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Posts posted by Icruzthere4Iam

  1. Purchased the premium package while on Freedom in September. My girlfriend and I, as well as two other couples we were traveling with all had the stickers. None of us had any issues with getting service, either at the bar or from a server. Drinks were strong, plentiful and served with a smile. Will do the package again no question.

  2. Don't stand on the beach directly opposite the end of the runway either when the planes with the tail mounted engines takeoff. We were also at Maho the same day as the OP and saw more than one poor honeymoon couple wanted people to see. They had set up directly opposite the end of the runway and when the large plane with the tail mounted engines took off, everything they brought with them was blown into the surf. The woman chased after it and dove in to get her beach bag but in the process, lost her bikini top:eek: They were able to grab everything, readjust her swimsuit and came up to the Sunset Beach Bar to try to collect themselves and dry off. I let them use our towel from the ship since theirs ended up in the ocean. Unfortunately, two of their cameras and his watch did not survive the swim. We got their email address and are sending them some of our pictures. They were going to see if their memory cards survived once they get home but they might have lost a lot of their pictures from their honeymoon.:( Luckily, they had left a DSLR camera in their cabin on the ship so they were going to replicate some of the pictures they had already taken.


    Not sure if I'm a glass half full kinda guy or what but the upside I see in this story is that the bar there at Maho used to have a topless girls drink free policy so........;)


    Great review as always "Mr. Galt"!! It is refreshing to read an account that incorporates humor, sarcasm and gasp...personal responsibility!! I believe the world would be better off with more of those things in place:) Thanks for the review and can't wait to be onboard Freedom in 15 days! Take care, Jim

  3. You can purchase OBC by calling Gifts & Gear at (800) 722-5443. Have your booking number and credit card handy. The item number for OBC is 651, if needed. I suggest getting a receipt for your purchase emailed to you, and take a copy with you on the cruise- just in case. The OBC is fully refundable should you have any remaining at the end of your cruise. Enjoy Bermuda! :)


    Can I call this number and put an OBC on someone else's account? Like to surprise a family member with some funds for their cruise.

  4. ........." It is nice, but not the best experience since there are plenty of non-smokers who see tables with waiters, sit down, and glare at you as your cigar smoke drifts in their direction."............


    This made me laugh. I was in the cigar lounge on either Freedom or Mariner and a lady walked in and ordered a glass of wine. The staff member working in there had to leave to get it and this woman proceeded to flap her arms around and loudly hack and cough in that fun, fake way people will do. Mind you she is inside the cigar lounge doing this. I think the 8 or so of us enjoying our cigars all proceeded to puff vigorously for the few minutes it took for her to get her wine and leave just to really smoke it up!:D Some people are just to much. Looking forward to Freedom in September and some quality cigar time with friends. Great review by the way! Jim

  5. Great review AZ! Just read your post about the cigar and scotch tasting. Have not seen or read anything about this event before. I am a cigar lover and while not a scotch drinker would be willing to try some and learn about them. What was the cost for this event? Is it a regular thing? I'll be on Freedom in September and will be a regular in the cigar lounge but any info would be great. Thank you very much.......Jim

  6. Hi Juli,

    First off hope you're feeling better and healing. Your attitude and the way you dealt with this is refreshing. I try to face life with the same way of thinking. No one can choose my mood for me, it's my decision; therefore I choose to be happy!


    I have had the unfortunate experience of wearing an immobilizer for an MCL tear. It sucks, sorry:(. I wore a lot of flip flops and slides so I didn't have to try and get a real shoe on but I also live on the Gulf coast of Fl. not Tn in the winter:eek:. The up side to my tale is I followed all instructions, wore the #&%!*ing thing like I was told and I didn't have to have surgery! Hopefully the same holds true for you. Again, fast healing and thank you for a refreshing outlook here on the boards. Take care, Jim

  7. Hi Jim.

    Really enjoyed following along on your double transit. The pics of the canal and the operation of the locks were great!!


    You asked about blogging which I think would be a great thing for you to do. Your writing style and the way you use pictures to show things would be perfect in that format. I used to have a blog when I was traveling America on blogspot.com It was somewhat customizable as far as layout and such and was pretty user friendly. It was also free which was nice! Not sure if there are better sites out there so hopefully you get some good input from the rest of your devoted following;). Hope you and Carol enjoy the rest of your trip and thank you for taking so much time from your trip to bring the rest of us along. Take care, Jim

  8. Auqua, what a great thing you are doing in trying to track these folks down! You definitely seem to have things covered but one thought that popped to my mind is contacting the company that made the camera because if the folks who bought it registered it with them for the warranty they would be able to use the serial number and get some info. Again it seems like something you have probably done. Best of luck in your search and please keep us updated. Take care, Jim

  9. Just booked FOS for 10/4/09 so very excited here. Can't wait to read through this thread and get all the inside info on this ship. First time on this class but I love the Voyager class so I'm hoping that it feels familiar. Also was lucky and got 8638 on the hump so looking forward to what that is like as I see many raves about hump cabins. Thanks in advance for any and all info I glean from you all. Take care, Jim

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