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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning from a sunny but hot Bluffton, SC. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily and thanks to Roy for the Cares and Celebrfations list. Interesting days. Thank you for the explanation of National Night Out. I would have taken it to mean a date night. CAD is important and very useful. And last but not least, who doesn’t like an Ice Cream Sandwich. i like the quote by Mark Twain I will pass on the meal, drink and wine. I have not been to the port. On our most recent cruise we were in Portimao, which is close to Horta, but we were quarantined at the time so we didn’t see anything, Not much to report today. Prayers for everyone on the cares list, especially those with Covid. @smitty34877Hope you and your family are managing okay. @kazuHope you and Shadow (lLittle) are doing better. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. @dfishI still have St. Anthony on the job. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. God Bless, Terri
  2. This is really late. I was going to post this but got distracted and then went to bed. I am glad the whole business with Father David is settled and Pauline is now part of our family. And with that I wish everyone Sweet Dreams. Terri
  3. I would never think of putting my passport there. LOL. Somebody could steal my passport easily, but I know exactly where it is., That is the most important thing. I will tell you a story. I used to work in the Federal Building in downtown Manhattan. It was a very cold day and I was wearing earmuffs and pearl earrings. When I got up to my office on the 33rd floor I only had one earring. i rode the elevator up and down looking for it. No luck. I prayed to St. Antony. I went to the lobby. No luck. At lunchtime i met my husband, who worked two blocks away. He met me in front of Federal Plaza on Broadway between Worth and Duane Streets ( a very busy place) I told him about the earring. I looked down at the sidewalk and there in the groove between the pavement was the earring I had lost four hours earlier. i have a lot of faith of St. Anthony. Just don’t know why he made me wait four hours to find it. Debbie, I will keep praying. Terri
  4. @dfish Debbie, welcome home. Any update on the missing luggage. I am praying as hard as I can. St. Anthony is working overtime. Terri
  5. @marshhawkThank you for the beautiful hymn. It is my favorite. I have a special devotion to St. Francis. His feast day is Oct. 4 and it is also the date that we were married. The hymn was sung at our wedding. Terri
  6. Good morning to all Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. And thank you to Roy for the Cares and Celebration list. Prayers for all that need them, especially to those with Covid. @smitty34877 I hope your family is doing better, especially your DH and Tana. @kazu Shadow is beautiful and I am sure she will calm down and you will soon be enjoying each other very much. @Paw13 Welcome to our friendly group Pauline. As for the days. I love my girlfriends. As for the other two, I don’t play Mahjong and I would not dare go mountain climbing. For heaven’s sake, I don’t even climb stairs these days unless it is a necessity!. I will skip the drink, like chicken Parmesan, and like the quote. Interesting wine. This past spring when we were in Rome, we took a day trip to Montepulciano and Pienza for a wine-tasting tour. Very nice wines in that area. I will be interested to read about today’s wine selection. I hope everyone has a great Monday. This thread is about friendship and kindness, I hope it stays that way. God Bless, Terri
  7. I agree with you, Roy, and those are my sentiments exactly. I was planning on posting something similar this morning.There’s always the ignore button. Terri
  8. This sunset is the best I can do tonight. A bit different. Enjoy! Sweet dreams. Terri
  9. My cable network does not carry the Smithsonian Channel and I spent about two hours trying to see if I can install it as an app. No luck because my carrier is not listed. Does anyone know if there is a way to watch this on one’s computer? There are many pay option but don’t want to subscribe for one show. Thanks in advance for any help. Terri
  10. I was on the Nautica back in April/May for 22 days. i thought the food in the Terrace Cafe was pretty good. However Toscana and Polo were the best on the ship. As for the shuttle bus in Seville, consider yourself lucky that there is one. We did not have any. If you didn’t walk, you were out of luck. there were no taxis around either. Our only saving grace was that the temps were quite a bit lower. Terri
  11. Debbie, i am glad you all had a great cruise. I am sorry to hear about your sister Sue’s luggage. I will start praying to St. Anthony, the patron Saint of Lost items. Hopefully it will show up. i am sure she is upset. I will pray hard that the luggage shows up. Keep us up to date. Terri
  12. A good Sunday morning to all. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend with lots of sunshine. It is supposed to reach 97 degrees today. Since we are not going to the beach, I guess it will be indoor activities. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like Mutts, even though I don’t have one. Not a fan of Avocados, but like watermelon. i would be interested in trying the quick Carbonara and thank you to Tina for giving us such great instructions along with the recipes. However, we will hold it for another day. Today we are having steak and stuffed mushrooms and potato salad. The wine seems lovely, but will pass on the drink. Not sure what to make of the quote. Prayers for those on the cares list, especially those with Covid. I hope those who took tumbles are recovering from their bruises. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Enjoy. Thank you all for your prayers. i am feeling a bit better and hope it continues. Have a great Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  13. Sorry, no sunset tonight. Just lots of clouds. Dark now. Maybe tomorrow. Have a good night. Terri
  14. Thank you, I was beginning to think that O was only picking on me. I had no trouble today. That being said, my TA was having the same difficulty while she was trying to book a cruise for me Terri
  15. Thanks Vanessa. I do feel better today. So far no problems with the stomach. i do think you have me mixed up with marshhawk. i don’t do fundraising. Terri
  16. Oh Terry, I am so sorry to hear this. Hopefully the Paxlovid will knock it out of your systems very quickly. We were not fortunate enough to get it when we had it on our cruise. Prayers for all of you. Terri
  17. Sandi, Have they done any blood work? Your symptoms seem so similar to mine after I had Covid. I still have some leg stiffness but I not as bad as you describe. I also injured my knee while we were in Rome. I bumped into a small table and had a lot of swelling afterward. I attributed a lot of the pain to that. I am finally getting an X-ray on Thursday. Everything takes so long these days. I am wondering if maybe you should get another ultrasound of your leg (Doppler). Just go to an ER rather than your Medical Professional. Tell them you suspect a DVT. They will do it. Something is going on there. I am worried for you. Terri
  18. Good morning from a very overcast Bluffton, SC. I don’t think we will get much sun today. Thank you Rich for the Daily. i like all three of the days. My Father-in-law passed away before Jim and I were married. However, I knew him and he was one of the nicest persons I ever met. He was a true gentleman. it rubbed off on his son. Friendship is important. If we could all play nice in the sandbox, there would be less animosity in this world. i love cheesecake. I have been to Porto. However, don’t have any photos to share. Long story. I will pass on the meal. The drink is too strong for me, but I am sure that DH would love to have one. The wine looks good. Prayers for everyone on the cares list. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Last night before I went to bed I took two Advil. I usually don’t because it can cause stomach problems. However the pain in my hands was so bad, I had no choice. Well, this morning the pain is considerably less. I hate taking those pills and really cannot take them often, but it really did help. Have a great Saturday and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  19. Good evening. I don’t have a sunset tonight since it is very cloudy and there is nothing to see. We’ll see what tomorrow night brings. I am late to the game again. I am having a hard time typing. My both hands are very painful and I am doing as little as possible. I have an appointment at the Mayo on Thursday. I need three injections but they will only do two on that day. I had to choose. So I chose my right knee and left hand. They are the most painful. i am also getting a referral for the hand surgeon. I cannot wait until after the holidays. It is too painful I am just hoping the recovery period is not too long. I can get the injection in the right hand three weeks later. Prayers for all that need them and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Can’t type any more. God Bless. Terri
  20. It’s going in and out. Thanks for trying. Terri
  21. Try again. Even my TA can't get on. I tried 'safari and Edge. Neither work. Worked for a few minutes and then went back to Access Denied. Terri
  22. Is anyone having trouble signing on to Oceania’s website? Keep getting “Access Denied” Terri
  23. I would suggest you find a place to meet your friends off the ship. Besides the security concerns, there is the issue of Covid. I would think that the ships would try to keep anyone who is not a paying passenger off the ship to minimize the spread of Covid. They are having enough trouble keeping it in check just among those on board. Terri
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