and Southwestern United States dishes. It comes in different forms, such as chipotles en adobo (stewed in adobo sauce). Tostada is the name given to various dishes in Mexico and other parts of Latin America which include a toasted tortilla as the main base of their preparation. The name usually refers to a flat or bowl-shaped tortilla that is deep-fried or toasted, but may also refer to any dish using a tostada as a base. Given the above, there are tons of things you can do with this dish. You can substitute chicken for the pork if you wish. And, have a blast with the toppings. The possibilities are endless. Our first recipe comes from Taste of Home and gives us a basic framework for the dish. Branch out from there! https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/lime-chipotle-carnitas-tostadas/ This recipe lets your instant pot do all the work. https://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2017/03/instant-pot-chipotle-lime-carnitas.html This next one includes black beans to help with the cholesterol. Lots of good fiber there. https://marleyspoon.com/menu/86099-carnitas-tostadas-with-refried-black-beans-pico-de-gallo-lime-crema Let's get really healthy by including some greens and avocado. https://preventionrd.com/2014/07/avocado-and-carnitas-tostadas/ Prayers that the Bolt Creek fire is contained today and no one is harmed or in danger. Wishing you all a wonderful day. Pray for Ukraine.
  24. Ok, I have done all I can for the house inspection tomorrow. I built up the soil in that special corner of the house, tamped it down good, put mulch over it and let's hope it helps. My neighbor came over tonight and redid the discharge pipe so that it goes directly into the drainage pipe. No more emptying into the pool in the corner. It is supposed to rain tonight, so I am holding my breath. And that is the first thing I will check in the morning. @Cruzin TerriI'm glad there is progress on your house. It seems like it is slow going, but when you look at things, a lot has been accomplished. @HeartgroveI hope you do a good job getting rid of the evidence!
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