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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning from Barbados. It seems like we have overcast skies again today with a good bit of wind. Last night we had a lovely dinner here at the Coral Reef Club to celebrate our anniversary. We had lots of rain to accompany our meal. I think we did the right thing by getting away from our messy situation at home. It gives us an opportunity to rest and look at the whole situation more objectively. Today I have a facial booked at 2:15 and then I will also schedule a massage. That should help to ease sore muscles from the nasty fall I took two weeks ago. Other from that we have a day of relaxing planned. Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those on the celebration list. God Bless, Terri .
  2. i am sorry for not naming all of you who wished DH and me a Happy Anniversary. We have had internet and phone problems all day. I am seizing the moment and thanking you all for your good wishes. Terri
  3. Good afternoon everyone. First of all i wish to thank all of you for the lovely anniversary wishes. So far it has been a quiet day. I think we are still quite tired from all the traveling yesterday. Jim is taking a nap and I have been trying to post, but I have had a few interruptions this morning. Hopefully they are over. i have yet to get to the beach. The one disappointment we do have is that we did not get a beachfront cottage. I guess those are reserved for the repeat guests. Since we have not been back here for quite a few years, we don’t count as such. We do have our own private plunge pool though and our accommodations are lovely. I want to wish all our friends of the Jewish faith a Happy and Blessed Yom Kippur. As I write this, I realize that my little trek to the beach will have to be put on hold. We are having a rain storm. A pretty hard rain right now. So i am happy right where I am. I hope everyone has a good day. I will try to post again later. Hopefully with some pictures. Will have to hold off right now. Take care and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  4. Good evening. It was a busy day. Plane was delayed in Miami but not too much. Something about loading luggage. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife on the plane. I downloaded the whole Season 11 from Netflix on to my IPad. I watched it back in the Spring but missed some episodes because we were cruising. All went well with immigration and customs. I really liked watching my IPhone telling me that my luggage was about to show up on the carousel. As soon as it got there it would say “With you”. The wheelchair pusher and porter thought it was real cute. They never even heard of it here. We got settled in and unpacked. Had a welcome drink. Then we took care of our rental car. We were so warm, I was dripping and really felt good after a very nice shower. A big change from the mess in my house right now. For dinner, Jim had roast chicken, which was very good, with baby vegetables and potatoes. I had jumbo prawns with sautéed spinach and balsamic sautéed mushrooms. Both meals were very good but way too much to eat. I am now sitting in the Living room of our suite in my jammies and writing this. Then it is off to bed. I had a long day. Woke up at 3:45 am this morning. A very long day. Tomorrow I have arranged to exchange money with my private banker. Better rate. Then it is off to the supermarket to buy a nice big bottle of my favorite rum punch. We have a little refrigerator in the room. I am getting a facial and a massage. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day. My back is hurting a lot. Need to rest and de stress. It is good to be back in Barbados. We have not been on this island for 3 years. Before that it was a yearly ritual every spring for 39 years. It was like coming home. The only difference this time is that we no longer have our timeshare and will not be seeing all of those friends. We will get to see many of the islanders that we have gotten to know over the years. i never found my earring so one of the things we plan to do is get a new set of tanzanite. I don’t think we will be able to replicate what I had, but I am sure we will find something very nice. i hope everyone had a nice day. I am tired and need to go to bed. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  5. A quick Good Morning from the Admirals Club Lounge at the Miami Airport as we wait to board our flight to Barbados. I have about a half hour before we have to go to the gate. Our flight from JAX was on time and we landed in MIA early. Finally got some food. We had to get up at 3:45 am this morning. Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. My boyfriend is my wonderful husband. We won’t mention priors. Child health is of utmost importance. I used to think I was a techie, but things move so fast these days that I just can’t keep up. I need to get help now when I have a problem. Or maybe I am just too lazy to try and handle it myself. Thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration List and thank you for including us in both. Our home situation will be a mess for quite a while. We are looking forward to celebrating our anniversary tomorrow in the place where we spent our honeymoon 41 years ago. i will try to post some photos during our stay. I have not been to the port. The quote is interesting. Not sure I agree with it. The boy who loves me is a gem. As for the meal. I really did not read the recipe. However I am of Italian heritage. We had pasta every Sunday. Usually spaghetti and meatballs. The leftovers would be for Thursday night. My grandma would put some olive oil in a cast iron skillet and fry it until it was crisp. It tasted better than Sunday’s meal. I still do that sometimes when we have leftover pasta. However, it is not always spaghetti and it is not always on Thursday. It appears that our plane is on time. What a miracle in this day and age. I managed to buy a four pack of AirTags to keep track of our luggage. It is a good thing. On our first flight AA was showing that one bag was not scanned. However the AirTag app showed all four were on the plane. What a relief! I am signing off. The new time you hear from me will be from Barbados. Thank you all for all your good wishes. Have a great day everyone and God Bless Terri
  6. What is your problem? I gave my experience. If you had a different experience then state it. Don’t pick apart my answer, I just told you what happened to us. I don’t want to start an argument. All I am saying is that we were not made to move to another cabin. Isolation and quarantine are used interchangeably on the ship, even by the medical staff. Stop being so pedantic. Good night.
  7. On most of our stops in Corfu we have rented a car. However on the last trip we hired a driver by the name of Spiro. Besides showing us the island, he treated us to lunch on a mountain top. He prepared a lunch of Greek bread with Feta and tomatos with spices and olive oil accompanied by some wine. It was a treat.
  8. I beg to differ with you. We were quarantined in our own cabin on the Nautica in April. There was never a hint that we would be moved to another cabin. I don’t know where you get your information, but you should check it carefully. Maybe if one member of a couple is positive one of them may be moved but if both are positive they stay put in their original cabin. Terri
  9. Actually we get back to JAX on the night of the 17th at 11:30 pm. So we’re staying overnight and driving back to Bluffton the next morning (18th). Sorry I confused you. Terri
  10. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Roy for the Lists I like the collection of days. Custodial workers play an important part in our everyday lives, farm animals are necessary and as for naming a car, I only did that once. When I owned a red mustang convertible, I named it Ruby. I have no idea what the meal is and I do not drink hard liquor so I will pass on the Rob Roy. I like the quote. Corfu is an island I have been to a number of times and would go back in a heartbeat. it is the birthplace of Prince Philip. Prayers for all who suffered damages in Ian’s path and patience for those who are waiting for power to be restored. Cheers for those who are celebrating. i thank you @rafinmdRoy for including us on the celebrations list. However, we are leaving tomorrow (10/3) for Barbados. 10/4 is actually our anniversary so I hope we get there in time to celebrate. I am hoping that your change of date is not an omen for tomorrow’s flight and all goes well without any delays or cancellations. I already received an email from American Airlines to check in for tomorrow’s flight, hopefully that means it is going. After breakfast and showers we will put the last minute things in our luggage and off we go. Unfortuately we can’t weigh our luggage beforehand, because the people from Service Master who were packing our stuff up, packed the luggage scale. I opened the drawer where we keep it, only to find it empty! So we will have to hope we are not over the weight limit. @grapau27Thank you for posting Father David’s sermon. Always look forward to it every Sunday. Also, thanks for the explanation of the importance of the custodial workers. I hope everyone has a Happy Sunday. Stay safe and God Bless. Terri
  11. Thank you all for the good wishes. Hope tomorrow’s drive is not too bad. We have to be up early on Monday since we have a 6:28 am flight to Miami. Then a 10:20 am to Barbados. We arrive at 2:15 pm. Only the last minute stuff to go in the bags tomorrow morning and we are finished. i cannot tell you how much I need to get away from this mess. Thank you all for being so supportive for the last month through this nightmare. Will try to post and send photos when and if I can. I really did this up big. We are flying business class and then I arranged a Meet and Greet at the airport in BGI to whisk us through and a Limo to get us to the hotel. After all, this was supposed to happen last year for a big anniversary and then we had to put it on hold because DBIL passed away. So I decided to do it up big. DH has no idea. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. LOL! He’ll just think it’s part of the package and I will let him believe it. Hope everyone had a good day. God bless and good night. Terri
  12. Sorry to hear this. You are in my daily prayers. Hope things can improve soon for you. Terri
  13. We will be away for 2 weeks. Be back on Oct. 18. Thanks for the good wishes. Terri
  14. A good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like the days. Don’t know what I would do without coffee in the morning, I salute the elderly, since I fall in that category and I am all for frugal fun. The wine and meal sound good as does the drink. We have been to the port and went to Aix-en-Provence from there. The quote is interesting. Thank you to Roy for the Cares and Celebration List. Prayers to all who need them, especially all those who were ravaged by the storm. Thank you to Graham @grapau27 for the explanation of the days. And to @dfishfor the recipes. Hope you make a dent with the packing. We are feeling especially blessed that Ian spared us. We have enough to deal with right now. We are excited that we will be able to go on our trip. Wrapping up the last few things we have to do today and will leave for Jacksonville tomorrow Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  15. As I said before, we had a non-event today. We had some rain and wind but nothing to speak of. We are grateful. We sure did not need anything more than what we are dealing with right now, and certainly no more water! We are just about packed and ready to go. Tomorrow we will finish up a few last things and then leave on Sunday for Jacksonville. Our flight to Miami is very early and then we will get the 10 something flight to Barbados arriving at 2:15 pm. I cannot wait to have someone take care of me for two weeks and be able to celebrate our anniversary in style. I hope everyone stayed safe today. God Bless, Terri
  16. @MISTER 67 So glad you are safe. I agree wholeheartedly that the best thing to do in your situation is to take a cruise. Hope you have a great time and that when you return you have power. BON VOYAGE! Terri
  17. It’s time for a weather report. So far i cannot complain about the weather. We have had some gusts of wind, but nothing to speak of. We have had some rain, but in reality we have had worse and it did not have a name. Right now, it is windy, but no rain. No flooding. I hope I am not jumping the gun and thinking that all is well, but really, I think we will be okay. Also, this morning I received an email from American Airlines reminding me to get to the airport early since I requested a wheelchair. I did this after I fell down. My back is still hurting and don’t think I can manage in Miami without one. So it looks like we actually will be able to go on our vacation/anniversary trip to Barbados. All that being said, we are still under Hurricane and Storm Surge Warnings. We will see what will happen. From the weather map that I am looking at, we are just at the outer bands. I think we will get some more outer bands of rain and wind, but I don’t think we are in a danger zone. I am praying I am right. At least Jim Cantore is not in our area. Terri
  18. Good morning to all from a very rainy Bluffton, South Carolina. Thank you to @richwmn Rich,for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like the collection of Days. I have been known to have a mud pack when having a facial, I do eat vegetables, but am not a vegetarian. In my job I was an authorized translator for Spanish documents. I like the quote. I have been to Napflion. I very pretty town in the Greek Pelopenese Peninsula. I have no idea what the meal is, and will probably pass on it, nor do I think we will imbibe on the drink. Champagne is always nice. Thanks for @rafinmd Roy, for the Cares and Celebration Lists. Prayers for those who need them. And Cheers to those who are enjoying cruises and celebrating special occasions. Thank you also to @grapau27Graham for the explanations of the days. It certainly helps to make them more relevant. Hope you are doing well. As for our situation here: It is raining. It is a steady rain but very little wind. Maybe that will change. Right now, I would say it is a non-weather event. I have seen worse here,. What they are now showing on the Weather Channel at Myrtle Beach is far windier than we are experiencing here. I don’t know if it going to get worse, but we are at the very south end of South Carolina and IAN is moving north. I suspect that within a few hours it will be over for us. However, that is my take on it. That being said, the weather channel is still showing our area under a hurricane warning. So I continue to ask you to keep us in your prayers that we are able to stay safe and do not have another water event in this house. I hope everyone has a good day and stays safe, well and dry. God Bless, Terri
  19. We were told to expect power outages tomorrow. It seems that the storm has shifted east so we may have less impact on my area. Please keep us in your prayers. I will post as soon as I am able tomorrow. Terri
  20. Sandi, Jacksonville Airport is closed today. However the city of Jacksonville seems to have been spared the worst of this storm. We plan to drive to Jacksonville on Sunday as planned and hope to get on a plane on Monday as we expected to. If not, we will see when we will be able to fly out. I don’t think that we will have trouble getting to Barbados from Miami, I think our problem will be getting out of JAX, We also have to worry about the roads being passable. JAX is 2 1/2 hours from our home. I would not be surprised if the airport opens tomorrow or at the latest on Saturday. thanks for your concern. Terri
  21. We are thinking that if we cannot get out on Monday, we will try later in the week. I will see what happens. Not going to try anything until Saturday. The anniversary can be a moveable feast. We have learned to be very flexible these days. Thanks for the suggestion. Terri
  22. We are now under a Hurricane Warning. Upgraded from a Tropical Storm Warning. (Beaufort County SC) They have closed a bridge between South Carolina to Savannah and are contemplating closing the bridge to Hilton Head. This is not good. Now everyone is scrambling to get prepared at the last minute. I stopped at the Publix because yesterday I went there for milk and bought everything but. Well, the shelves are empty and I got the last bottle of milk. I hope everyone in the path of this storm remains safe. Terri
  23. Good morning to all. Right now it is calm here. That will change as the day goes on as we are next up for Ian’s wrath. I don’t think we will get the same pounding as our friends in Florida but we are expected to get some flooding high winds and rain. We are under a hurricane/tropical storm warning. it is anyone’s guess where it will make its third landfall. Speculation is near Savannah, That is just south of where we live. Please say a prayer for us. We don’t any more drama in our lives, nor do we need any more water in our house. Great collection of days. I have to like Maritime Day or I would not be a cruiser. As a former New Yorker, I loved going to Broadway shows. I miss that so much. The productions here are of High School Play quality and just don’t measure up. Happy Birthday to Confucius. A great philosopher. I will pass on the meal and drink. Maybe the wine. I have not been to Majuro, Marshall Islands. I have a hairdresser appointment this morning and then I will devote the rest of the day to packing for Barbados. However, still not sure we are going to get there. Trying to think positively. Finished all my ironing yesterday. I have not found my earring. Don’t understand why St. Anthony is abandoning me. Maybe I have burdened him too much! Prayers to all our friends in Florida in the path of Ian’s wrath. Also prayers for those on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  24. Yes, to no avail. The ship was full. I was told to take it or leave it. Terri
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