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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good Sunday Morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily, to Vanessa for the List, Dixie and Ann for the Drinks and Debbie for the Food. And last but definitely not least to Graham for Father David’s sermon. Where would we all be without all of you! I don’t have a front porch on which to play music. I don’t think it would be appreciated anyway. As for kind words, I live by that. if i cannot say something nice, I just plain keep quiet. As for the Pony Express, here in our parts of South Carolina, that is exactly how we still get our mail, or at least one has to think so. it is SOOOOOO. SLOOOOW. I will skip the meal and drinks. DH has promised to take me out to dinner today. I have not been to the port. Interesting quote. Prayers for all on the list. (Vanessa, you can take my friends off the list if you wish. However, my cousin is still quite ill). I am doing a bit better with the Polymyalgia rheumatica. i see the doctor on Tuesday at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. i hope we get there and home before that storm hits. @mamaofamihappy to hear your good news about Sam. Prayers for his continued recovery. By the way @StLouisCruisers the name of the storm will be IDALIA. She does look like she is heading straight for us and I hope I am back in my house before anything happens. It looks like Thursday is our day. Wouldn’t you know that this the same day the floor guy is supposed to show up. Betcha he finds an excuse. We are planning our trip to Italy. We have some of our days in Venice plotted out and we will do a day trip to Padua. Gotta pay our respects to St. Anthony and thank him for all the things he has helped me find. in Florence, we have the Uffizi and Academia booked, plus a tour to Siena, San Gimignano and a wine tour. Of course i also need time to browse the San Lorenzo Market for those rare finds. In Rome we have tickets for the Papal Audience, the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel, a day trip to Assisi, and a Night Tour of Rome. Then there’s some wandering to do,. Then we board the Sirena and relax. Only three stops on our way to Miami—Cadiz, Funchal and Bermuda. Still working on two of those. Prayers for all of you and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone and God Bless, Terri
  2. We were in Copenhagen during our 32 day cruise this summer. i hope my photos are good enough; Jim and Me at the Little Mermaid. We got there early in the morning before the crowds. - Statue of King Christian The Marble Church
  3. Good morning to all. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet report. And thank you to Ann, Dixie and Debbie to keeping us fed and hydrated. Last but not least thank you to Vanessa for keeping us up to date on everyone’s news, be it good or not so happy. I didn’t get much sleep last night. Lots on my mind. i will probably pass on the food and drink and go for something simpler. We just returned from Copenhagen and I will try to post some photos on a separate post. Prayers for all and cheers to those celebrating. God Bless, Terri
  4. In one day I received bad news from four people. My good friend Janet fell out of the bathtub and broke her arm. My friend in the UK was supposed to meet her brother in Montenegro next week. However, he had a heart attack in Prague and died last week. She is devastated. My friend in New York had a hysterectomy due to cancer of the uterus and they found cancer in the surrounding lymph nodes and is going through chemo. My cousin in Louisiana had a stent placed in her coronary artery and is still not doing well. Her daughter is staying with her to take care of her. My problems seem small compared to these. Please say a prayer for all of them. Thanks. Terri
  5. Good morning to all. I am happy to be back. We had two days of no communication service. It appears that the equipment in our house decided to die. It was supposed to be replaced on Wednesday but did not happen until yesterday. More things to aggravate me. Meanwhile, I finally heard from the floor guy. He wanted to come on the exact day that i have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. How did i know that was going to happen! Anyway, we settled on next Thursday, August 31. I really hope he shows up this time. Thank you Rich for the Daily, and to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration list. Tina, you did a wonderful job subbing for Debbie. Three cheers! Thank you also to Ann and Dixie on the Beverage front. Today i will see if I can get a few things done in trying to clean out the garage. I have been trying to do this by myself but it has been so hot that it is next to impossible. There are just so many things to do and my arms and shoulders are not cooperating at this time. Hopefully the doc will have some solutions when I see him on Tuesday. I am late with a few things. @smitty34877 You and your family are in my daily prayers. I hope that somehow there is another treatment for Lou so that he can get past this hard time. @marshhawk I hope your DH is in less pain today. @Denise T Congratulations on getting though your orals to get your thesis project approved. All the best on that. Also congrats on the blood sugar results. @Haljo1935Welcome to our group. You will be remembered in my prayers. I hope you can have your surgery soon. Please keep us informed on how you are doing. I hope everyone is having a good day. i hope you all are out of harms way with the brewing storms. God Bless, Terri
  6. Hello everyone. In keeping with everything else that is going on in this house, we have had no Wi-Fi here since yesterday. Finally got it back. I have not read any posts. Just letting you know that we are alive and kicking, I will read the posts and post tomorrow morning. Prayers for eveyone. Floors will be done a week from today. God willing. God Bless, Terri
  7. Hello everyone, Just checking in. I appreciate being on the cares list. Things are just not going well and I am not feeling well. Hope to try to catch up today and read the Daily for the last few days. Hope everyone is doing well and will post later if I can. Floors still not done Terri
  8. Prayers for all our Dailyites who live in Southern California. Hope you are able to stay far from the storm. If you can fly to Savannah I have two bedrooms and am willing to put up three people. Just email me. I will pick you up in Savannah. you can stay here until the storm is over. Terri
  9. Something went right. Cleaning lady showed up. Yay! Terri
  10. You are more than welcome. I am glad you are going from Motril. Spain Day Tours does not make the half hour rest stop. With a bit of luck you may be able to see everything if you skip lunch. I agree that the Cathedral and Albacin are worth seeing. It is just so hard to do on a shore excursion. Good luck. Terri
  11. Stay safe and check and let us know how you are doing. Terri
  12. You will not have a lot of time after the Alhambra Tour with Spain Day Tours. You may have time for a quick lunch but that is about it. The Cathedral and Albanian are not close to the Alhambra and you will need to walk there. It is a long walk and then walk back to meet the bus. I have been to the Alhambra a few times. Twice I have done it on my own when we stayed in Granada when touring Spain on our own by rental car. Those were the best because we could take our time exploring the Alhambra. it was also the time when one could buy a ticket and just go in. Now there are time slots. Spain Day Tours gets the job done. If going from Malaga, they make a half hour rest stop half way, which I feel is a waste of time. It cuts into your time in Granada. On that day we did not even have time to see the complete Generalife. I don’t think the group realized that they missed the most beautiful part of it on the highest level. If you are lucky enough to stop at the port of Motril, the ride to Granada is much shorter and you will have more time in Granada. That tour with Spain Day Tours was much better. I do think that a lot depends on the guide. The guide we had on that tour was better than the first one. Again, you have to keep moving and no time to wander. On the time we went from Motril, we had time to have a nice lunch prior to returning to the bus. However, I don’t know if you would have had time to get to the Cathedral and Albanian. I hope this helps a bit. I do think that if you want to do all this, you might want to hire a private guide. That would help you get to all the places you want to see. You may want to contact South Olé Spain Tours. They do private tours but are expensive. Terri
  13. Good morning. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Also thanks to Vanessa for the Cares list. And to Tina to keeping us fed and Ann and Dixie in the hydration department. Not much on the agenda today. Need to get some grocery shopping done and hopefully the cleaning lady shows up. Other from that it will be a quiet day. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  14. Be aware that the Granada on Your Own tour does not leave you off any where near the Alhambra and it is not too easy to get there. If I were you, I would go with Spain Day Tours. I have do the Alhambra with them. The tour is adequate, they get the job done. If you really want to see the Alhambra, this is a better choice.
  15. First of all, I hope Ann and Pat remain safe during the fires. Prayers that the fires can be put out soon. Debbie @dfish, glad you are feeling better. Well, all my predictions have materialized. I have not heard from the floor guy. The contractor is on vacation and will not be back until Tuesday. So I can remain aggravated until then. At least I let the Contractor know about his flooring guy and and he may want to find another. I made quite a bit of noise. However, I am still not going to get any action until at least until the beginning of next week. i am very tired, not having slept very much last night. That is not helping. Sorry for dumping on you all. Good night, Terri
  16. The promised return call at noon time from the flooring guy did not materialize. Why am I not surprised! A call to the Contractor went to voice mail and no return call. All to make me frustrated. Meanwhile the floors keep getting worse and worse. Time to make more noise. Terri
  17. Good morning everyone. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. And to Vanessa, Ann, Dixie and Tina for keeping us going. I like the quote from Harper Lee. I will pass on the F/B departments. I have been to St. Thomas a number of times, the first being back in the summer of 1972 while studying Spanish in Ponce, Puerto Rico. A group of us went to St. Thomas for a long weekend. At that time it was cheap and we had a great time. Have been there a number of other times, either flying in from PR or on a cruise. Love the shopping there. Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos to post. I am still suffering from the PMR and it will probably not subside until I get the okay to increase the medication. This is the first time that my neck is affected and it almost makes me think that I have another problem since this has been going on since I had the cold on the cruise. Prayers for all who need them @smitty34877 prayers that Lou gets some strength back. I think Annie’s suggestion of milkshakes sounds like a good idea. @marshhawk I hope your PT goes well and that your DH continues to tolerate his treatment. You seem excited about your trip to Rome. As for pasta in Rome, make sure you order Cacio e Pepe, classic Roman Pasta Dish to die for. You will love it. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. @Mr. Boston, A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! So we got up early to be ready for the floor guy at 9 am. At 9:45 am still no sign of him. If you remember, he wanted to be here at 7 am and I adamantly told him that was not going to happen. First phone call went to voice mail and a full mailbox. Sent a text that did not get a response. Second phone call, he picked up and said his vehicle broke down and has to be towed, Doesn’t know when he will be able to come. To say the least I am less than thrilled. Time to call the Contractor again. This is an unacceptable situation. So that is where we are today. Not a very happy camper right now. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  18. @smitty34877 i am so happy to hear that Lou is home. I hope he continues to improve. Prayers that all goes well. We went to the Podiatrist and then Barnes and Nobel and then Sam’s Club and also the wine store for some Fino Sherry. Made it back home before the rains came. it just started to thunder as we got the last things in the house. Bought a rotisserie chicken at Sam’s for tonight’s dinner. Nice and easy. PMR still giving me trouble—mostly in the shoulder and neck area. I do not want to see a different doctor so I will wait. Thank you for your concern. A big problem is sleeping. Just too much pain. Got a thermopedic pillow, which is helping somewhat. As for FedEx, we were lucky that they showed up before we left. So we got the package. I spoke to the lady who usually does our deliveries and she told me that if we are not going to be home and a package requires a signature, put a note on the door to leave the package and sign the note. It will be sufficient. Glad to know that. it makes life a bit easier. So that is all I have for now. Hope all of you are having a good day. Terri.
  19. Good morning to all, Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to Vanessa for the lists and to Tina for keeping us fed, Dixie and Ann for keeping us hydrated. I like the quote. Good Old Lana Turner. Have not been to the port. I enjoyed the photos. Thank you Lenda. @RedneckBob Thanks for the jokes. I knew i could count on you! Prayers that Baby Murphy continues to improve and Sam continues to do well in Rehab. Terry @smitty34877 it is good news that Lou may come home today. i hope his blood work is okay and he stays well enough to stay out of the hospital. Prayers for @marshhawk and your DH. I am still having problems with PMR. Taking prednisone every other day and don’t want to increase it. My Doc is not in clinic this week and will not be back until week after next when I go down to Jacksonville, I really don’t want another doc to get involved, so I will wait and suffer. Neck really hurts and impacting on my daily activities. Today we are in a dilemma., Since DH does not drive anymore, I have to take him to the Podiatrist. We are also awaiting a FedEx Package that requires a signature (which was supposed to be delivered yesterday). How much do you want to bet that FedEx will come while we are at the medical appointment? Isn’t that always the way! Not much else to report Prayers for everyone, especially those in Maui and the Ukraine. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless. Terri
  20. Good morning everyone, Sorry I have been sort of AWOL these days. Truth is that my Polymyalgia Rheumatica has returned with a vengeance and it is also affected my cervical spine or my neck, making it difficult to sleep or to lift my arms. Hard to do almost everything i have an appointment with the doctor at the Mayo, but it is not until the end of the month. i am a bit reluctant to increase the prednisone on my own. It is just so hard to do anything that needs to be done. With all the others with problems that others have, mine seem minor. Anyway, enough of my problems. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. I like the days—especially Best Friends Day. i also like to relax and these days, I have to do a lot of that just to keep the pain at bay. I agree with the quote. i will skip the meal because these days, simple is the rule around here. The wine and drink look good. I have been to Alaska, but not sure we stopped at Hubbard Glacier. @smitty34877, glad to hear that Lou is making improvements and may be going home soon. Prayers for him and for your whole family. @cruising sister I am happy to hear of Baby Murphy’s progress. I pray it continues. Prayers for all who need them. Cheers to those celebrating or cruising. The flooring man is coming on Friday and I am praying that they don’t have to rip up a lot of the house to fix the buckling. It is affecting the living room, bedroom and den. Not happy about this. thank you to @StLouisCruisers, @Sharon in AZand @Seasick Sailor for the great photos. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  21. Just checking in. Very busy week. Glad to see that Baby Murphy is off the ECMO machine and in her parents’ arms. How wonderful. I hope it works. Prayers for all. Will post when I can. God Bless, Terri
  22. i started reading these posts three times with many interruptions. i wish I could remember what i read early today. @smitty34877 Glad that Lou is getting the treatment he needs and prayers that he improves. Prayers for Baby Murphy and hope we hear some good news soon. I have had a busy day and hope everyone is doing well Prayers for all Terri
  23. I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers for Lou and for you and your whole family. Stay strong. Terri
  24. Jackie, we are there from 7 am to 4 pm so i don’t think the 7 hour tour is feasible unless we start at 8 am. It will just be Jim and me. There is no action on the roll call due to Oceania’s new shore excursion program. We booked before it started. Just thinking the 5 hour tours would be better. We will probably go with the Highlights. I might ask if they would start at 8 am and do one of the 7 hour tours. Thanks for your advice. Terri
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