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Christine Frances

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Posts posted by Christine Frances

  1. I'm just wondering if the reciprocal arrangement has a lot to do with the overcrowding. There are way more C & A members than Captain's Club and they always seem to outnumber CC in Michaels when we were there. There is no reciprocal between HAL and Carnival:confused: This may relieve the pressure on Elite events. I have my flame retardant suit on now:D

  2. I think the hours as they are work for both early and late seating. The decision whether to attend is still up to personal choice. I am sure there are early people who would like to remain at the pool/port until the last possible minute before dressing for dinner as well. But as the hours stand now, it is equally available to both choices. But if I ever cruise RCL I will ensure we dine late:D I agree, it is hard to please everyone!

  3. RC has their "diamond" (elite equivalent) event from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. daily. This accomodates both the early and late seating people.


    I don't see how 5-8:30 accommodates the early seating:confused: Looks like we would get only 1 hour and late would get 3 1/2:eek:

  4. The one thing we have to remember is that X uses Michaels Club for other things besides Elite Happy 2 Hours. They can't tie up the Club all evening as other people wish to use it as well. I do not favor changing the hours either - I can work around them - ports, pool etc. I defiantly would not like them to start at 5pm as we eat early (at the 6pm seating)! I think it is a wonderful amenity by X & Captain's Club but it's up to us how or if we make use of it. Even if we only make it 4 or 5 times I don't begrudge the times I can't make it because I chose to do something else.

  5. Your guides will usually help you with your camera's. I've seen them go first to the next platform with 5 or 6 cameras and have the uncanny ability to know who's camera was who's to take a picture of you zipping across.:D Small backpack or fanny pack would work - They usually supply you with juice or water but I would bring a small bottle of water as well. You will have a blast!!

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